God Given Rights

Deborah Venable



Let me remind everyone, in case some have forgotten – America was founded on the basis that individuals have a God given right to freedom.  If anyone were going to infringe on this freedom of the individual, it would have been the Creator – but He didn’t!  In His infinite wisdom, He left man to his own choices.  The Founders of our great country more than realized this – they fought and died to secure the right of individual freedom for each and every American and future American.  Too many of their descendants have spit in the face of their sacrifices.  Consequently, many Americans today do not even have an understanding of their rights to any freedom.  That’s right – I said ANY freedom. 


No doubt we hear the word bandied around a lot, but America has been so ravaged by the ignorance of foreign cultures welcomed to her shores and the cruelty of deceit from ungrateful descendants of her original birth, that her founding principles of freedom are scoffed at, ignored, and constantly attacked.  The people we raise up on pedestals of political power no longer have the interests of individual freedom as their top priority.  When they use it, the word blackens their tongues and falls to the ground as spittle from the mouths of raving lunatics.  There is no reverence for what it means nor commitment to see it exercised by common men.  Instead, it is but a jewel in the crowns of our would-be princes, and it is used to blind us to our own duty to secure it for ourselves. 


Our government was designed to utilize public servants to carry out its meager business.  It was not the plan or destiny of government to become a fortress of power wielded by delusional psyches of grandeur and authority with no thought of themselves as servants.  But that’s what we’ve got!  It has happened because too many chose to exchange a wealth of freedom and opportunity, supported by the willingness to die defending it, for a selfish demand for economic security without the will or intelligence to even see that this can never exist.  As a result, government is both worshipped and despised, and its staff of “public servants” does everything but serve. 


We are quick to point out the failings of staffing in the business world.  We will complain to “management” about inferior service when we consider ourselves “the customer” being slighted by a careless attitude.  Why, then, do we continue to accept and cower before the “authority” figures in government, who damned well should be concerned with the quality of their service to their “paying customers” – we the taxpayers?  Interesting, isn’t it?


In this coming new year, perhaps it is time to stop contributing to the problem of a government out of control.  Perhaps it is time to hold the public servants’ feet to the fire and insist that we get our money’s worth, insist that we maintain the freedoms to which we have a God given right, and demand that those who would trade those freedoms go elsewhere to do it!  Threatening a bad showing at the ballot box for our elected “princes” has little effect if their appointed and hired henchmen in government offices everywhere are given free rein to rule us with their self-proclaimed authority.  On any given day, government offices all over America are open for the business of “authorizing” our God-given freedoms – from government schools that indoctrinate our children, to licensing atrocities that demand our compliance, for a fee of course.  Dismantling this web of deceit against us is the first order of the day for restoring America to her original intent – that of being the last hope of mankind to live in peaceful justice.  When will her citizens see that???


I don’t care who you are or what your philosophical, religious or political beliefs are.  If you wish to be known as a Real American, you’d better start assuming your God-given rights and be willing to pay the price for them.



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