Atrocities Of Morality – Six Years Later

Deborah Venable



A little over six years ago I wrote an article called “Atrocities Of Morality” for another website.  That site no longer exists, but the article has wound up on many other sites on the internet, so I guess it struck a chord with a lot of folks.  As I was reading over it again, I noticed that it really could have been written yesterday and it would be even more apropos than it was back then. 


Given the fact that more and more Americans seem to be having trouble defining moral limits, and that includes persons in positions of governmental power, judicial power, and especially parental power, perhaps we should once again draw attention to a few things that scream for a moral justice.


Here is the article as it was originally published:


Atrocities Of Morality 

Deborah Venable



Excuse me while I take a little break from ranting about the socialist agenda in America – just a little break – call it a re-al-it-y break if you want.  Does any of the massive group of “victims” in this country, (and no, I’m not talking about us patriots who are victims of rights grabbers), have any idea what goes on in most of the rest of the world right now?  I hardly think so or they would not be trying so hard to make America over into a country that would easily fit in with barbaric regions on the rest of the globe.


You stomp around and demand things like “reproductive rights” and scream at Christians who try to tell you that it is wrong to kill your unborn babies.  Hey, I’ve got a great idea – go to China!  You won’t be accosted by Christians over there, and the government will pay for your abortions.  You won’t even have to ask!  Why put up with the atrocities of morality here? 


You get so sick and tired of seeing churches and Bibles and God everywhere you look, and you can find somebody spouting that Christianity stuff on at least one channel on television if you really look for it - not to mention all the music that contains some mention of God or Heaven or Angels that bombards your poor ears if you happen to land on a Christian or country radio station.  There are better places to be my friend – take a long hike to one of the many countries that hunt down those dastardly Christians and slaughter them in any number of grotesque ways.  You can even watch them do it – or better still, pick up a hammer and nail a few yourself!  You don’t have to take it any more!


If you hear one more story about some yahoo trying to say a prayer in a classroom where your child goes to school you are just going to lose it!  How dare they think they can get away with wasting your little darling’s time talking about something called “faith” – or even the patriotism stuff.  It’s just gone far enough!  Not to worry – there is a place for you!  Try one of the many countries that take your little darlings off your hands and place them in much better learning environments.  If you’re REAL lucky they will choose the little lad or lass for “special” education in the fine art of terrorism and teach him such wonderful subjects as martyrdom or jihad or murder.  You can be so proud!


This whole sexual morality thing that Christians keep spouting has really got you fed up.  Everyone should be free to take sex – all kinds of sex – wherever they find it, and to heck with people trying to talk about commitment and responsibility where your own body is concerned!  If you are a man, there are many places in the world that will welcome you with open arms.  You can have all the sex you want anywhere you find it and nobody is going to tell you to stick to one woman (or boy)!  If you are a woman and you want numerous sex partners without interference or morality speech, buy a ticket elsewhere – just so you aren’t picky about consent for all that sex.  Got to be careful about that adultery thing in some places too – they get pretty nasty about that one!  But I’m sure you’ll be happier some place where Christian morality does not exist.


If you hear one more red-necked patriot spouting off about the right to keep and bear arms you’re going to go nuts!  These idiots who want guns available all the time are putting your life in danger and the government isn’t taking the guns away from them fast enough.  Your kids aren’t safe either, and just the other day some little bugger pulled a toy gun on an “unarmed” group of kids!  If that doesn’t prove how wrong those gun folks are you don’t know what will!  Those folks keep talking about individual responsibility and morality and saying things like, “God helps those who help themselves.”  You’re right!  But you don’t have to take it, buddy!  Hop a boat for one of the many places where guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens isn’t a problem!  The only criminals that get shot in those places are taken out by the “troops” that march around keeping everybody in line.  Try not to stand too close to the criminals though, because the troops don’t take time to aim.


