Readers Also Write! 

Updated 08/17/02


Once again, thank you for your patience and your interaction with this site!  Deb V


From Robert -


Make up your own minds about this........

I searched several hoax sites and found nothing.  Anyway, this is EASY to prove to be true, for anyone can check the released date of this punk album.....

Uncanny Coincidences? 

            The following was received from a Kiwi in New Zealand

Pre 911  [19 July 2001 cover on CD album]


11 September 2001


We had all the alarm bells ringing from books to movies, to even CDs:

Which picture is fantasy?  Of course it is the one with the hip-hop duo "Coup" being posted on the Internet 19 July 2001.  The other pictures taken 11 September 2001 -- 2 months later.

Notice how uncanny is the first picture -- with the explosions occurring in the correct place?. The right Tower (with the mask at the top) where the explosion was further up, and the left tower where the second explosion was further down and larger of the two.

Notice also on this picture the 'thumbs-up' to activate the destruction.  And the other duo member holding up the sticks to match the T sign.  T  for Twin Towers. 

21 March 1999

On the 21st March 1999, while spending an evening with the Smith Family and friends at their home in Pelorus, did our friend the late Barry Smith hand us a free personalized signatured copy of his sixth book "The Devil's Jigsaw".  On page 131 is found the picture above, where in the book Barry reiterated his 10/2/98 predication of a soon coming terrorist attack on NYC.


From Roland -


To all,


It has become apparent to me, We the People of the 50 states are in deep do-do. Whatever this thing we call government is, it sure ain't working for me. I do not believe there is enough time to get enough people educated and more importantly, united before something catastrophic happens to us as a people/society/country. That being the case I have already or will be submitting the following to the President, Hastert, Daschle, my Congressmen in DC and at the state level (along with our local officials), as soon as possible.


I believe I unwittingly gave away my personal sovereignty years ago and I intend to reclaim it right now.


The hour is late. The following is my Affidavit: Statement of Facts, Declaration of Independence and Rules of Engagement. Benjamin Franklin said "We can all hang together or separately". If I am to hang separately it shall be for the reasons stated below and I should like a record of it somewhere. And what better reposit than you, the people who are most aware of our struggle.


Many believe we can take this country back legally and peacefully. For that I pray. But common sense tells me we are short of time to organize and unite to the level we must to be successful. Not only must we fill every office in the land with honorable, Constitutionally educated people but we must remove the Federal Reserve and the Eastern Establishment. Has power ever relinquished power without a violent upheaval?


Some may think I'm giving up. Nothing could be further from the truth. I see my path and will walk it. Our Founders told us what kind of commitment we must have to acquire freedom by taking the pledge. Today I take that same pledge and offer the same commitment to my Creator.


With that said, I hope you will read the following.


As I send out each copy I will be including a cover letter. The first one sent was to President Bush. I'll forward a copy of it also.


We must each do what we must do. Some will argue these actions are senseless but obviously, not to me. Fighting on a kabillion different fronts is senseless to me for it is hacking at the branches rather than the root. They are all wonderful efforts but when the day is done...the tree is still standing and more suckers are growing off the trunk. The freedom fighting community finds it's energy spent in a kabillion different directions and remains the "non-moving - movement".


For the life of me, I cannot understand why (especially with the internet) we seem unable to identify the root of our problems and lay down our individual battles long enough to organize and unite. It seems to me we are missing something so I must fight the most productive way I can.


I hope you read the following in it's entirety, remember it and if it inspires you to do something, I will thank God for having given me the gumption to do this thing.






: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 7:51 PM

Subject: AFFIDAVIT.doc July 30, 2002.doc






When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for me to dissolve the political bands which have connected me with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle me, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that I should declare the causes which impel me to separation.


I hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their JUST powers from the CONSENT of the governed.


That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is my Right and the Right of The People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it’s foundation on such Principles and organizing it’s powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown, that mankind and myself are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves/myself by abolishing the forms to which they/I are accustomed.


But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them/me to absolute Despotism, it is their/my right, IT IS MY DUTY, TO THROW OFF SUCH GOVERNMENT and provide new Guards for my/their future security.


Such has been my patient suffering and now, of necessity, through study and experience, my Conscience will no longer allow me to tolerate an out-of-control, evil Government parading as the Government “We The People” established on March 1, 1781 with a lawfully constructed Constitution which I was led to believe I inherited but never did.



Page 2


The history of the UNITED STATES Government is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over all citizens of the 50 States. Let facts be submitted to a candid world.


The following is a very limited list of abuses perpetrated on the citizen’s of these united States of America and myself. In all cases, government willfully took advantage of my innocence and ignorance.


At age fourteen I was told I could not work on a tobacco farm in Connecticut without a Social Security number. A lie. I unwittingly, personally signed that illegal contract actually believing I was a “good American”, consequently, this UNCONSTITUTIONAL government, started extorting “withholding taxes” under “defacto, color of law, policy” while I was yet a child.


My parents were told I needed an unconstitutional state “Birth Certificate”. A lie. But establishing my “strawman, corporate person”.


When I was old enough to travel I was told I needed an unconstitutional state “Driver’s License”. A lie.


When I married, I was told I needed an unconstitutional state “Marriage License”. A lie.


When I opened a bank account I was told I needed an unconstitutional Social Security number. A lie.


Being a product of the “public” and Catholic educational systems, it was many years before I was able to uncover the truth for it was never taught.


The UNITED STATES Government is a perverted bifurcation of the original Republican form of Government as established by our Founding Fathers. All of their attending agencies at the Federal, State and Local levels are a mirror image of the “defacto”, UNITED STATES


Page 3


Government, which is a totalitarian/fascist/communist police-state regime. That is not my government. I can no longer pledge my

allegiance to it. I pledge my allegiance to my God as describe at the beginning of this document and the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, as intended, by the Founders of this country we call the united States of America.


I am aware of the following and the ultimate harm it has caused me personally:


The passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 which created an unconstitutional, privately-owned central banking system and it’s attendant private collection agency that has become the Internal Revenue Service. This system of stealth and fraud has enslaved an entire nation in a PERPETUAL DEBT system.


The supposed passage of the “16th (Income Tax) Amendment”, which can be proven was never ratified, but did incrementally develop into a communistic, graduated tax system. That fraud alone has stolen years of my working life and that of my fellow citizens. Those ill-begotten funds were and are being used for the destruction of America. Unknowingly, the American people have funded their own destruction as we are being socially engineered into a New World Order of governance, a world where sovereignty and freedom are “obsolete”.


The conclusions of President Ronald Reagan’s “Grace Commission”; “Not one penny of all income tax money collected is used to run (Constitutional) Government. ($1.3 TRILLION being collected this year!)


The Panic of 1909 and the 20 year moratorium in which the UNITED STATES Government agreed to repay it’s debt to private banking  (deliberately failing it’s obligation) and the resulting, controlled “Crash of ‘1929’”.





Page 4


The “installment” of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as President to “save the country” with socialistic “New Deal” policies, (including, but not limited to, the Social Security Tax) and the eventual “Victory Tax”

which hoodwinked the country into accepting income tax “withholdings”  from their paychecks.


Roosevelt’s “Trading With the Enemies Act” which effectively made me an enemy of the Federal Government, UNITED STATES, Washington, D.C., the Corporate Government…before I was born.


The outright betrayal of the American people by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration regarding foreknowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) and our consequent involvement in World War ll , fought to create the establishment of the United Nations (because “President Woodrow Wilson’s war” [WWl] failed to establish a workable “League of Nations”). Unbelievable treasonous evil.


HJR192; stole America’s Constitutional money (currency backed by gold) in 1933 by the Roosevelt Administration.


The theft/elimination of Constitutional Article lll Courts.


The corrupt “private” judicial system operating in “maritime law”.


The unconstitutional “Presidential Directives and Executive Orders”.


The unconstitutional “police actions” of Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Bosnia (to name just a few).


Our military under UN authority and the acceptance of foreign troops on our soil. Absolute treason!



Government selling nuclear trade secrets to the Chinese during the Clinton administration. More treason! (And no consequences.)




Page 5


The treasonous acts, either wittingly or unwittingly, of virtually every President and Congressman since the Lincoln administration (1861) and their failure to uphold their oaths of office.


Government complicity and foreknowledge in the bombing of the World Trade Centers in New York City in 1993 and the ultimate destruction of that complex on September 11, 2001 for the purpose of scaring America into an ever-larger police-state.


The unlawful/evil siege and use of military forces resulting in the deaths of innocent men, women and children at the Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.


The killing of an unarmed mother and baby at “Ruby Ridge”, Idaho.


The illegal drug trafficking of the Central Intelligence Agency to fund unconstitutional/covert activities.


The unlawful/unconstitutional use of high-tech surveillance equipment by this government against it’s people it sees as “subjects”.


Government complicity in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the cover-up and blocking of an open, truthful investigation.


The secret High-frequency Auroral Activity Research Project known as H.A.A.R.P., MKUltra and a number of other covert activities being used against We The People.


The ongoing harassment of the IRS has caused me years of personal experience presenting remonstrance’s, plea’s and petitions for the UNITED STATES Government to uphold it’s Constitutional contract with me/We The People to “redress” my/our grievances as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights regarding a PUBLIC meeting to answer questions on the income tax system. The UNITED STATES failed its contractual obligation and personally betrayed me. It WILL NOT respond to me/ We The People.


Page 6


The “Patriot Act” that no Congressman was allowed to read before passage and is nothing more than another “tool” to give dictatorial

power to an already out-of-control despotic government. According to this “Act”, I can now be classified a “terrorist” for my Christian beliefs.


To sum up, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! Whatever Government claims to be in Washington, DC and the 50 States, it is painfully obvious they are not duly constituted governments of We The People as intended by the Founders and documented by “The Declaration of Independence”, “The Constitution for these united States of America” and “The Bill of Rights”.


THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN by all who read this presentment, I Roland Alexander Croteau, will no longer conform to “color of law”  statutes, rules, or policies. I can no longer recognize and do denounce this “defacto”, foreign Government.


I, being the ultimate jurist, do reclaim my sovereignty. I will live under my God’s laws: “Love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind and soul and love my neighbor as myself”.


I, the sovereign, will live in agreement with the original Constitution for these united States of America and it’s Bill of Rights, as intended, for it is an extension of my God’s Laws.


