Second Amendment Revisited

Deborah Venable

May 17, 2002


The Founders knew what they meant by the unalienable “right to bear arms”, but too many in the present government, from the electorate to the elected, seem to feign ignorance.  Of course it is PURE ignorance that makes some folks prefer that only criminals have possession of firearms – for believe me, that is the inference of ALL gun control laws.  How foolish and illogical can any argument be?  Those who still cannot see that ANY infringement of the right to bear arms flies in the face of individual sovereignty and freedom are hopelessly ignorant. 


As soon as you start to put qualifications on who should be allowed to possess and carry weapons of any kind, you shoot the right to self-defense and the defense of this country in the foot for everybody.  The parsing of words like “militia” and “qualifications” only add to the unsupportable and ridiculous argument that we do not have the same rights as our representative government to “bear arms”!  Who is trying to play God? 


History has proven time and again that an unarmed society is a doomed society.  There is no arguing with that kind of proof.  The first step to the sentence of tyranny is to make the masses dependent and then follow that up with a complete disarmament.  It goes against every fiber in the natural human spirit to give up individual sovereignty, yet history has shown us that it happens in the strongest societies.  In happens in spite of religious convictions, and it happens in the face of certain servitude.  It happens whenever too many people lose the will and the intellect to fight back and maintain their human worth on this earth. 


The only way to win the battle against the complete dissolution of the Second Amendment is to refuse ALL infringements.  We cannot continue to go along to get along and agree with those who would see ANY free man or woman disarmed for ANY reason!  The lip service that so many have given to gun control legislation has done so much harm already, I don’t know if we can ever recover from it.  Laws are for people who will follow them.  Gun control laws will never govern unconscionable criminals; what’s worse, unarmed, law-abiding citizens will always be their victims!


Isn’t it time that we, the governed and the governing, just say “no” to gun control and “yes” to individual freedom and responsibility?



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