I want to personally apologize to anyone who thinks they have to stay here in America and put up with an old system founded on the belief in God and moral rules.  Those predominantly “white” folks who risked everything they were and everything they had to establish America under those rules are certainly not worthy of your “suffering” here instead of any of the places of your origin or your ancestors’ origin.  Those places where God hasn’t gotten a big toe hold yet are probably much better suited to your needs, don’t you think?  Just watch out for all those places that have NOT abolished slavery yet or you might get a first hand knowledge of it instead of having to imagine how cruelly your ancestors were treated here so many years ago.  But, I’m sure you could go there and see how long it takes to wipe out slavery and suffering and injustice WITHOUT any Christian or moral influence.


As for me and mine, I think I’ll take my chances with God and Christians and morality after all.  I also have enough to sense to know that in order to keep them I’ll have to have my guns handy – so I’ll continue to do that too.  But y’all have a nice trip to your new reality, and don’t forget to write!


Now back to the regularly scheduled ranting against the socialist agenda that wants to strip America of God, Christians, morality and guns!


Well, that was how I saw it then and it’s pretty much gotten worse since.  Nobody seems to have taken me up on my suggestion to “just say ‘no’ to morality and MOVE.”  Instead, they have continued to shove the rest of us around while dangerously restricting our rights to a moral environment. 


Okay, let’s think about that for a moment.  If the socialists, liberals, progressives – call them what you will – in this country are so concerned about “rights” then they must not be allowed to ignore my rights because, quite simply, my rights were here first!  I was born with them – all those rights that are enumerated in the Constitution.  Those rights do NOT include having aberrant behavior accepted as normal, having secular tyranny overrule Judeo-Christian morality, having foreign interests overrule national security, or having historically communist philosophy become the law of the land and the benchmark for education in this country!


I challenge anyone to tell me that I have exaggerated anything at all in that last paragraph.


American logic must be on a very long sabbatical somewhere in the nether regions of those barbaric locations that exist a long way from this self-governing republic of ours, for even the conservative among us have allowed such illogical changes to take root and grow that it threatens everything America used to stand for! 


I was asked recently to explain my views on homosexuality, since the previous discussion subject had been about the California Supreme Court decision to allow same sex “marriage.”   The question was asked by a conservative friend who is mostly of the opinion that everyone should “live and let live” and that discriminating against anyone is wrong.  My simple answer to the question was and has always been this:  homosexuality is NOT normal human behavior, therefore, such special consideration for abnormal behavior is ludicrous. 


On the discrimination issue, I pointed out, as I have many times before, that I am discriminated against every day of my life because I still engage in the simple pleasure of smoking.  No one worries about fairness to me on that one, do they?  Even many self-proclaimed Libertarians call me “stupid” and denounce me as an “addict” with a “nasty” habit that infringes on everyone else with my “dangerous” behavior.  I have a very limited number of places I can even “indulge” in this “awful” behavior, and if I still had small children I would have to be worried that one day they would be forcibly removed from my home simply because I am a smoker. 


This behavior modification against smoking has occurred in roughly the same time period that homosexual behavior has been “let out of the closet” and defended to the hilt by law and public opinion.  Think on that one for a minute.


Back in the days when a much larger percentage of the population smoked, there was not a “health care crisis”, fewer people were on the government dole, the overall mental health of Americans was much better, children were not routinely put on psychological drug therapy, and there did NOT exist an “obesity crisis” in this country.  Alcoholism and illegal drug addiction had not taken the huge toll on such a large percentage of the population of this country either.  Given the way that “junk science” works in present day America, I could draw a defendable conclusion that cessation of smoking has caused many of the negatives mentioned here, but I am not the fool that some folks take me for.  Nor do I buy into the  “junk science” of improvable theories.  


I vividly remember when I began to lose many of my rights of “choice” such as my choice to smoke and my choice NOT to wear a seat belt, and I predicted that things would only get worse from those points on.  At the time, folks didn’t take me seriously because smoking cessation and wearing seatbelts saves lives after all.  I never argued with those positions and I still don’t, BUT I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the reverse is also true. 