BE IT ALSO KNOWN, I have no intention to harm anyone. I wish to live in peace. HOWEVER, in the course of the administrations of my duties to live under these agreements should this foreign Government, calling itself the UNITED STATES, or any form or extension of that Government, being state or local, not conforming to original, Constitutional Law, as intended, come against me with a “color of law” tax or any “rule, policy or statute” that is unconstitutional with intent to cause me harm in the form of penalty, fine, confiscation of property, incarceration or death, without my guarantee of “Due Process” in a duly constituted, original-Constitution, Article lll court, I will use every common sense remedy available including the exercise of my Second Amendment Right. To state this as plainly as possible; I understand


Page 7


Government, ultimately, IS force and to resist unconstitutional, evil, armed force, I will exercise my God-given right to defend myself, my

family and my property with the use of armed force. (Government; meaning any person initiating anything unconstitutional against me.) I come to this conclusion because all remedy for justice has been removed from our system. This “government” has silently declared war on me. Should I not activate my God-given, Constitutionally guaranteed rights, this government will surely kill me slowly or quickly. Insanity is at the helm and rampant in what used to be my country, America. I am trapped. There is nowhere to flee. This is my last and only alternative.


To posterity I say this: the current governments of this land have declared war on its people. I WILL LIVE FREE OR DIE. Should I die at the hands of this police-state, BE IT KNOWN; I WAS MURDERED.


This day I take the pledge of my Founding Father’s : “I pledge my life, my fortune and my sacred honor”, to all who follow in this endeavor to reclaim OUR HOMELAND, while restoring  justice and sanity. If you be not of like mind or Spirit, I say this; “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from me in peace. I ask not your counsel or arms. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that ye were my countrymen.”


For myself, I echo the sentiments heard down through the ages as eloquently expressed by one of our Founding Father’s, Patrick Henry…


“GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH” I submit to tyranny in any form no longer.


SIGNED THIS DAY_____________________________AT BEAVER,



OKLAHOMA, USA_________________________________________



From Roland –


August 6, 2002


President George W. Bush

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Washington, D.C. 20500


Dear President Bush,


In July 2001, Mr. Schulz and myself hand delivered a Remonstrance to your office. In that remonstrance was a list of grievances. We were petitioning you per our First Amendment guarantee.


Over the following three weeks, we repeated our efforts with Speaker Hastert’s Office, Leader Daschle’s Office, Mr. Schulz’s Congressman and Senator’s, my Congressman and Senator’s, Representative Ron Paul’s Office and all the members of his “Liberty Committee”. Finally, Congressman Roscoe Bartlett heard our plea.


During the course of all this, thousands of e-mails, faxes, letters, phone calls and mailgrams were pouring into the Capitol urging a quick response as Mr. Schulz and I were on a fast until we either received an answer or died. All we wanted was a public meeting for our experts to confront government’s experts regarding the Income Tax. Even though we were able to obtain a written promise, those meetings never happened. Government reneged.


Mr. President, I’ve spent the last 23 years learning the true history of our country and love it more today than ever. Our Founding Fathers’ were grand men of wisdom and left us a blueprint for a successful society. And successful we were until the Civil War, the passage of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act and the birth of its illegitimate child, the IRS. Our Founding Fathers warned what would happen to America in the event bankers got control of our money supply. It took several decades but their prophecies have come to pass.


There can no longer be any question as to the reality of America’s situation. America has been under a defacto, military-rule government that is controlled by the money powers, since before I was born. That is not the dejure government as established by our Founding Fathers.


Understanding this sets me at conflict for I cannot serve two masters. I am unable to pledge allegiance to the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution for these united States of America and It’s Bill of Rights while pledging allegiance to the defacto, military rule government functioning in Washington, DC and the several states.


Defacto government pretending to be dejure government, has led me to believe a lie.  But I now know the difference and find I must submit the following Affidavit: Statement of Fact, Declaration of Independence and Rules of Engagement.

Page 2





The government operating in DC and throughout the several states does not work for my best interest; in fact, it has silently declared war on me. The “Patriot Act” of 2001 declares those who make frequent references to the Constitution for these united States of America, to be enemies of the state. Professing Christian are enemies of the state. The language claims we are “terrorist’s”.


No Mr. President. I say no to you and all government that accuses me of terrorism. To the contrary, the state has become the terrorist. I fear for my property and my life but not from outside forces. I fear the defacto governments of Washington, DC and the governments of all 50 states. I am aware of the unconstitutional “Presidential Directives” and “Executive Orders” and now, state law, CLAIMING  any un-named emergency gives it the right to take all that I own and separate me from my family.


The UNITED STATES, Washington, DC government, has become the very thing it claims to stand against. It has become the communist leader of the world, impressing it’s socialistic will on any who dare stand against it. The government you sit atop is imperialistic and has a military presence in over 100 countries. It is out-of-the-closet and out-of-control. It admits to installing governments and declaring wars unconstitutionally on foreign countries…all in the name of national security.

If I speak to these issues, I am now labeled a “terrorist”.


No Mr. President, I am the patriot. Government is the terrorist.


Mr. President, something has gone very wrong and I know what it is; government, through stealth, trickery and legalese has taken what is not theirs. They have stolen the sovereignty of its people.


I have educated myself, understand the truth and am reclaiming my sovereignty.


The attached Affidavit: Statement of Facts, Declaration of Independence and Rules of Engagement are self-explanatory.







Roland A. Croteau



From Helen –


Ben Carson-world famous Pediatric Neurosurgeon

For those of you who don't know of this man he is a ghetto child who over
came the odds and became a world renowned pediatric, brain surgeon, who now
has prostate ca himself and is face with an operation of his own.  Unlike
most MD's that we RN's know he is a man of renowned humility, and while his
accomplishments would instill pride in most men he has maintained his
humility .   Get a comfy seat and your box of tissues.  This washingtonpost
story will touch your heart.  It will also give you an awe and a renewed
respect for Jehovah.

 Subject: A article on Ben Carson >  The Doctor's Saving
  By Phil McCombs
 A great healer has fallen ill.

 Rumors began circulating in late June. Ben Carson has cancer. A Baltimore
radio station said it was brain cancer. Parishioners at one church, asked to
pray for him, were told he had bone cancer.

 In fact, the famed Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgeon, who performs more
than 400 operations a year, saving children's lives and alleviating untold
suffering, has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer.

Carson's office and home have been swamped with calls, letters and e-mails
from thousands of former patients and admirers around the world. "People are
just grieving over this guy," an aide says.

"He can't die," says Shirley Howard, president of the children's Cancer
Foundation. "We need him here on this Earth to cure our children with brain

"I pray that you will have a speedy recovery," wrote Barry Kang,  Class of
2003, Howard University College of Medicine. "Your achievements . . . and
your inspiring words have encouraged me."

"He performs miracles," says Dan Angel, a Hollywood producer who, with
Whoopi Goldberg as a co-producer, is planning a film on Carson's life, "and
now he needs one."

A ghetto kid from Detroit who overcame low grades and "pathological" anger
by turning his life over to God, avoiding a "victim mentality" and "using my
brain to make good choices in life," Carson has inspired a generation of
youngsters with his speeches and books.

"We have to change the tremendous emphasis on sports and entertainment, and
lifestyles of the rich and famous," he said in his keynote speech at the
1997 National Prayer Breakfast, as President Clinton and 4,000 other
dignitaries listened. "We need to emphasize the intellect."

The book "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story" appeared in 1990, followed by
"Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence" (1992) and "The Big
Picture: Getting Perspective on What's Really Important in Life" (1999).

Now, a new chapter begins.  This afternoon, Carson is scheduled for an
operation by Hopkins urologist Patrick C. Walsh, who pioneered techniques
for reducing impotence and incontinence from prostate surgery.

Not until the operation -- and perhaps not until test results arrive in the
next few days -- will it be known whether Carson's cancer has metastasized.

 His life hangs in the balance.  The Doctor Is Involved
Carson sits in his office high in the vast Hopkins medical complex in
Baltimore -- a slim man in a white lab coat, wearing glasses and a modest
beard. What is striking about him -- almost overwhelming -- is the sense of
warmth and calm that seems to radiate from his core. You immediately feel at
ease, that he is completely present in the moment, that he cares deeply. At
the same time, there's a lightness to him, a quiet good humor, a ready

It's hard to imagine this gentle person as the bold warrior of medicine who
tackles tough cases other doctors won't touch, carving into children's
skulls to remove chunks of brain to halt devastating seizures, patiently
teasing out complex tumors in 12-hour operations and taking a lead slot on
the 70-member Hopkins team that separated  conjoined twins in 1987 -- the
feat that earned Carson international acclaim.

He was 33 when he was named director of pediatric neurosurgery at Hopkins.
Now 50, he's also a professor of neurological surgery, oncology, plastic
surgery and pediatrics at the medical school.

"He's an enigma," confides Carol S. James, his senior physician's assistant
of two decades. "Someone who lives his morals and convictions every day
without waving the flag, who, if a parent says, 'I'm scared and worried for
my child, would you come and pray with me?' doesn't bat an eye but does
exactly that.

"Surgeons typically have big egos: 'I'm God. I'm wonderful.' But he's
nothing like that, never has been -- and I've known him since he was a pup,"
James said. "He's adored by friends, family, colleagues, patients. He also
feels that what he does in medicine, while important, isn't enough -- and
that's why he works so hard at being the right kind of role model for kids."

 Adored? You hear it in the voices of the kids' parents. "It's like a
miracle," they'll say. "She's got her life back."

Now Carson hopes to get his back, too.  Suddenly a Patient
For seven weeks, Carson and his family have been on the emotional roller
coaster familiar to his patients and their parents.

It began in mid-June, when he had his annual physical. When the blood work
came back, it showed his PSA had gone through the roof. An elevated level of
prostate specific antigen in the blood is an indicator of cancer.

Carson's PSA had been edging up suspiciously for a while, and he'd had it
checked three times during the previous year. But now it was 5.7, with 4.0
being the top limit of normal.
 A needle biopsy was done immediately. Carson was performing surgery when
the call came in (a nurse held the phone to his ear) with the biopsy report:
Not only did he have cancer, but it was "high grade." On a scale of  2 to
10, it was a 7.

"That threw me for a little bit of a loop," he recalls. "As I was
driving home that night, it really was weighing heavily on me. I started
thinking, I could die. I hadn't really thought about that before. I could
actually die."

At home in the Maryland countryside, he gave the news to his wife, Candy,
and they were "both a little frightened."

The next day, however, Carson talked with Walsh, the Hopkins urologist. "He
told me, 'I personally feel that we can cure this' -- and he has terrific
numbers, not only for being able to cure you but preserve all your
functions. He invented the [modern prostate] operation, so I felt pretty
good after that. I had Candy come in and talk to him."

