Individualism vs. Collectivism

Deborah Venable



Societies have been ordered since the beginning of humanity according to two basic beliefs - individualism or collectivism.  In case anyone has forgotten, America was established under the order of individualism, but now we find ourselves buried in a daily barrage of collectivism that threatens to destroy American culture altogether.  Why must we keep preaching this stuff? 


Human beings have a great individual value, but collectively they are the spawns of worthlessness.  A human who insists on being recognized according to his membership in a group is basically telling the world that his individual value is nil.  I already hear the voices of protest on this one, so please hear me out.  Everything having to do with human freedom hinges on the willingness to take responsibility for individual actions and demand individual rights.  Individual sovereignty comes first.  Why is it that Americans have a problem getting their mind around the absolute correctness of this?  It is, after all, our very heritage and a very real part of our culture.  How can we expect individual rights to be served by acquiesce to a society concerned with serving a collective?  A coerced collective cannot exercise any power to serve individual rights.  Define “coerced collective” you say?  Any group of people forced to pay for the privilege of belonging.  This country has required a high price from her citizens ever since the income tax was introduced for the privilege of being American citizens in good standing.  This country was not founded with the intent of collecting income tax, folks.  There is NO moral justification for the collection of such a tax.  This is a wholly and unholy COLLECTIVE idea. 


Let’s take a look at a more specific definition of the ineffectiveness of collectivism, shall we?  One would have to be deaf dumb and blind to not notice that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution has been under constant fire for decades.  The point is that it should have NEVER been allowed to come under fire – not in an individualist society.  Collectively, however, there are those who do not want the responsibility for their own welfare in a world where evil has always dwelled.  They are willing to pay any price to have that responsibility lifted from their shoulders.  The price they are willing to pay is EVERYONE’S freedom, folks.  This is the crux of what is wrong in America.  Instead of so-called individualists fighting this fight in the true spirit of individualism, too many have chosen to turn to collectivism.  Case in point – the NRA – the most collectivist organization in the otherwise conservative political scene today.  The NRA is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington – just ask any liberal and they’ll tell you!  God help us!


Bless Charlton Heston’s heart, but his will probably be the only “cold dead hand” of NRA membership from which the last individually owned gun will have to be pried!  The rest will keep paying their dues and waiting for the lobbyists to force the “right” legislation concerning Second Amendment rights in this country.  They will fail to see that ANY restrictions, and I do mean ANY on this constitutional right to keep and bear arms is counter productive to securing this basic freedom. 


Organizing to get things done is fine but only if the goal is a shared one and responsibilities are also shared.  Belonging to a variety of organizations that purport to be working for one cause or another seems to be a popular political sport these days.  The problem is that no one is held accountable for achieving what should be the shared goal of all.  Even if a goal is clearly stated, (and too often it isn’t) there are varying ideas about how to go about achieving it.  The only thing that all organizations can clearly agree on is that achieving any goal costs money.  So, people are allowed to affiliate themselves with these various groups in a “supporting” role simply by contributing monetarily.  Never mind that your contribution, dues, or whatever will probably never be used toward achieving the goal.  That’s right – I said money is NOT what achieves goals!  Hard working, committed, responsible people achieve goals.  The idea that organizations can collect from the masses and change anything with those collections is a collectivist idea!  That is the way our present government is working because all of you said that was okay!      


These concerned citizens that are now saying a tax cut would jeopardize this country are totally duped by collectivism.  With that line of thinking, why do any of us need to retain any of our own money?  Why, we could just give everything we get our hands on to the government and wait in line with our hands out for whatever they deem would be our fair share to live on, couldn’t we?  Anything we might need could be supplied to us, (by submitting the proper amount of paperwork of course) and things would be hunkey dory!  


This country will not be “won back” from the jaws of socialism by embracing the societal guise of collectivism, folks.  Collectivism IS socialism and communism and everything else that is a dire enemy to individual freedom and prosperity.  God doesn’t even have enough individuals willing to put it all on the line for the preservation of His influence on America!  People seem to think that they must be associated with or identified by their membership in religious organizations in order to stand up for their religious rights.  I’ve got news for all you Christians in name only, we will all be judged INDIVIDUALLY.  Think about that the next time you allow yourself to be intimidated by your membership in whatever Christian organization you belong to.  God did not give us all a collective mind to think with. 


Bellyache about the ills of government all you want, but remember – YOU are the government of this great country.  Don’t like the way things are in your neck of the woods?  Start your own fire and don’t insist on collective contributions of wood for it.  Fight with everything you, as an individual have for what you believe in.  Educate the masses – not to join some group or other – but to stand up for themselves as individuals for whatever they believe in.  Period. 


Individualism will win the war for individual freedom while collectivism is still trying to assess what hit it - if and when Americans embrace their heritage and their culture as individualists.  You want to collect money?  Collect from your neighbors to help out a poor family in your community but ask them to get involved further than just their pocket book.  That is true Christian charity.  If something needs doing in your community, get involved and do it.  Don’t petition government or collect funds from your neighbors to do it.  Don’t give them that pass.  Vote responsibly and vote every time.  Require the representatives you send to government to represent you and other individuals who think like you do.  That is what it is all about, this self-governing system of ours.     


One final note to sum all this up – get rid of the income tax and stop waiting for help.  Stand up for your constitutional rights and stop trying to find loopholes for infringements on them!  They DO NOT exist in a truly individualist ordered society.  Force each and every representative you send to government to answer questions on this ridiculous tax code and other infringements on individual rights.  Stop believing that regulation and restrictions are for the good of all – they are not!  Joining and contributing just to make yourself feel good is useless! 



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