The Right Stuff – Representing American Policy

Deborah Venable



One thought consistently surfaces as we sift through the analysis of American policy – foreign and domestic.  No one can reasonably attempt to explain the evolution of modern American policy decisions without asking, where is the sanity?  As we bury or ignore more and more of our history and culture, America seems destined to become just one more failed experiment in the quest for truth and virtue in human society.  We managed to become the most powerful nation on the face of the planet in a relatively short span of time – not through any accident.  But if we stay powerful at all it will require more of the “right stuff” than we ever had to use before.


Modern policy decisions in this country are the stuff of futuristic sci-fi from days gone by.  The thought that it would ever be necessary to track the personal movements and activities of American citizens to the extent that they are increasingly being tracked would have seemed an abomination to the American generations that fought the first and second World Wars – right up through the internment of Japanese-Americans after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  At least some sanity existed to support even that questionable policy decision – more so than many of the decisions to handle non-citizen interlopers, who have no allegiance to America, with kid gloves at the expense of well-deserving, innocent citizens with multi-generational American lineage.


On the domestic front, too many Americans aren’t interested enough in running their own affairs, taking care of their own families, being responsible for their own health and financial well-being to bother with bulldogging the policy decisions that take more and more of our freedoms to do these things away from us.  Government, in all its entities, does not see itself as a servant of the people any more, let alone a service to the people and controlled by the people. 


Government sees itself as the answer to all human problems, as long as no one actually has to get his hands dirty to attend to those problems.  Government sees itself as the clearinghouse for all human endeavors, the “parent” through which all permissions must be granted, the brain from which all communications must pass. 


I’ve often said that we, the people, are the problem with our government.  Unlike any other on earth, our government still exists to do our bidding – not the other way around – but too many do not see it that way.  Perhaps, too many have opted in for all these things, so that our government IS simply just doing our bidding. 


How many folks do you know who actually want individual responsibility for their outcomes?          


How many folks would rather go through life with no scapegoats to hang their every failure on?


After all, policy decisions are supposed to be driven by what the people want.  Politicians are careful to watch the “polls” and back up their actions with the results of those polls.  Now, don’t make the mistake of thinking that politicians actually CARE what you think – they don’t.  There are a few who are only trying to keep America afloat in a cesspool of moral decline and previous bad policy decisions – but they can’t possibly cancel out the great majority, ensconced by our choices, who are only interested in collecting from the public coffers as they go about their self-serving power trips.    


How can a nation stand whose government is constantly ready to war against the opposing party with more vigor than it employs with outside agitators?  Democrats vs. Republicans (and vice versa) - that’s the real game in town.  Those in charge of government policy run out on the field proudly wearing their red and blue jerseys and screaming the usual fight songs – and the fans go wild!  Hey, teams – remember what your parents always told you?  “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.”   Good sportsmanship and all that.  Everybody wins in a common cause against those who would ruin the game then.


When does the “uniting under one flag” happen any more?


Election season now runs all year round, every year.  American policy decisions – foreign and domestic are based on how they would play out in the “next” election – not on what the people want or what would be better for the country as a whole.  That’s what makes it so tough to fight a war, so tough to fix problems caused from previous bad policy, so tough to remain at the top of the stack, and so tough to find the right stuff needed to insure a bright future for America and more of the world.  


Policy decisions are more likely to be made based on what the lowest common denominator in human society insists on.  That would be those who are only interested in satisfying their own interests in the here and now.  Look up our history and heritage and then tell me that is how this country was built.


Now take a look at another form of government that admittedly is designed to satisfy that lowest common denominator I mentioned.

Communism - Marxism & The Communist Manifesto
Communism, which is also described as "Revolutionary Proletarian Socialism" or "Marxism," is both a political and economic philosophy. The abridgment of Communism is enclosed in two primary writings: (1) The Communist Manifesto, which was first published in 1848 by Karl Marx, and (2) Principles of Communism, by Friedrich Engels. At the request of the Communist League, an activist group they were members of, Marx and Engels together authored The Communist Manifesto. The main goal of The Communist Manifesto was to focus on class struggle and motivate the common people to riot. Even more so, it was designed to envision a model government, whose economics would destroy the upper class - freeing the lower class from tyranny. According to The Communist Manifesto, Communism has ten essential planks:

·         Abolition of Private Property.

·         Heavy Progressive Income Tax.

·         Abolition of Rights of Inheritance.

·         Confiscation of Property Rights.

·         Central Bank.

·         Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation.

·         Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture.

·         Government Control of Labor.

·         Corporate Farms and Regional Planning.

·         Government Control of Education.

Fundamentally, The Communist Manifesto was a rebellion against the extreme poverty of the lower class.

Communism - Atheism and Amorality
Communism doesn't end with economic and political reform. By definition, it further demands the abolition of both Religion and the Absolute Morality founded upon Religion. The irony is that Communism supposedly attempts to enhance civility within society, but removes all notions of Absolute Morality, the very cornerstone of civility. Furthermore, after Communism is instituted by the people, the system becomes Totalitarian, resulting in greater oppression of the people it was designed to "serve." This fact is well documented throughout the history of Communist nations.


For further reading, continue from original source.


You will find that those original planks are already filled in through past and present policy decisions.  That may not scare the devil out of you, but it should if you have any sense of truth and virtue in American heritage.  Did a majority of Americans actually wish to institute a communist government model within our own country or did these things come about because too many refused to take their responsibility for insuring the success of our Constitutional Republic far into the future?  The ONLY thing that hasn’t been done to fully transpose America into a communist government is the overthrow via a violent rebellion. 


Not that there aren’t plenty who try to stir up enough discontent to make it happen.   


Every election cycle we get a little closer to “selecting” a government without allegiance to us.  WE do this.  Then we spend all the time till the next election cycle complaining about what we installed.  Then we do it all over again with few changes because, for some reason or another, we refuse to take the time to “clean house” when it needs it.  I’m not talking about just shifting “power”, if you want to call it that, from one party to the other.  I’m talking about finding and promoting individuals who deserve to be called “statesmen” and shunning those who only wish to wield power to satisfy self-interest year after year.


Unhappy with American policy decisions?  Shoulder your share of the blame and dare to look for more of the right stuff.  God knows we need it!


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