But then Carson started worrying again.  "I was still having some
symptoms -- urinary hesitancy and things like that -- that were a little
hard to explain since my prostate wasn't
actually enlarged." Fearing the symptoms meant the cancer had spread, he
talked to his internist, who recommended an MRI scan "just to be on the safe
side."   Carson had the MRI on July 3. "After it was over, nobody [in the
room] said anything, and I was thinking that somebody would be saying, 'Oh,
it looks great, don't worry!' Then one of the technicians handed me an
envelope and said, 'I thought you'd probably like to have a copy.' "

Carson went to his office and put the MRI screens -- they look like
X-rays -- on a light board, "and my heart just sort of sank because there
were all these spots, these non-homogeneous spots -- in the sacro-spine and
then moving up into the lumbar-spine, and I said, 'My God, it can't be. It
just can't be.' "

Bone cancer? Maybe.  "I said, 'Well, you know best, Lord.' Sometimes
people's lives have a much bigger impact after they're gone, and I was
thinking, 'If that's what's in the cards for me, that's fine.' As it says in
Romans 8:28, 'All things work together for good to them that love God.' "

He sat alone, doing paperwork, trying to forget the whole thing. It was 8
p.m. James, his assistant, came in and asked how the MRI went.

"I said, 'It's over there on the board; why don't you take a look?' She went
over and looked, and I didn't hear any sound from her. Then she came back
over, looking very grim, and neither of us said anything.  And then she
'You know, I've always been here for you.' "

Trust in the Lord
When Carson got home that night, he considered trying to hide the results
from Candy and their sons -- Murray, 18; Ben Jr. (B.J.), 17; and Rhoeyce,
15 -- but realized it would be impossible.

"I just told them, 'Well, there are some things on the MRI that don't look
so good. It could mean that it's spread, and we have a difficult time ahead
of us.' We talked about the power of the Lord, that He can heal anything and
He's healed much more dramatic things than this.

"Candy said, 'You know, sometimes the Lord puts these situations out to
manifest His power. You've seen it many times in your career, so there's no
reason it can't happen with you. Sometimes bad things go away miraculously.'

They prayed together. Then Carson called the chief of neuro-radiology,
reaching him at a restaurant, and asked if he could look at the MRI on his
computer when he got home.

"He called back about 10:30, and he'd seen the spotty areas [on the spine]
and felt pretty positive this was a congenital problem and that it might not
really be cancer at all.

"That made me feel a little better, but then I was thinking, 'Maybe he just
doesn't want me to feel bad.' "

The next day, July 4, Carson felt reflective. His life had taken a turn into
uncharted territory.
"I remember going out very early in the morning . . . and just taking the
dog and walking around the property, just noticing how beautiful everything
was, and looking at the leaves, looking at the grass, looking at the
cornfield, just thinking how wonderful life has been for me. And saying to
myself, 'You know, I've lived 50 years, twice as long as I ever thought I
was going to live when I was growing up. It's been a good life, and if it's
time for me to go, okay.' "

Later that day, he picked up his friend Shirley Howard -- her foundation had
built a special pediatric operating room for him, with pictures of dancing
cows on the ceiling and surgical instruments scaled down to child-size --
and brought her out to the country for a day with his family.

"The doorbell rang," Howard recalls. "Murray was supposed to pick me up, but
it was Ben -- and he'd lost 12 pounds! 'I just want to talk with you,' he
said, so we rode and talked. I don't know if his family knew how bad it was
at that moment."

Indeed, the next day -- July 5 -- Carson found himself, like anyone in such
circumstances, struggling between faith and fear. On the one hand, he sought
peaceful surrender to God's will. The man of science, however, still wanted

So, after discussing his MRI with more experts, Carson scheduled a bone scan
for July 11 -- an even more sophisticated test that might give a clearer
indication of the nature of the spots on his spine.   But on July 8 came a
small reprieve: Carson had talked with an old friend, another neurosurgeon
at Hopkins, "and he said, 'Why don't you talk to our new spine surgeon? He's
terrific guy, tremendous reputation.'

"So I showed the stuff to the spine surgeon, and he says: 'Hold it! I've
seen this pattern many times. Sometimes people think it's metastasized
disease, but it's not. Forget about it! It's totally nothing. You were born
this way.' "

Carson smiles.  "I canceled the bone scan, which was scheduled for today. I
said, 'Hey,
life is wonderful!' I'm at peace. I've forgotten about it!" That was July
11. After this afternoon's operation, more will be revealed.

 A United Front
The Carsons have a big new house on 40 acres in the middle of a cornfield.
It's an oasis for the whole family, for Ben especially -- a peaceful,
organized haven away from the 14-hour days, the combat zone of endless
surgeries, emergencies, rounds, clinics, pain.  There's a grand piano in the
living room, an American flag on the dining table, Bibles in a nook where
the family studies  Scripture together on Friday nights. They're Seventh-Day
Adventists. Ben's mother, Sonya, who
lives with them, joined the church when Ben was born.

As Adventists, the Carsons don't smoke or drink. Candy was a vegetarian when
they married, and since he didn't like to cook Ben became one, too. In
recent years, though, he'd lapsed and begun eating chicken, fish and -- at
work -- junk food to fuel him through the hectic days.  Vivaldi's "Gloria"
plays softly.   Candy appears -- a warm, friendly woman whose high spirits
are evident even in these circumstances. They met at Yale. She was a music
major, also from Detroit. They fell in love almost at once, and married in
1975 while Ben was in medical school at the University of Michigan.
She's his stabilizer. She keeps the family running smoothly. For years,
Candy and her sons were "the Carson Four," the family string ensemble, ;
which played at hospital and other benefits. She also helps run the Carson
Scholars Fund, which has given more than $400,000 in scholarships to kids.

 In church on Saturdays, Candy and Ben still hold hands like young lovers.
Now, in this crisis, she's had to change their home phone to an unlisted
number. "I was just fielding so many calls, spending time on the phone
reassuring people about Ben. It was draining! And it made me feel more
self-pity. Now I can keep my focus, get things done."

  She's written a public statement, "Thoughts from the Carson Family," and
calls upstairs to Murray for a copy. He sends one fluttering down from a
balcony overlooking the living room.   "Although the knowledge [of the
cancer] is devastating," it says, "we still know that our God has a purpose
in all things. . . . The physicians expect that the surgery [will] eradicate
the entire problem and leave Ben
with at least 10 more years, [but] we are praying for complete recovery
prior to that so that surgery will not be necessary."

  Ten years?  "I asked Pat Walsh for the worst-case scenario," Ben explains.
"Suppose the cancer has spread all over the place, and I get [radiation or
chemotherapy] treatment. He said, 'Worst-case scenario, you've still got 10
years.' "

 "I was thinking at first he's going to be gone within a month or two,"
Candy says, "so 10 years didn't seem that bad."  And, as the statement says,
they've been hoping for a miracle. Ben has
even changed his eating habits.   "No more sodas, no more processed foods,"
he says. "Water and fruit juice! Lots of fresh vegetables, lots of big fresh
salads, organic foods! Before, I would drink sodas and eat potato chips and
silly things like that.   "Now I take a big fresh salad to work with me
every day, and I have the same thing when I come home. I'm getting my
exercise, trying to get my sleep."

   He chuckles. "So now I'm living by my own adage, because I used to say
that if everybody did these things there wouldn't be any medical profession,
because God made the human body in such a way that it repairs itself.
"We're all developing cancers all the time because of the environment. .
. . There are so many toxins, [but] a healthy immune system identifies those
as they're being created [and] destroys them. . . . If you have a very
healthy body it's going to fight those things off, and that's what I've been

Could he be in denial? Maybe, he admits.  "Will [the new lifestyle]
eradicate the cancer that I have already? Maybe not. Maybe if I went with it
long enough it would, I don't know. I'm rational enough that I'm going to go
ahead and get the surgery done -- though it wouldn't surprise me if they
don't find much."  In any case, the symptoms he worried about -- urinary
hesitancy and so on -- are gone.  "I feel great. I feel like I don't have
cancer anymore."  Suddenly, there's laughter from the balcony. His mother
stands there, waving a Baltimore newspaper with a brief article about her
son's impending operation.   "People have been calling me asking me where to
send flowers," Sonya Carson says. "I said, 'Send flowers for what?' Now I
see this story was on the obit page!"

   Everybody is laughing.  Heeding a Warning   Sonya Carson is an ebullient
force of nature.
A domestic worker with a third-grade education whose husband left the family
when Ben was 8 and his brother, Curtis, was 10, she instilled religious
values in her sons, strictly limited TV time and made them read two books a

"You weren't born to be a failure, Bennie. You can do it!" she'd say, as Ben
wrote in "Gifted Hands." "One of her favorites: 'You just ask the Lord, and
He'll help you.'. . . With Mother's constant encouragement, both Curtis and
I started believing that we really could do anything we chose to do."  As a
result, Ben went from "class dummy" in fifth grade to the top of his class
in seventh. Curtis excelled, too, and is now a manager with Honeywell in the

Then, when Ben was 14, he experienced a life-changing incident. He flew into
a rage and tried to stab a friend in the belly with a knife -- but the guy's
belt buckle stopped the blade.   Shocked at what he had done, Ben locked
himself in a room with a Bible and read for hours, asking God to remove his
anger because he knew it would prevent him from achieving his dream of
becoming a doctor. It was removed.

 These are well-known Ben Carson stories, the stuff of fable. Now that his
life has changed so dramatically, a new story is being shaped.   Ben is
retooling his thinking -- not just on diet but on other matters as well, and
in deeper ways.   For one thing, he's determined to work less. "I'd already
cut back," he says. "Last year I only did 409 operations. My goal is to get
down to
> about only 350."   "He works 80 hours a day!" interjects Murray, who's now
a student at Yale. The family isn't letting him off the hook so easily.

"He's never had a real vacation," Sonya says. "Not a spare moment lost!"
Ben always takes work along on vacation, Candy explains. "He never stops."
There's a hint of pride in these cheerful complaints -- yet everyone knows
things must now change. "I'm trying," Ben continues, "during this next year
to get home by 7 or 7:30 because, you know, one of the things this cancer
has done for me is help me realize that you can't go through your whole life
working yourself to death.
"You've got to spend at least a little time relaxing and enjoying yourself."
Then, quietly:
"You know, this may sound very strange, but I'm glad I got cancer. Because
it's really made me stop and think, and it's made me know that I need to
spend more time with my family.

"I've promised myself that I'll never, ever go back to being so busy that I
don't stop and smell the roses."

  The Unstoppable Surgeon
Carson is in his operating room, the one with the dancing cows on the
ceiling, performing brain surgery.   It's early in the morning, July 22, two
days before his departure from the hospital on a family vacation to rest up
for his own surgery.

Carson had met this patient, 15-year-old Caroline Schear, just a week
earlier. She was in such unremitting pain that he squeezed her into his
schedule.   She'd suffered headaches for two years, couldn't make it through
a day at school.   "There's no sense in her continuing to suffer," Carson
had told the Schears.

(Later this day, talking to 700 kids from schools and churches in a Hopkins
auditorium, Carson will say that doing brain surgery is "stressful.
Neurosurgeons die considerably earlier than other people because of the
stress. . . . When you're inside someone's brain, it's sort of like defusing
a time bomb.")