I look around me and see fewer people “addicted” to tobacco and more people addicted to mind altering drug therapy, alcohol, legal prescriptive medications for all sorts of disorders that have to do with normal life stresses – both physical and mental.  I see far more unhappy individuals than satisfied ones, and societal pressure to conform overruling individual choices for simple pleasures.  I see less tolerance, not more, for simple differences of opinion on so many important issues, and I see a demand for people to “come to the center” of discussions on moral philosophies. 


I see thousands of dollars in fines being paid by people, like me, who refuse to conform to a restrictive seatbelt law, even though seatbelts can sometimes kill, and folks still ride around on “crotch rockets” that can exceed speeds I would not dream of going in a full sized vehicle.  No one has outlawed skydiving, scuba diving, car racing, motorcycle sports, off road vehicles, and any number of other “dangerous” sports that people can legally choose to participate in.  But I cannot legally choose to get into my own car that I bought and that I pay license fees on, along with the fees I pay for my driver’s license, and that I am forced to buy insurance for – not to mention the fuel and upkeep costs I pay and the taxes on the fuel that pay for the roads I drive on – I cannot legally make a choice to drive that vehicle without “buckling up” and I am called “stupid” if I do not. 


Choice is legally supported in our society today only if it is a choice to kill unborn babies, flaunt a perverted sexuality, or teach children that these things are normal. 


We are all supposed to feel like a great victory was won this week for individual freedom and the Bill Of Rights because only four out of nine of our Supreme Court Justices still cannot properly interpret the Second Amendment.  Those very same justices plus one more think that the most heinous of all crimes, child rape, should not be punishable by death because that would be “cruel and unusual.”  And let’s not forget that those same five think that our Constitutional rights should be extended to foreigners who have been caught trying to kill our soldiers on the battlefield or American citizens on our own soil.


Now if I’m exaggerating here, y’all just feel free to stop me and tell me where I am wrong!


Another unpopular view of mine, along with my position on smoking and seatbelts, is that ALL so-called “gun laws” are unconstitutional.  All of the thousands of gun laws in this country have been instituted in direct defiance of the Second Amendment.  Every last one of them!  Every free citizen of the United States has the right to keep and bear arms.  Period.  Gun laws, though, have whittled that list down quite a lot, and none of the various support groups see it that way without placing “certain restrictions” on the right. 


We are not “innocent until proven guilty” in this country with such an attitude.  We are guilty until we prove (or buy) our innocence through licensing or registration.  Those who are locked up for criminal or insane acts may never own a gun – even after they are “freed” by whatever system of judgment and allowed to walk the streets with the rest of us.  Hey, if we can’t trust ex-criminals and mental patients to carry guns, why do we “free” them in the first place?  That is a joke!


Then there are all the restrictions on what kinds of weapons we may possess.  Last time I checked, the government has access to ANY kind of weapon, right?  Remember, the whole purpose of the Constitution and that Bill of Rights was to protect the people from the government they were forming – NOT the other way around! 


It is morally telling when the Democrat candidate for president has defined his future decisions on filling Supreme Court vacancies with a pledge NOT to select anyone who would seek to overturn Roe vs. Wade.  The decision to legally allow abortion in this country was perhaps the turning point for moral relativism.  The frontal assault to the basic right to life for the most innocent of humans blew all other rights out of the water, broke the nation’s moral compass, and overturned all rational logic as we had previously known it. 


If we are ever able to “bind up the nation’s wounds” and recover a true sense of decency as human beings, we must return a moral compass to that court of nine lifetime appointees.  If we do not, we can expect the foundations of our government to eventually crumble and another revolution to ensue. 


I wrote the “Atrocities Of Morality” as a roadmap to point out the dangers of such collective thinking that has claimed too much power in America.  “Atrocities Of Morality – Six Years Later” is just a reminder, and think of all the changes that have occurred in those six years.  The one good thing is that I think more and more people are actually aware of those dangers because they are paying closer attention.  It remains to be seen if that will be enough to affect any positive changes.


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