Defining Treason

Deborah Venable

June 30, 2006


Simple.  Anyone too stupid to tell the good guys from the bad guys – or even worse, just doesn’t give a damn, or worse still, acts deliberately to negatively impact his country’s efforts to win a war has committed treason. 


You want a dictionary definition?


“The act of handing over – to hand over or betray; the betrayal of a trust; the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or his family.” 


Better still, you want a soldier’s opinion?  Check out the archives for communications such as this.


Heaven knows what our soldiers in uniform who are now rotting in jails and prisons for killing the enemy think about treason.  I don’t think we want to know!


Now, in case you are confused:  The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America is being used to defend rags like the New York Times, Cindy Sheehan, the big-mouthed Dixie Chick broad, John Murtha, half of the Hollywood Crowd that rushes to microphones in this country or on foreign soil to rant against their country’s actions in war time, Senators Boxer, Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, etc., not to mention the wannabe Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the liberal members of the Supreme Court who return stupid decisions concerning treatment of prisoners of war, AND anybody that wants to desecrate the flag of the United States Of America - BUT it CANNOT be used to defend ANYONE who wishes to publicly address people and invoke gratitude to Jesus Christ or the Christian God.  Why not?  Oh yeah, that’s right – because THAT would violate the “separation of church and state” part of the Constitution that ISN’T EVEN THERE!  


So, treason is okay, helping the enemy in time of war is okay, leaking powerful terror fighting tools and strategies to the press is okay, coddling the enemy in any way that moronic liberals see fit is okay, but publicly stating a belief in and gratitude to Jesus Christ is NOT okay. 


Bear with me a minute, all you atheists, agnostics, and folks with non-Christian religious beliefs who are bristling at my correlation here between things that you would perhaps not tie together.  They ARE all tied together because the words of the Constitution are being redefined every day to support the liberal philosophy, (otherwise known these days as a RELIGION.)  In other words, my beliefs, philosophies, RELIGION are being SUBSTITUTED for theirs.  Make no mistake about it folks, a STATE RELIGION is being established and its name is LIBERALISM.  And that, ladies and gentlemen IS in direct violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution:


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .”


There is absolutely NOTHING in there that prohibits ANY American citizen anytime, anywhere, for whatever reason from mentioning God or Jesus Christ.  BUT there sure as hell IS a prohibition in that First Amendment to American law, i.e. written by Congress, STOPPING any American citizen from expression OF ANY KIND of belief in or adherence to Christian principles or God’s law. 


You see, this country is in trouble because the tenets of Christianity on which rests the framework of our government, our laws, our traditions, and our culture is being slowly but surely eroded away and replaced with the tenets of the religious belief in the philosophy of liberalism. 


This was all preordained many years ago by those who set out to destroy America and the human liberty that she represents and defends all over the world.  Everything that is happening was foretold – not just in the pages of well-known religious texts, but within the written goals of every man-made enemy government and every enemy that America ever had.  Liberalism is a religious philosophy of idiots.  It requires that we aspire to lower and lower depths of human desecration, cherish meaningless art, promote utter weakness and dependency, and above all else discriminate against Christian ideals and American tradition. 


It has been said that religious beliefs appeal to the weak-minded and give man a crutch on which to lean when he refuses to stand on individual principles.  That about sums up liberalism in a nutshell.  However, if one is guided by a faith in the God-given human spirit, he needs no “crutch” to support his beliefs.  Liberals do not understand spirit.  They are frightened by it because they cannot see it and they sure as hell don’t feel it.  Besides, they need someone else to blame when things go wrong for them, and their “religion” gives them that.


To leave you on a positive note, let me say this – treason IS defined as a betrayal of trust.  The greatest betrayal has always been that of failing spirit in all human endeavors, but especially the battle for liberty.  Every war America ever fought, social or otherwise, was met with internal defiance.  If mob rule, (otherwise known as pure democracy), was the law of the land, America and much of the rest of the world would not know the meaning of, much less be experiencing, human liberty in any form.  Our own Revolutionary War stands as proof that a MINORITY of remarkable citizens with faith in that aforementioned God given human spirit and a great desire for liberty for all made a difference.  Join not the ranks of the faint of heart then, but rejoice in the knowledge of right and wrong and stand for the principles of right at all costs.


Have a wonderful Independence Day celebration and God Bless you one and all!



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