Now, he's inside Caroline Schear's brain.   Caroline has a Chiari
malformation, in which part of the cerebellum at the back of the brain has
protruded down into the foramen magnum, the opening at the base of the skull
where the spinal cord begins. In layman's terms, there's too much brain in
too small an area. The solution is to "decompress" the area by drilling and
cutting away bone.   It's tricky work in high-risk terrain. A wrong move
could affect vital functions.   Caroline lies on the operating table on her
stomach, anesthetized. A dozen resident physicians, nurses and assistants
work quietly and efficiently at various tasks. Monitors beep.

At the beginning of the operation, the lower back of Caroline's head was
shaved. As Carson sat to one side studying her case file, the chief
neurosurgery resident, Dean Chou, made the initial cut -- a four- to
five-inch vertical incision at the lower part of her skull and upper part of
her neck.   Blood oozed. A nurse sponged it. Blue surgical drapes were
placed until it seemed Caroline had disappeared, leaving only a red wound.
Carson and Chou took up positions on either side of the table.   Now, the
red wound is a bloody hole.   Smoke rises from it as Carson and Chou
cauterize blood vessels. You can smell the smoke.  The shiny instruments
dance in the hole. Carson and Chou each work with both hands.   An electric
drill is brought into play, its high whine filling the room. Then the
snip-snip-snip of clippers cutting bone.

  Outside in the waiting room, Jim and Sharon Schear and one of their sons,
Adam, pace anxiously. "She never had surgery before, so she was terrified,"
Sharon says.   "Dr. Carson was good talking to her," Jim says. "She came
away very comfortable and clear about what had to be done."

The operation takes less than two hours. Carson appears in the waiting room.
"Everything went very well," he reports. "It was very tight back there. . .
The bone was quite a bit thinner [than in many cases], and those are the
patients who do very well. I'm expecting good things here."

Sharon hugs him.   Then Carson is off to make the rounds of his patients in
the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, give his speech, conduct a clinic for
new patients and -- yes! -- pause long enough for lunch.

   A big fresh salad.  Praising the Healer
 A week later, Jim and Sharon Schear come on the phone from their home in
"Caroline's been to the movies, to the mall, all over the place -- like
nothing ever happened!" Sharon says. "She's gone a week with no headaches.
She's just kind of been bopping around.> >   "It's like a miracle!"   "She's
got her life back," Jim says.

 Caroline comes on the line. "I can't describe how happy I am," she says. "I
can walk around and have fun with my friends!"

Carson "was the only one who would do anything about [my pain]. Other
doctors said, 'You're a teenager, you're under stress.' "

She's sad about Carson's cancer, amazed that he was able to operate on her
when his own life is threatened.   "He's incredible. He's so humble. I don't
know what it is about him, but he's just like an everyday person you'd see
in the grocery store. You wouldn't think he's this world-famous surgeon.

"He's like the closest thing to God, the way he helps people."



From Papa Bear –


The below article regarding the "freedom ride" by illegal immigrants to Washington D.C. is to take place early 2003.  "Illegals" are dictating what our laws are now, and will be, regarding immigration to our country.  Mexican President Vicente Fox has said that we live in a "region", not within the boundaries of two countries, and it seems our elected representatives to Washington D.C. agree with him as a result of having refused to protect our country from the invasion that has occurred, and shall continue to occur, until we the people (militia) Constitutionally take action.


If we the people do not take charge of the buses that will transport these illegals across our nation, and deport the hundreds of thousands that are expected to be participating in this protest, then our country is lost.  No?  Think about it.  Noncitizens are dictating to us the law of our land.  People who in the dark of night, unlawfully sneak into our neighborhoods.  What?  They can then be justified to trespass into our houses and collect whatever they deem appropriate for their purpose of the moment, and we are expected to allow for it to happen?  Our countrymen on the borders are going to jail for protecting their private interests, properties and families.  Why?  Because those elected representatives that we send to Congress (House of Representatives and the Senate, (for those of you who don't know this)) and to the Presidency do not obey the Constitution.  Instead, in concert with other world "leaders", they enrich themselves on the backs of we the people who, as "patriots", continue to blindly give of ourselves to them and to their international cartels... for what?  For leadership?  For wisdom?  For security?  Why?  Because, generally, we the people are too stupid to see it. Because, we the people do not know what our Constitution is.  Because, we the people no longer realize the conditions for sovereignty as individulals, states, and as a nation.  And, yes, the Kings and Queens and Princes of the realm of yester-year, along with the ruling aristocracy, flourish.  Ah, alas, the U.N.  They really have us all bound together in a tidy little package to do as they please because we haven't the stomach to live as free men and women.


I'm tired of this.  I'm tired of generalized stupidity.  I've wasted too much of my life kindly, intellectually, factually, and directly communicating with people about their stupidity.  In fact, I know I have because the stupid continue to multiply.


You do good work, Venable.  You offer a freedom forum, so to speak, for all who would like to be free, who are in search of freedom, or who think they are free.  You and I know we aren't.  Not even close.  The good people hosting the web-site are exemplary in the struggle against tyrrany.  It was only last year that Bob Schulz and Roland Croteau fasted for freedom and their efforts for the restoration of the Constitutional Republic of the U.S.A continue.  But, will they prevail?  Will we prevail?  Do we have the guts to prevail?  To actually do what is necessary?


Remember, during the "cold war" when it was asked of us what we would do when the uderstood "they" came for us and we could hardly imagine such an event?  Well, little did we know then..."they"... had already arrived.


Signing off,




From Robert -


As I go over to the, I pass oodles of Russian and middle Eastern women, pushing the same kind of cart as in Russia to go visit THEIR meat and produce store, then to the Video store for 100% Middle Eastern and East Europe video rentals, to the TV repair place next door, owned by a Chinese, but employing what appear to be middle Easterners.

Then go next door to THAT, and find the ubiquitous "convenience" store that is owned by two VERY hard looking Middle Easterners, and in which place I just won't "stop by" for a paper anymore.

Another reason is that the back of the store is Porno City, with that usual array of the nastiest of the porno magazines.

Say what?

Well, they could be Hindu also.....

But what if you drive out of your way for five blocks to the NEXT convenience store?

Owned by Indians from India, who at least show some spark of recognition. Of course I am by nature friendly, and speak with them.

Drive a ways further and a brand new larger Grocery and produce place has just been built, and it's Eastern Europe all the way.

K mart? Well, I don't go in to Rosie the gobbler's store, but as I go to the only AMERICAN video store around, I watch the total absence of any Mary Smith's or Tom Jones type Americans.

In the next few blocks , you had better damn sure be Chinese , Vietnamese or Lao or Mung.

Care to walk to the AMERICAN river?

Forget it on weekends. The jumble of jabbering humanity yelping and what have you in fifteen different languages drives an American from the old days into leaving the area and letting it buzz with the cacophony of discordant diphthong tongues.


Don't ask.

Lest you think me a combination of racist and justplainmean attitude, I grew up in South Colorado.

In my little Hamlet, and the surrounding thousand miles of prairie, the racial makeup was largely German and LEGALLY immigrated Mexicans.

We Irish were the weirdos and minority.

Here was the basketball team on which I played......a short while.....I was better at football...


One of my best friends, Manuel Torres , and I did all kinds of things together.

He spoke English.

His parents spoke English, yes quite a bit of Spanish at home

In his home, I developed a fondness for REAL Mexican food. In my presence, the folks spoke English.

They had worked hard for years under the Bracero (Nationalist) program to earn the money to legally immigrate and BLEND INTO THE AMERICAN CULTURE.

Likewise the Germans, many of whose ancestors were screwed by those railroad deals of the 1880's when they promoted new towns, sold the land, and then even pulled up the railroad tracks in SOME instances leaving the towns to die......

Hard workers, one and all.

Their was only one tiny "town hall" in that town, that still had horse hitching rails in front of some buildings, and which at one time had 7 bars , all but one even then was boarded up, gravel streets, etc.....

One alternate Saturday nights, the town hall would have a Mexican dance and party, and then the next week a German/American dance and party.

There was no meanness.

Yes, of course, some bias showed up, as it is built into human nature, but those people had ASSIMILATED into the country for which they had labored long and hard to legally become a PROUD citizen.

No, not racist, but the NWO WANTS us to become so enraged that someone will step over the line, at which time they can use all of those "laws" and edicts and other totally illegal means of suppressing......US, as Zog has so correctly said.

They KNOW that a person, such as me for example, that has studied long and hard to understand freedom and it's attendant responsibilities, the constitution, the whole CHRISTIAN concepts of freedom and free enterprise that overturned the cruelties of the ancient world and gave civilizations:

Elder care homes
and end to the European world at least.
Freedom of association

and many other things that the UNINFORMED "take for granted" ALWAYS existed.

That person like me fills with an anger that knows no bounds when he sees his intelligent vote destroyed HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND times over by people who have NO concept of living in a free republic, nor do they care.

They mistakenly believe that America became great by what they see TODAY, not knowing that we are on the last legs as a civilization.

They would be, and are, enraged at the knowledge that the right to vote was NEVER absolute in the early days, but required the ownership of property (not a lot) and the understanding of the constitution.

Don't know, don't own? DON'T VOTE!

Whaaaaaaaaaaaa???? How awful!!

No No, how NICE.



THAT is how we avoided Mobocracy for a short while.

It was Christianity that brought those civilized things into being .....

And when all of the various arms of the conspiracy are summed up, as to their ultimate purpose, that purpose is NOW, and always has been, the same war of satan against GOD's plan for the ages, in a desperate effort to take as many souls into eternal separation from GOD as he can.


This war began in the Garden of Eden, was won spiritually at the cross of CHRIST and will continue when THIS seemingly total crisis is just a memory in the minds of those who come on the earth later.

Without the re generation of the human heart, by means of a simple humble act of seeking the REAL kingdom of GOD, human degeneration and cruelty and treason will continue until the "fire next time".

Or the return of CHRIST, whenever that may be.

The war against Islam began when Abraham's wife, tired of waiting for the promise of GOD.....the birth of a son to them....and she over 90 years old at the time, convinced Abraham to sleep with her maidservant so that the maidservant could "bear a child while on my (lap) "

Because Abraham and Sarah did NOT wait for the promised son, but took matters into their own hands.......can't you just see Abraham, having his wife's insistence that he "lie with" her maid.....turning her down?

Well, yes, Abraham had shown faith before.

But sex with a twenty year old woman was too great a temptation.

And a son was born. Ishmael.

And , as anyone could have told, the maid now became smart assed and haughty, rubbing Sarah's nose in the fact that SHE gave the son.......

And Abraham loved the son.

But GOD spoke and told him that he had done wrong, that Sarah was about to give birth to a nearly a hundred years of age.

And she did, and the promised lineage that would eventually be that of CHRIST was born, and then Sarah paid back the maid, finally insisting that she be sent away with Ishmael.

