Reality vs. Fantasy

Deborah Venable




If there was ever a nation in bad need of a reality check, the good old United States of America is it!  I know some folks have a hard time with reality, but that is their problem and should not affect the rest of us! 


Reality – The Congress of this great country is acting as useless as tits on a boar.  Forgive the colorful language, but in reality, that is the best way to put it!


Not only are their recent exercises in non-binding resolution arguments useless, but they are also extremely dangerous!  To make these arguments, reality is left by the wayside and fantasy is embraced to fullest.  Facts are forgotten, enemies are placated, heroes and future generations of Americans are put in great jeopardy, and a huge percentage of the American public, both in and out of politics, are shown to be nothing short of stupidly selfish.


We are forced to pay attention to people who would be president in two years and IGNORE the one person we elected to do the job now.  How dumb is that?


Do we honestly believe our world will be here all pristine and wonderful for this future president to take up and lead out of the bowels of Hell if we continue to throw the present president under the bus and paint a fantasy world that doesn’t exist?


The American people are more willing to listen to the likes of Hollywood entertainers, WHO GET PAID TO ACT, than to the people who are laying their lives and reputations on the line for their country.  Wow!  What kind of reality is that to be proud of?


Let’s cut to the chase and get one thing clear.  We invaded Iraq back in 2003 for several reasons.  Every intelligence source we and the rest of the world had indicated that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and nobody doubted that he would be willing to use them.  That was reality.


Now, we seem to be living in the fantasy of, he didn’t have them, he wouldn’t have used them if he had, and we had no business invading the poor man’s private country.  My only question is HUH?


Of course he had them.  Of course he would have used them if he had the chance.  Of course the world is a safer place without the devil!


Was I the only one who heard about all the sites our guys found that had contained WMD?  They even found small quantities left behind, but we KNOW the bulk of the weapons stores were MOVED – probably out of Iraq.  We didn’t have bad intelligence, but the politicians and Bush haters have had a heyday pushing the fantasy that these weapons never existed!  That is a far cry from reality, folks.


Now we have the likes of Lady Clinton and other pres hopefuls declaring how wrong they were to vote for the war.  Even if these folks were sincere, there would be no way I would ever vote them into office for Dog Catcher, much less the highest office in the land!  Mistakes like that cannot be allowed – that is reality.  It is also reality that they didn’t make any mistakes in reading the intelligence and voting accordingly – which means they are liars now and even worse for the country.


Reality is that the American people want to “feel good” about their opinions.  They want to be judged on the purity of their feelings about war and peace and prejudices, and they seem not to care so much about honesty any more.  So, if they can feel good with denouncing American war, they don’t bother to think about what the results might be if America never went to war. 


Think about THAT alternate reality for a moment, if you will.


Why does America go to war – ever?  Conspiracy theorists – those elite among us who know more than everyone else, would have us believe that America has to go to war to keep the well-oiled machine of the military industrial complex operating at the forefront of the world stage.  America must throw her weight around, enforce a compliance to the American Way by every two bit dictator and otherwise innocent, friendly, and power worshipping barbaric society that dares to hate us.  We go to war for oil, money and more power.  Meanwhile, the world does have its way with us, doesn’t it?  We are the only people on the face of the earth that are so stupid we are willing to believe the worst about our country and the people we put in charge of making decisions for us to the detriment of our children’s futures!  We are the laughing stock of every demented regime that wishes to unravel American will, and we trot out our dirty laundry for the whole world to see. 


Fantasy – America is no better than any other country on earth.  Fantasy – any other country with the power and wealth of America would handle that power and wealth much better than America ever has or ever will.  Reality – a world without American values communicated with America’s great wealth and charity would be a world of total political and physical misery!


I’ve had a cognizant half century of watching and participating in America’s great battles, and reality has taught me that people lie, cheat, steal and murder in an attempt to change history and the reality that is true history. 


Human beings who do great things in life have a discriminating sense of right and wrong and they are not afraid to take a stand for right and condemn wrong.  They don’t pussyfoot around the real issues with “gray area” speeches about good being relative and bad being a matter of opinion.  They don’t spend millions of dollars to get elected into office under the auspices of “representing” an immoral people who haven’t earned the number one place in the citizenry of the world and don’t deserve to call the shots for our own lives and the futures of our children!  They, instead, recognize that if they have been elected to serve the American people, they should serve them with truth and dignity. They don’t make excuses for anyone who wants a piece of us, and they sure as hell don’t try to tell us that they “made a big mistake” years after sending us into war for our very survival!  They also don’t stand on a holier than thou platform of “we never have a good enough reason to fight evil because we don’t have a right to judge evil.”


Reality check time, people – stop being so gullible that you’ll believe anything a calculating, misfit American who only wants to be king (or queen) in two years tells you.  Take a good look at whom you elected in the last couple of elections TO REPRESENT YOU in this imperfect government of ours.  Which ones have the most to lose if you happen to see through fantasy and discover reality before they can spin it away from you?  Most of all, learn to tell the difference between true history and that manufactured stuff of fantasy!


If we don’t soon get on the same page of fighting the Islamic fascists wherever they are with the same determination to win that THEY certainly have, we may all live to see a glimpse of the awful world we will leave for our children to inherit – right before the truth finally dawns that maybe, just maybe the academic elites and those genius personalities we worship as entertainers should be relegated to the palaces of fantasy and shunned from the credibility of reality.



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