A Nation Of Immigrants

Deborah Venable



A cup of coffee, a pot of beans, a bowl of soup, and a biscuit – and there you have a meal.  But, let’s not forget that one bad apple can spoil the barrel.  So, what if there were several more (than one) “bad apples” – would the barrel be spoiled sooner?  What if the coffee was served up with sugar and cream to a person who likes black coffee, or the beans were undercooked, or the soup contained too much salt?  Would the meal be ruined?


America was a nation of immigrants – but not to the Indians that were already here when everyone else arrived.  Even though the Indians were defeated by the immigrants, descendants of those immigrants still extend unprecedented status to the descendants of those original Indians, do they not?  Not that it matters to those seeking something for nothing.  Descendants of those immigrants still extend unprecedented status to the descendants of those enslaved Africans brought to the nation of immigrants so long ago – not that it is ever enough for those seeking something for nothing. 


When are we going to learn?


Once again the current “immigration” issue has stirred to action all those seeking something for nothing!  And once again the descendants from that original “nation of immigrants” are expected to “dish up a good meal.”  Never mind that the barrel has been spoiled and the meal ruined. 


Am I discounting anyone here?  The well-assimilated descendants from those original Indians and those original African slaves are now a good part of the nation of immigrants, and how do they feel about supplying the something for nothing to all those who demand it now?  If they are truly well-assimilated, they probably feel like anyone would, who found himself confronted with foreigners demanding recognition and a right to something for nothing.  Are American citizens marching in the streets of other nations demanding something for nothing?  Could they get away with it if they did?


As usual the government has made this issue much more complicated than it has to be.  The American people want three things – all of which are the government’s responsibility, unlike so much that “the people” seem to demand of the government these days.  Number 1, the people want security from encroachments on American borders, and the right to protect their own property from such encroachments when illegals slip through.  We don’t have that now.  Number 2, the people want illegals removed from America whenever and wherever they are found.  That isn’t happening either.  Number 3, the people want American employers who hire illegals punished enough to stop them from doing it.  Obviously, that isn’t happening either.  Doing these things is much more simple than the American people are being led to believe. 


Now, obviously “the people” is not an all-inclusive term describing those who hold the reins of government in our self-governing republic.  But I do think that those who do not share the aforementioned desires of “the people” for handling the immigration issue are in for a rude awakening if they do not heed those desires.  At least I certainly hope so.  We are a “nation of laws” – too many laws – and as such we have a system of enforcement in place already that should be able to handle the problem.  The fact the government, the president and representatives namely, now think that throwing more money and manpower after the problem will solve it shows that they have no intention of solving the problem.  As with the failing educational system in this country, throwing good money after bad will NOT solve the problem!  The only thing that that ever does is grow a whole new problem.


The nay Sayers are trumpeting the tired old mantra that goes something like this:  we cannot deport all the illegals that are currently here or penalize all the employers for hiring them without crippling the American economy.  Balderdash!  And we can stop the flow over the borders too.  How do we do it without turning America into a police state and involving military forces to stop and search everyone and monitor every move a business makes?  Okay, let’s stop right here and think.  If we give in to any compromise “solution” to the problem, we will most definitely end up eventually with just that scenario!  It will happen, and when it does America will bare little resemblance to her former self, (even as she is right now.)  However, the real solution is to allow the free market system carte blanch to handle the economic concerns.  The government does not need to police business – the people and other businesses will do that in short order IF they know that immigration law breakers will be dealt with swiftly and completely.  If every single illegal that is currently here had to live in real fear of being caught and sent back, and every employer of illegals knew that their business was in real jeopardy if they get caught, and if every citizen and every legitimate employer demanded that immigration laws be enforced and the government followed through with that enforcement, the problem would be solved.  There can be NO middle ground on this issue, folks. 


The economic sky is not falling, nor will it if we eliminate the illegal workers from America.  The big hole in the work force that would supposedly be created by rounding up all illegals and putting them back over the border is a non-lethal one – less a nuisance than a small flesh wound.  The relief to the social welfare, criminal justice, educational, and health systems now wallowing in critical condition would instantly heal that small wound.  My God, this is elementary stuff, folks!  The media and professional political elites had rather you think otherwise because it is much easier for the government to take control of legal United States citizens in a punitive and regulatory way than to admit that millions of illegal aliens have been ignored for years for various reasons – all boiling down to the government failing to do what it is supposed to do.  For instance, the IRS has effectively controlled the most legal of citizens for decades now through fear tactics that rival the worst tyrannies.  This country has the highest voluntary tax compliance of any nation on earth.  So to say that the government would be incapable of “rounding up ‘ illegals and deporting them is untrue. 


Why, then, are lawmakers more concerned with dealing “fairly” with the lawbreakers who are already here than they are with solving this obvious problem once and for all?  I don’t care what anyone says, amnesty is a simple word to define and no amount of smoke and mirrors can suddenly change the definition.  The proposed “punishments” are a joke and depend on a compliance that will not be forthcoming!  Why?  Because the people from whom the compliance would have to come are of a different caliber than those who comply with tax law.  They are not nor will they ever be a part of the truly assimilated nation of immigrants.  They don’t wish to be!  For God’s sake, they don’t have to be!  Our “benevolent” ignorant are ready to give them the farm Scott free!  As for the few who are not ignorant, but seemingly stand for giving away the farm, they have another motive much more sinister than extending America’s good will.  That motive has to do with growing a lower income class citizenry faster than the middle and upper income class can ever hope to keep up with.  Once again, it is all economics, folks.  It always is.  As long as you can have the “poor” with more collective power than the not-so-poor and the wealthy combined, you will maintain the perfect conditions for socialism.  And that has been the ultimate goal of so many for so long that it isn’t funny.


The saber rattling that President Bush tried to do the other night in his short address to the nation fell short of accomplishing anything more than giving his conservative detractors more ammunition against him and giving the left and the media a chance to agree with him – not that either of those things are beneficial to his administration or the country right now.  But I heard nothing in that address that suggested he has changed his stance on immigration – so he was at least consistent.  He is not the problem anyway, although many will misdirect their ire in his direction.  Don’t get me wrong, though, he could have been the solution.  (Executive orders and all that.)  Wouldn’t it be neat to finally see a president with the backbone to stand up and defend this Nation Of Immigrants the way it truly needs defending?  Dream on.


I am including some links here if you wish to read more on the immigration subject.  They run the gambit of supplying the language of proposed bills, presenting commentary on the president’s address, as well as the fallout from it, to describing some events that happened in Congress just yesterday. 


So, eat up, America!  A cup of coffee, a pot of beans, a bowl of soup and a biscuit – with perhaps a rotten apple for dessert – what a fine meal, eh?  But then, what do you expect for nothing?



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