And Abraham's promise, which came from GOD to him, that while the true blessing, to be the lineage of the savior of the world, was NOT for Ishmael, nevertheless Abraham gave him the blessing of material wealth.

And the descendants of Ishmael are now the Arab world.

Yes, the promise of material wealth is there, and the warfare that seems without end, all began with the disobedience of Abraham, showing again that the blessings AND the curses of GOD continue onward.

A likely story?

Well, it's not one that I told. It's "in the book" and makes more and more sense every day.

Right now OPEC intends to get at least fifty dollars a barrel for oil. They will do ANYTHING that it takes to do that.......the most vicious of the Islamics......remember they are all called upon to be cruel and vicious to the rest of us....are calling for a hundred dollar a barrel oil.

It would not take long to crash the whole world at those prices, and they KNOW IT.

I can see that they would call for payment in other than dollars first, to destroy what little is left of the dollar....probably Euro's or Swiss Francs (backed by Gold) and then ultimately call for payment in Gold.


Who could oppose them ?

Not a bankrupted West.

And I mean spiritually bankrupt FIRST, and financially second.

No, this is another Holy War, just as those in the Middle ages when BRAVE and resolute Christian armies defeated the massive Islamic forces and saved Europe and the British Isles from becoming Islamic.

And it was from Britain that GOD raised up those who understood freedom and slowly, beginning with the Magna Carta, built a philosophical and Biblical basis for the rise of Christianity and Freedom , which always go hand in hand.

And from there, to America......GOD's final attempt to give a new nation for the preservation and growth of Christian obedience and prosperity.

The rules for prosperity are just as much a part of the Bible as any other, and when practiced, result in abundance.

This WAS Sunday, wasn't it?



From Roland –


To all,


By now, many of you know the "" website has suffered more traffic than it can handle. Please be patient as what you need to read there is fairly long but must be read to help bring about understanding what we must in fighting the war we are in. We have been wasting our noble efforts and you will learn there is a better, in fact, the only way.


In the meantime, please try  as an alternative. Words cannot convey how important this information is to our struggle. Please, do not delay. And if we crash that sight, keep trying both. The "" site is looking for another server as they make repairs to the present service.


Thank you,




From Amo Veritos -


I'm afraid that what I think really doesn't matter a tinker’s damn, however we can rest assured this piece of humanity’s flotsam won't be breaking any more laws or killing any more policemen while visiting our country. In regard to Mr. Fox, let him stay the hell in Mexico and try to bring more order there before dictating to us how and what we should do in ours. His dream of the American southwest belonging to Mexico
hasn't been fulfilled as yet. Hopefully as a nation we will be smart enough and strong willed enough that it never is.


Previous Feedback -  


From Judy


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."- Will Rogers
 "We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made"- M. Facklam

Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate."- Sigmund Freud

"The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue."- Anonymous

"Dogs need to sniff the ground; it's how they keep abreast of current events. The ground is a giant dog newspaper, containing all kinds of late-breaking dog news items, which, if they are especially urgent are often continued in the next yard."- Dave Barry

"Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog." - Franklin Jones

"If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise." Unknown

"I wonder what goes through his mind when he sees us peeing in his water bowl."- Penny Ward Moser

"A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down." -Robert Benchley

"No animal should ever jump up on the dining-room furniture unless absolutely certain that he can hold his own in the conversation."- Fran Lebowitz

"I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult."- Rita Rudner

"My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3 a can. That's almost $21 in dog money." Joe Weinstein

"Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful."- Ann Landers

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." - Ben Williams

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."- Andy Rooney

"Outside of a dog, a book is probably man's best friend; inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."- Groucho Marx

"Ever consider what they must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul, chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!" - Anne Tyler

"If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons." - James Thurber

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." - Robert A. Heinlein



From Judy


This was sent to me by a good friend.

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE." They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE." The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it." LEARN TO WRITE YOUR HURTS ! IN THE SAND AND TO CARVE YOUR BENEFITS IN STONE. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.



From Lewie


The following is a transcribed portion of an interview aired today on the Lars Larson radio program from Portland, Or., which is broadcast across the Northwest from noon to 4:00 P.M. pacific. There is little I can add to his exchange with the executive vice-president of a company that supplies helicopter service to the US Forest service to show the inept and dangerous policies of this bureaucracy. Please bring these disclosures to your congress people’s attention and demand the policy of silence and media blackout practiced by the Forest Service and environmental groups stop. Our homes, forests and lives are being destroyed and YOU, the taxpayers are funding it.

***** Lars Larson: [Our radio affiliate, KCMX, Medford, Or – The Morning Express with Garth & Rosemary, 880 AM] called me this morning and said Mark Lindamood (sp) has just an unbelievable story to tell about Carson Helicopter and some work it’s been doing for the Forest Service in fighting these forest fires. Mark, why don’t you tell people how many helicopters you have up there working on behalf of the public to get those fires put out.

ML: Well, today we have 9 aircraft flying on the Toolbox fire, Timbered Rock, and the Southbisquit Fire.

LL: …people should realize that at one point, Mark’s helicopter pilots were told to stop taking water out of a pond to fight fires….Mark, why did your pilots decide that was a good pond to take water out of to dump on that fire?

ML: First let me preface this with the Oregon State dept. of Forestry is who we are working with on the Timbered Rock fire and in my opinion, as having done this for thousands of hours and many years, the Oregon State Dept. of Forestry is by far and above the best fire fighting team in the whole nation. These guys are absolute professionals and they were working on TR fire headed up by Phil Hostetter (sp). They found a dried out pond on the Josephine/Jackson County line. They took a dozer up, bladed out the pond a little bit, knocked down a couple trees I think, and that gave us good ingress and egress for our giant water buckets……

We flew out of that for a day or so, it shortened the turn around time from 10 minutes down to 2 or 3 minutes. And they kept the pond filled with water trucks that came up from Lost Creek or Elk Creek, someplace and kept the pond filled……BUT, we were just on the other side of the US Forest Service line and we were within their boundaries. So they came up yesterday (8/1) and shut the pond down and they gated it and prohibited trucks from coming in. Their reason for this was…. we didn’t ask for permission and they didn’t have what is called a “Dip Site Manager” on site. This is a problem that pervades the whole helicopter industry and it’s part of the USFS big overall problem. So they shut us down and we went back to running about a 10 minute flight for water.

Now, that land we we're on…… was not a park, it was not a road less area, it was not a wilderness area, it was a multiple use forest service property. In other words, YOUR PROPERTY…..

They finally got a “dip site manager” in, who by the way, sits on the heli-base about 15, 20 miles from the dig site and he or she brought their paperwork in………but that pond is not opened up yet because they are still trying to sort it out and that’s about a day and a half that’s gone by that we can’t use that site.

Listen, it gets worse. We have to wait constantly for these “quote managers”. First of all they’re named wrong, they should be called “liaisons” because when they’re designated “managers” they interpret that in their own mind as “boss”. These are people who are part timers or they work for the forest service full time and work part time as a “manager”. This week we waited for two days waiting for a “manager” with our …aircraft sitting in front of the hanger in the Grants Pass airport 7 miles from a major forest fire that is threatening homes, burning up property, and certainly wasting and burning up our own natural resources. With the USFS we have to have one manager per aircraft…… Under extreme emergencies a manager can handle two type one aircraft. We don’t carry people, we only carry water…….all our pilots have more than 15,000 hours, they all in their fifties, most of them, and we’re waiting on some college student while people’s homes are burning. The worst of it was on the fire in Colorado, near Durango, we had 3 aircraft working along a housing development…….. The three aircraft were keeping the fire away from this sub[division]by laying down retardant. The Columbia (another company) aircraft had to leave in about 20 minutes for fuel. They called our aircraft, which had almost 2 hours of fuel remaining aboard, and told us we had to come in because it’s time for [our] 2 ½ hour rest break. Our guys said they didn’t need the break,[ they were used to flying 10 hour days every day] …….they said you come in and land or you’re going to be in violation….….you have to remember, we have to fly 15 or 20 minutes back to the heli-base, shut the aircraft down, stop the rotors and then start it back up again and fly back out… the time our aircraft got back out there the housing development was GONE.

This kind of garbage, this kind of crap is why the president needs authority to fire people in our Homeland Defense. ….these people in the USFS are only interested in their wages, their time off, vacation time, their retirement, THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT OUR RESOURCES…….we have to operate our aircraft when were flying for the USFS at our very minimum. We have a performance section in flight manuals, a limitation section. They take our performance section, which is only there as a guideline, and make us operate on the very minimum of that. …under the guise of safety, USFS is the only place in the world I can work that I’m forced to do the absolute minimum that I can do and get paid the absolute maximum. …..I honestly think now that the USFS doesn’t care about our resources, they only care about their next year’s budget. The bigger their budget is this year, the bigger it will be next year. Their answer to it is to hire more “managers”.

LL: What is it that the public can do to help you get some of the bureaucrats to get off the dime and actually let you and your pilots do their jobs?

ML: They need to get in touch with their congress people, senators. It’s almost like it’s so big now that it’s feeding on itself……….and I will tell you in my opinion, they are at least partially responsible for some of the devastating loss that people have experienced here. We wait…..sometimes 2 days for this “manager” to come, and that may not sound like a long time to the forest service people ……..but if your home is burning or your barn is on fire or you’re losing your timber stand, that is a lifetime of wait.

I want to go back to the 21/2 hour mandatory coffee break…….. I wrote for a rule change….to the National Interagency Fire Center, who hires us, and we ask to change the rule because our aircraft are designed to fly 8 hours. We have special equipment in them that we can fly 8 straight without landing….and we do it every day, day in, day out. J. P. Johnston (sp), the head of the helicopter portion of NIFC told us that we would have to hire a lobbyist …or hire their lobbyist to change that rule.

Our daily availability rate is $19,256.00 plus $2,414.00 for every hour we fly plus all the other fees. We LOVE the money we get. The thing is Lars, I’m personally ashamed. I’m ashamed of this……

Excerpted - Full Article ^

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By the third hour of this show, Lars had Congressman Greg Walden, Newt Gingerich and Mr. Lindamood collectively on the phone. Rep. Walden, who is on the Energy and Commerce and Resources committees has promised to get attention drawn to this situation immediately and he needs OUR encouragement. , 1-800-533-3303.

You can catch Lars Larson’s remarkably informative shows on the net or across the Northwest on your radio dial. You may also link to your congress people on his web site. Besides, it’s usually a good read. WWW.LARSLARSON.COM

The gentleman with Carson Helicopters stated further that he had tried to get the local newspapers and the Oregonian interested in this story, but they didn’t have the time to hear it. He also stressed that the USFS has gone "green" and that we are supporting our own downfall by supporting the big Enviromental conglomerates. Don't be mistaken, the donation business is lucrative. Further, he noted that the media is not allowed to approach the fire areas or interview any fire fighters, pilots, etc. by order of the USFS. Noted by another source as well, bulldozers that locals have volunteered are kept from the fires until they pass USFS "inspection" and must only be 1 or 2 years old. Some have sat for days before being allowed to be used against the fire.

Our continued thanks go to Rosemary and Garth Harrington of KCMX, Medford for originally bringing this to our attention early Friday morning when no one else seemed willing to report it.

A diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty. -- James Madison 1825
From Alan


All teenagers should get a high school education -- even if they already
know everything.

I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and
think, 'Well, that's not going to happen.'"

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals -- dying
of nothing.

The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an
argument going.

Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks
about seeing UFOs like they used to.

According to a recent survey, men say the first thing they notice about a
woman is their eyes. And women say the first thing they notice about men is
they're a bunch of liars.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to

Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a
substantial tax cut save you thirty cents?

I'm not 30-something. I'm $29.95, plus shipping and handling.

In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is
weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to
realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.

There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what
the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be
replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another
theory which states that this has already happened.

How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole
box to start a campfire?

Doctors can be frustrating. You wait a month-and-a-half for an appointment,
and he says, "I wish you'd come to me sooner."

I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but
they've always worked for me.

You read about all these terrorists--most of them came here legally, but
they hung around on expired visas, some for as long as 15 years. Now,
compare that to Blockbuster; you are two days late with a video and those
people are all over you. Let's put Blockbuster in charge of immigration.


Previous Feedback


From Lewie in response to The Study Page -


The writer of the article about our bankruptcy is only partially right. I know you have read Lee Brobst material on his website. For those who want to return back to the Republic it will take some hard serious studying and let go of some things we are doing to cause our problems. We are the problem. I was one of those guys blaming everyone else and all the time I learn thru Lee Brobst that I was causing my very own problems the problems I didn't want any part of. It took Lee many years to find the answers and I had very small part in the solution to our problems. Lee wrote the book listed "The house no one lives in" but he has advanced much further since the book was published. For serious individuals they will need to acquire Lee's "Memorandum of Law" to advance their studying to a higher level. Any interested can get his e-mail address or phone number off of his website: A very small percentage of people will turn this country around....when , I have no  idea. I hope it is soon before it is really to late. I know it is those people standing in front of the mirror each morning that are causing most of the problems.


Lewie – Visit Lewie’s site at


Truth from Amo –


Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the
world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but
question what the Bible says. AmoVeritas


From Papa Bear


For those of us who continue to remain ignorant, either by circumstance, force or choice, check this out and pass it on, for whatever reason.  This could become just one hell of a good time, for us all, and for longer than just a week.  It's about time, don't you agree, that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!?


The church bells are ringing, now.  Who was it who said, 'you're either with us or against us'?  We, the people of this great nation, echo that message and declare and call for the reinstatement of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America, and all that it stands for, in its entirety.  (Where is Claire Wolf?)



From Ken - 


Where God Wants Us

After Sept. 11.....I happened to call a man on business who I didn't know and have not nor will ever talk to again.  But this day, he felt like talking. 

He was head of security of a company that had invited the remaining members of a company who had been decimated by the attack on the Twin Towers to share their office space.

With his voice full of awe he told me stories of why these people were alive and their counterparts were dead and all the stories were just little things.  You might know, the head of the company got in late that day because his son started kindergarten. Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts. There were other stories that I hope and pray will someday be gathered and put in a book.  The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid.  That is why he is alive.

Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone......all the little things that annoy me.....I think to myself, this is exactly where God wants me to be at this very moment.

May God continue to bless you with all those annoying things…


Amen, Brother!




Previous Feedback -


First thought for today comes from Heather – It sets the tone for us to better deal with everything else I think.  Deb V


Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.

I got to thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back. From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible.

How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word “refrigeration" mean nothing to you?

How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched Jeopardy on television?

I cannot count the times I called my sister and said, "How about going to lunch in a half hour?"

She would gasp and stammer, "I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty I wish I
had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast, It looks like rain." And my personal favorite:
"It's Monday." ...She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together.

Because Americans cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect!

We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get Stevie toilet-trained.

We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet.

We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.

Life has a way of accelerating as we get older.  The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of "I'm going to", "I plan on", and "Someday, when things are settled down a bit."

When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips.  She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minutes, and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of Rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.

My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. It's just that I might as well apply it directly to my stomach with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker.  If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.

Now, go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to......not something on your SHOULD DO list.

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?

Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry-go-round,

Or listened to the rain lapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?


Do you run through each day on the fly?

When you ask, "How are you?"  Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores running through your head?

Ever told your child, "We'll do it tomorrow."

And in your haste, not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch? Let a good friendship die?

Just called to say "Hi"?

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift....Thrown away...

Life is not a race. Take it slower.

Hear the music before the song is over.



From Roland -


July 27, 2002


Senator James Inhofe


Fax: 202-228-1007


Dear Senator Inhofe,


You visited Beaver, Oklahoma and conducted a town hall meeting in the summer of 1998. After the meeting I was able to catch you on the sidewalk. I said I had learned through alternative press sources; China had 18 of our cities targeted with nuclear weapons technology stolen from the United States. If I remember correctly you said you had verified 14 and we had NO defense for incoming missiles.


Moments ago I finished reading your Senate Floor Statement, entitled “China’s Theft Of Nuclear Secrets”, dated March 15, 1999.


I believe your allegations are factual and it was the right thing to do.


In July of 2001 I met with your top aide and petitioned your office to help Bob Schulz and myself with our First Amendment Guarantee, specifically “redress of grievances” regarding the Federal Income Tax as there is overwhelming, irrefutable proof it is a fraud. We wished to confront the United States government in a public arena to get lawful questions answered. I was told I could not expect help from your office when dealing with the IRS. Your aide said, “You (meaning me) are on your own.”


Somewhat shocked and confused, Mr. Schulz and I continued on our quest until we got the attention of Rep. Roscoe Bartlett. With his help we secured a document from Mr. Bryant at the DoJ stating government would meet us and were guaranteed the IRS would also attend. The meetings eventually happened but the United States government did not participate.


In your “China’s Theft….” statement you suggest President Clinton was impeached for the wrong thing. I agree. His activities were/are treasonous. And what has become of him and his wife? They are now millionaires and Hillary is one of your cohorts.


Our battles with an out of control rogue “agency” (IRS) and the unconstitutional Federal Reserve continue even as you read this but let me get to my point.


For the record, you should know that I (and millions of American citizen’s) have realized this United States government is not ours. The  Constitutional government created by We The People was hi-jacked before I was born and what sits in it’s place is a fascist/totalitarian/police-state extension of global government.


Washington, DC is filled with monuments and wonderful quotes about liberty and all elected officials swear an oath to uphold the We The People’s Constitution for the united States of America but you and I both know those are merely props to maintain the illusion of a “once upon a time America”.


This is not the America our Founding Father’s pledged their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor” for.


How do the men and women that comprise our government live with themselves?


To answer my own question it can only be one of two things, a.) they are ignorant of the truth or b.) they are without a soul or conscience because ALL elected officials, have for decades, failed in their oath of office and are guilty of treason. In any event, either ignorant or blatantly treasonous they do not belong in office representing any true American citizen.


It is with a very heavy heart I write these words for I am in mourning over the death of my beloved land and fear greatly for what lay in store for Her. To some degree we are all guilty (the citizen and the elect) for in our own ignorance or greed to “live the American dream” we have turned a blind eye on our own deterioration. But more importantly we have turned our face from God.


We are about to reap what we have sown.




Roland A. Croteau




From Josh and Marian - Nice Link!

Greetings - I feel that it is the greatest gift we have as a free people.

From Papa Bear -


For your perusal, Deb.  Your readers may find the enclosed reading interesting, as well.  I know it's old news, but is it really?  This is another example of government funded projects for the "needy".  Your recent article addressing the problems of having career politicians points to why welfare programs occur...because they don't have a real job and, therefore, they don't have to pay for government programs with their own sweat money.  Not now and certainly not after because of a perky retirement that we provide for them, too.  The government mentality is thoroughly imbedded in the minds of us all.  A century of mind-numbing government aristocracy and bureaucracy, coupled with corrupting business and banking influences has assured itself of a prosperous future, to be sure.


So, how do we change it?  We all know the answer to that.  But, hey, is anyone really listening?  After all, I'm just self-employed, like so many others out here.






(916) 324-4649 THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2001



SACRAMENTO – Continuing the Governor’s housing commitment, the California Housing Finance Agency is pleased to announce the award of $10 million in low interest loans to 10 local agencies statewide. These funds, from CHFA’s Housing Assistance Trust, will be used to finance a broad spectrum of affordable single and multifamily housing projects. The approved loans range from $300,000 to $1.7 million, depending on the type and scope of each project. These loans are expected to result in over 1,400 housing units.


Recipients of this funding are the Cities of Bakersfield, East Palo Alto, Santa Cruz, Signal Hill; the County of San Mateo; the Housing Authorities of the Counties of Kern and San Diego; the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco; and the Redevelopment Agencies of the Cities of Westminster and Woodland.  These loans will be funded through a competitive program called Housing Enabled by Local Partnerships (HELP). Available to all cities and counties throughout the State, it is structured as a “loan to lender” program. CHFA provides a three percent simple interest loan to qualified local government agencies, which then become the lender. They directly provide the loans for projects that address a community’s unmet affordable needs, as documented in an approved housing element, consolidated plan, or other documented housing plan.

For additional information on CHFA’s HELP Program, contact Doug Smoot, HELP Program Manager

at (916) 322-1325.


*Area Median Income

HELP Program Commitments

Fiscal Year 2000/01 - Round 2

Locality - Housing Authority of the County of Kern

Award Amount - $1,700,000

Nature of Program - Funds for the acquisition of a 104-unit SRO (single room occupancy) building that currently provides rental housing to persons with special needs, assisting households at or below 80% of *AMI. Property acquisition is necessary to preserve the long-term affordability of the project rents.

Projected Affordable Units - 104


(Continued in same format)

City of Woodland

Redevelopment Agency $1,000,000

Funding to assist with the financing of the acquisition of a mobile home park of which 60% of the units will be available to renters with incomes at or below 50% of AMI, 25% will be available to households at or below 80% of AMI and 15% reserved for households at or below 100% of AMI.



County of San Diego Housing Authority


Financing to assist with the acquisition of an existing 96-unit rental housing complex that will be completely rehabilitated, and in which 20% of all units will be restricted to households earning up to 50% of AMI, 20% of units to 60% of AMI, and 60% of units to 80% of AMI.



City of Signal Hill


Funds for the rehabilitation and reconfiguration of 23 buildings and construction of 1 new building,

providing 96 rental units to households earning 40% to 50% of AMI.



City of Santa Cruz


Financing to assist in the development of 48 family rental units that will be affordable to households

between 30% and 60% of AMI



County of San Mateo


Financing to establish a revolving land acquisition loan fund that will enable non-profit developers to purchase land for development of rental housing , in which 49% of the units will be affordable to households earning at or below 80% of AMI and at least 20% reserved for households earning below 50% of AMI.



City of East Palo Alto


Financing to fund a land banking revolving loan fund that will allow housing developers to acquire housing

or developable land at current market prices, allowing for the development of housing with rental units made available to households earning between 35% and 60% of AMI, and for-sale housing available to households earning 50% and 90% of AMI.



Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco


Funding for a revolving loan-to-lender program that will finance the development of rental and ownership

housing in the Mission Bay Project Areas, and will accommodate renters earning at or below 60% of AMI

and homebuyers earning at or below 100% of AMI.



Redevelopment Agency of the City of Westminster


Financing to assist with the development of a 76-unit senior citizen project with 57% of the units targeted to households earning 50% of AMI, 25% to households earning between 30% and 40% of AMI, and 27% to households earning 60% of AMI.



City of Bakersfield


Financing of a loan-to-lender program to assist developers with land acquisition and construction costs

to allow for development of single -family ownership housing that will serve low-income households at 80% of AMI.




Old news but standard practice – shuffle money around from so many pockets folks forget where it originally comes from.  It’s the government’s way!  Deb V


Feedback for Over The Waves


These are the kind of waves which do not make one sea-sick ....... proud to have the  Kahuna  for a friend ... was  one, even before he became  my 'cyber-godfather' and got me into  WebTv... into addition to everything else he even  installed my set for  me.....  am without a doubt  the most low-tech of his   groupies ....  long may he rant and
bestow his  solomonic  emanations  .....  John Maggiore  in  River Ridge, LA


Thanks, John – I think he’s a great guy too.  Deb V


From Lewie –


On Channel 2 (Huntsville, AL) this morning they had a Dr. Edward Fujimoto from Castle Hospital on the program. He is the manager of the Wellness Program at the hospital. He was talking about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases dioxins into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Dioxins are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. Instead, he recommends using glass, Corning Ware, or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results without the dioxins. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else.  Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. Just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He said we might remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Pass this on to your friends....

To add to this: Saran wrap placed over foods as they are nuked, with the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food.  Use paper towel instead.

There seems to be something to this – makes sense I guess.  Deb V



From Alan – Speaking of making sense!!


If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into Heaven?" I asked the children in my Sunday School class.

"NO!" the children all answered.

"If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would that get me into Heaven?"

Again, the answer was, "NO!"

"Well, then, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to all the children, and loved my wife, would that get me into Heaven?" I asked them again.

Again, they all answered, "NO!"

"Well, I continued, "then how can I get into Heaven?"

A five-year-old boy shouted out, "YOU GOTTA BE DEAD!"



From Amo In response to my Sierra Times piece, Judge Or Be Judged


Being a fan I first wish to say this lady really knows how to get to the meat in the coconut! Being as succinct as I can. What I see in the judiciary and vehemently oppose, are men and women who are busy interpreting the law to suit their own views, rather than making considered judgments based on fact. The sort of thing a Hillary would do, God Forbid, if she ever found herself on the bench!

What a frightening thought! Deb V     



In Response to my Ether Zone piece, The Fat Settlement


Every time a human being manages to sink to a new low of stupidity he always finds a
lawyer has arrived there before him.

Top Ten Reasons "you're" Stupid:
10.  You took over twenty years before you looked in the mirror?
9.    You think the drive-up window was the greatest idea ever.
8.    You thought they were all Happy Meals.
7.     You wish they would deliver.
6.     You think its called fast food 'cause you eat it real fast.
5.     You can't wait till the kids are old enough to work there and get discounts.
4.     You think their booths are getting smaller.
3.     You think Ronald McDonald was the founder.
2.     You're glad all of them build so close together. It's so convenient.
1.     You think "biggie" is the fast food portion.


That’s the “victims’” excuse – the reason it flies it much more sinister!  Deb V



Previous Feedback -


From Lewie -


Just a note to let you know or anyone interested in what Lee Brobst message on his website and especially his Memorandum of Law which was $255 has reduced the price until August 21 to $125. What he has to say he can prove every bit of it. It is must reading for the serious individual who really wants to get a handle on what is going on in this country. I believe a lot more people are going to loose their property until they start figuring out why. This "Memorandum of Law" is worth several hundred dollars, in my opinion . Thanks Deb.


Also, as for Lee Brobst he spent lots of years figuring out our problems here in the USA. He can prove what info he has. This is his only means of earning a living. He needs to put on seminars but he is unable to do that. He appreciates what you have done by putting his website name on yours and I appreciate it too. Thank you.




From Cal -


Any assistance you may provide will be most appreciated. Christian is getting signed off on "Tenderfoot" he is really excited about Scouts and Scouting. Jordan is doing well in Scouts also, really has a lot of fun, as it should be.






        ANSWER BELOW...

Dear Calvin A.,

Just a few weeks ago, a friend of informed us of yet another situation involving the Boy Scouts that took place right in America's heartland.

The local United Way chapter in Dayton, Ohio, called a meeting requiring all organizations receiving funding to attend. The meeting was scheduled for 4:30, however, when the Scout representative arrived at the designated time, he was told the meeting had started at 2:30, and had already ended!

As a result, this local Scouting Chapter lost approximately $17,000 in funding!

* * * BUT WHY?

Calvin A., we are concerned that some have forgotten WHY the Scouts are being attacked.

It's simply this...

In order to protect the young boys in Scouting, the Scouts established a policy that prohibited homosexual men from serving in leadership.  In light of the news reports of the terrible atrocities that have been committed against young boys by homosexual leaders in the Catholic Church, it would certainly seem to us, at least, that the Scouts have it right!

Yet the attacks continue!

That's why is about to launch a new effort on behalf of the Scouts that we believe will have a dramatic impact.  In a few days, we will share more details, but rest assured it is designed to give YOU a DIRECT IMPACT on this issue!  So please, watch your e-mails!

In the mean time, we need to ramp up support for the Scouts to a fervor!


Right now we are asking all who have supported the Scouts by signing our petition to rally at least 15-25 more people as soon as possible! Urge them to stand with you in support of the Scouts, by clicking below:

Just imagine if everyone who has already signed this petition rallied just five more people to stand with the Scouts, OUR IMPACT would exceed 1.7 million people!  What a mighty statement we would make on behalf of the Scouts!

God bless America, and the Scouts!

Your Friends at

P.S.  Imagine what would have happened if the Scouts had not protected young Scouting boys from homosexual leaders!  Yet the Scouts are facing very hostile attacks and de-funding because they did the responsible thing!

P.P.S Remember, we are planning a MAJOR INITIATIVE in the coming days. Please watch your emails, and get ready to IMPACT THE NATION ON BEHALF OF THE SCOUTS!!!

Okay, Cal – Sounds like a real good cause.  Deb V


The BigKahuna says -





From Alan – Military Truisms


“Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." –Paul Rodriguez

"A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit" - Army's magazine of preventive maintenance.

"Aim towards the Enemy" -- Instruction printed on US rocket launcher

When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.

Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate. The bombs always hit the ground.

If the enemy is in range, so are you.

It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.

Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.

Try to look unimportant; they may be low on ammo.

Tracers work both ways.

Five second fuses only last three seconds.

Don't ever be the first, don't ever be the last, and don't ever volunteer to do anything.

Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.

If your attack is not going too well, you may have walked into an ambush.

No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection.

Any ship can be a minesweeper . . . once.

Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.

Don't draw fire; it irritates the people around you.

Mines are equal opportunity weapons.

If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn't plan your mission properly.



As you know, I usually like to have at least a first name to credit with input to our little group here, but this is still worth the post without it.


Feedback to The BigKahuna’s “I Remember When”


the Gulf gasoline ads with the people scooting on the ground and the shadows of the trees moving with them.

The teaburry twist.

That ride home on your bike from the last day of school, "wow the whole summer"

Caring about baseball.

Tackle football on the frontlawn...two hand touch on the driveways between the lawns....two hand touch in the street....the mailman would catch a : baseball-football-snowball,,,,and was not a snitch.....embarrassment was "last bats" the third strike swing taken by someone else 'cause youse ain't good enuff' home when the streetlights came on....whiffleball curves....flying a boxkite...'popping a wheelie' on your schwinn stingray with banana seat and 'sissy-bar',,,,,red-white-blue crepe paper in rings inside the wheel spokes on JULY 4TH...the parade of kids bikes with patriotic stuff.....local fireworks...REAL M-Eighties !! Ashcans !!Cherrybombs!!!,,,,,sitting on the roof of the house or garage to watch the fireworks...driving to the school parking lot to see them..Whammo Toys, (The Founder just passed on lately)........

....1/32 scale slotcars..."can you help RED ?,,,a car on the RED striped lane is off the track....."......REAL Hardware stores.....your first BB gun,,,,first Lionel Train..."thing-makers"...sockit to me....sneaking a late Friday and watching all 90 minutes of Johnny Carson......"U-control" gas airplanes........send in some boxtops and get : The Seawolf Submarine...with baking soda motor...Cessna 170 airplane on a tether...secret decoder rings....Duck & Cover....the space race,,,TANG was for Astronauts.....Eye-eye/yee-eye I am the Frito bandito I love Frito's cornchips I do,,,I love Frito's cornchips..I get them from you....elementary school field trips...."safety patrol boys"..."service squirts (girls)",,,yelling : DISSSSS--MISSSSEDDD to pass onto the next block that safety patrol could go home....the free Tigers game once a year for Safety patrol....."Boston Floats"....Good Humor Trucks with the tinkle bells.......My Dad Works for :_____,,,and those cars are the fastest!!! cCOOLEST,,Best-est.....wearing your Boy Scout Uniform to school,,,and being PROUD of It.......

Superballs......Safe Holloweens...(well, teeth didn't love all the sugar).........cranking the STUPID handle on the lawnmower, then pushing the handle down to release the spring to spin the motor to get it to start...crank the handle again-round&round we go....NO PLASTIC LEAF BAGS, You Burned the grass/leafs.......steelies/catseyes

papercoversrock........"little army/Big army"..Rat patrol's cool jeep...."Combat's" Vic.....Man From U.N.C.L.E.

(prep for the NWO ?)..The INVADERS...or any other of the many QM Productions....wondering if the man with the hammer ever hit his hand while engraving the stone at the end of the show.......Dad waking me to watch Bugs Bunny....SUNOCO 260 gas....

Hot Wheels Grand Prix Set...Grand Prix the movie...any Disney Film at the DRIVE IN Movie....playing : "Batta-ball/Dodge-ball/Kill-ball/Army-basketball/Bo-wanna know "throw ball at person to hit them and get them out"...Crybabies NOT allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!...or they will be TARGETED.......dirt clod fights..smokebomb always got UNSWEETENED Kool-Aid....Watermelons///honeydews(not the list)...fruit just picked...maybe wiped off on the pantsleg.....getting 3 or 4 friends on the "big-framed bike" (front axle/rear axle/ 2 on bananna seat/one backwards on handlebars).....cannonball/canopener/bellyflopps..

delivering the newspaper on your BIKE...

whirligig seeds/helicopter seeds......tadpoles in a miracle whip jar....



and on and on...

But back to reality

please do not use my name/address/any info

I love whatever privacy I have

Shame it can't be like a kid again ,eh?



From Lewie -


July 25, 2002
From: Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
Dear Students and Friends of Front Sight,
As those of you who have followed Front Sight Founder's Society efforts to arm America's commercial pilots (See Arm Our Pilot's Campaign at witnessed, Front Sight played an important role in being the first in the nation to demand that commercial pilots be armed to defend the cockpit against terrorist attack.

We followed up the demand with an offer to train any commercial pilot FREE OF CHARGE who was authorized to carry a gun to defend the cockpit.

We then spent over $100,000 to spread the word through national press releases, mailings, television and radio commercials, and Washington DC lobbying efforts.

We wrote an Armed Pilots Curriculum and sent it to the appropriate government agencies to show them how extremely effective (and inexpensive) Front Sight training really is.

We trained numerous Chief Pilots and key, airline industry union personnel free of charge so they could positively report back to their respective management teams that arming pilots was the smart thing to do.

Both the House and the Senate passed nearly unanimous bills to arm pilots.  Unfortunately, the Joint Committee then sent a watered down version to President Bush, who signed a bill that placed authority to arm the pilots in the hands of Transportations Secretary Norm Mineta.  Mineta opposed the idea of pilots being the last line of defense to prevent a terrorist from taking over the plane, but supports the administration’s
stance of using F16 fighter planes to shoot down high jacked commercial airliners.

Even after EVERY poll ever taken on the subject and the largest letter writing campaign in recent memory proved the VAST MAJORITY of Americans favor arming pilots,  Mineta and his agency stated they would not arm pilots.

At this point, Front Sight felt the greatest power was truly in the hands of the pilots to determine whether or not they ever receive the authorization to carry a handgun to defend the cockpit against terrorist attack.   We supported whatever actions the pilots and their unions felt was appropriate.

We assigned our Washington DC lobbyist to assist the Airline Pilots Security Alliance in their efforts to work with key members of Congress to draft the appropriate legislation to take control of the Armed Pilots Program OUT OF THE HANDS of the Transportation Secretary and into the hands of the pilots.

We continue to fund lobbying efforts on behalf of the pilots.  Front Sight has maintained a behind the scenes approach to help APSA  pilots ultimately have the final say as to whether the planes leaves the gate or not.

Fortunately, the combined efforts of all involved are paying off.

A new Armed Pilots Bill in the House recently passed and a similar version has been introduced in the Senate.

See the latest Airline Pilots Security Alliance press release below and support our efforts by continuing to place calls to your Senator urging their immediate support.

Please support Front Sight Founder's Society as well.  Your financial support allows us provide greater assistance this very important cause.  Unlike most requests for funding, you will see that Founder's Society gives you equal value for your contribution in the form of training certificates at Front Sight.  No other organization offers such value for your contribution.  See Founder's Society at

Ignatius Piazza
APSA Responds to DOT Announcement on Arming Pilots


Transportation Secretary Norm Mineta announced today that the TSA is now studying options for arming pilots with lethal force.

APSA Board of  Directors members are available for interviews and comment on this change in the DOT position.

Capt. Tracy Price, APSA Chairman said, "APSA is pleased to see the change that DOT is undergoing and their new willingness to consider arming pilots with lethal force. This common-sense measure has overwhelming support in both houses of congress, among professional airline pilots and with the American people.  It is hard to believe that it has taken this long to change the thinking of some at DOT; airline pilots and the American people have recognized the necessity for armed pilots since we saw airliners being flown into buildings on September 11th."

Price concluded, "Removing the solid resistance to arming pilots that has been in place at DOT and TSA will help us to get our bill passed in the Senate, as we did in the House. We will continue to work to get our bill through the Senate and signed into law. It appears that TSA and DOT are starting to recognize the inevitability of this legislation and we are glad that they are making preparations to implement it."

APSA Announces D.C. Rally and Press Conference on Thursday, July 25th. APSA, along with the Allied Pilots Association, will hold a rally at 9:00am on Thursday, July 25th at the NEW Senate swamp across from the Russell Senate Office building. Immediately after the Senate Commerce Committee hearings on arming pilots, there
will be a press conference in which APSA supporter Ellen Saracini - the widowed wife of Captain Vic Saracini who died on United flight 175 that was flown into WTC Tower 2 on 9/11 - will respond to the hearings. Mrs. Saracini was denied the opportunity to testify at the hearings and she will comment on this attempt to silence the victims of 9/11. Capt. Tracy Price, APSA Chairman and Capt. Philip Bealle of APA will also make statements and answer questions.

Go to APSA Web Site: for latest details on how to support their efforts through contacting your representatives.



Make sure to visit Bill Rouchell’s new page – The BigKahuna’s “Over The Waves”




Previous Feedback -


From Ken – Another Uplifter, Folks!


The Son

Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at their church, the Pastor and his 11-year-old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel tracts.

This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside as well as pouring down rain.  The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, "Okay Dad, I'm ready."

His Pastor Dad asked, "Ready for what?"

"Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out." 


Dad responds, "Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring down rain." 


The boy gives his Dad a surprised look, asking, "But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell even though it's raining?"

Dad answers, "Son, I am not going out in this weather."

Despondently the boy asks, "Dad, can I go-- Please?" 

His father hesitated for a moment then said, "Son, you can go.  Here are the tracts; be careful son."

"Thanks, Dad!" And with that he was off and out into the rain.

This 11-year-old boy walked the streets of the town going door-to-door and handing everybody he met in the street a Gospel tract.

After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking bone-chilled wet and down to his very last tract.  He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to but the streets were totally deserted.

Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the doorbell.

He rang the bell -- but nobody answered.  He rang it again and again, but still no one answered.  He waited but still no answer.  Finally, this 11-year-old trooper turned to leave but something stopped him.

Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist.  He waited; something held him there on the front porch.  He rang again, and this time the door slowly opened.

Standing in the doorway was a very sad looking elderly lady.  She softly asked, "What can I do for you, son?"

With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world, this little boy said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU! I came to give you my very last Gospel tract which will tell you all about Jesus and His great love."

With that he handed her his last tract and turned to leave.  She called to him as he departed, "Thank you, son! And God bless you!"

Well, the following Sunday morning in church, Pastor Dad was in the pulpit and as the service began he asked, "Does anybody have a testimony or want to say anything?"

Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet.

As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face.  "None of you in this church know me.  I've never been here before.  You see, before last Sunday I was not a Christian.

My husband has passed on, some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world.  Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart . . . as I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live.  So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home.  I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck.  Standing on that chair, so lonely and brokenhearted, I was about to leap off when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me.

I thought, 'I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.'

I waited and waited - but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly.  I thought to myself again, 'Who on earth could this be?  Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me!'  I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder.

"When I opened the door and looked, I could hardly believe my eyes!  There on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever seen in my life!

His smile! Oh, I could never describe it to you! And the words that came from his mouth caused my heart, that had long been dead, to leap to life as he exclaimed with cherub-like
voice, 'Ma'am, I just came to tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU.'

Then he gave me this Gospel tract that I now hold in my hand.  As the little angel disappeared back out, into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel tract.  Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair.

I wouldn't be needing them any more.

"You see, I am now a happy child of God, and since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel tract I have come here to personally say, Thank you to God's little angel who came just in the nick of time, and by so doing, spared my soul from an eternity in Hell."

There were now no dry eyes in the church.  As shouts of praise and honor to God resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated.

He took him in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.  Probably no church has had a more glorious moment and probably this Universe has never seen a Papa that was more filled with love and honor for his son, except for one.

Author Unknown


Simple stories of non-denominational Christian faith abound.  They are the glue that holds the soul of humanity together and renders no man harm.  How sad that some in our society would call such faith “ignorant” and deem such stories repugnant to the cause of freedom!  DebV



From Bill -


Have we as a country lost our collective minds? There is no end to this, what amounts to pandering for votes. Why don't we just give our county away and be done with it? One answer is where would we, those who are paying for all this idiocy go?  Between our government and the illegals and others we are truly between the rock and a hard place.




For some time now, We and many of our friends, have been listening to blacks like Henry Louis Gates Jr. of Harvard and around the country indulge in one huge PITY PARTY. They seem to be totally consumed by the thought of reparations, for what white Americans have done to them in the past. There is of course no thought (God forbid not PC) given to the slavery that at this moment goes on in Africa today. However there is a
basic reason not to incorporate Africa in these demands after all they are so poor and are beneficiaries of largess from whites all over the world including America! I as a white American deeply resent this wanting something for nothing, particularly from a group that seems to hold such disdain for whites and all we stand for.(VERITAS)!


I might add that there are no blacks alive in America today that have experienced slavery! They are however in my view, wards of our pandering for votes government! You want money from me for what happened in another century? Well, I and many others might give it some thought, if you blacks will allow us to deal with current things first. How about some form of reimbursement for things like the burning down of Los Angeles by
blacks. Then the whites and those blacks that pay taxes had to rebuild it for you. Please send MO or check! Now I for one understand your motives for this act of barbarism, you didn't like the verdict in the trail of the policemen. Well just for the record I wasn't too choked up with the Simpson thing either. Did the blacks notice that we didn't burn anything down or do any looting? Do blacks have a selective memory?  What about Newark, Detroit, Watts, and more? Now add in the tremendous cost of welfare over the years, true whites also receive it but not to the degree that blacks have perfected. I wish to add one more thing to this tome, the American black is so far ahead of where his African counterparts are that he should give serious thought to just how well off he is! Quit devoting so much time to blaming whites for your ills, get off your respective derrières and learn to be a producer, not a perennial expecter of the handout! When will the whites in this country get enough? Hells fire even the capitol of our country is a difficult place to live, because of crime committed by blacks. I won't even go into how so many standards have been lowered to help blacks. Maybe we could help bring this under control if every time they demanded something we just resisted and said get it done without our help! Contrary to the views of that paragon of knowledge Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. of Harvard, these are some of the things that I see to counteract his unwarranted demands for the BIG HANDOUT! There is no doubt that to have blacks added to the tax base would be most desirable, there has to be a way, it's not reparations however! In closing let me add that what was once was a movement for civil rights has become one great hustle! I sure hope there a few out there who feel as we do. Bill Rouchell and Amo Veritas - River Ridge, La.



From Bill –


"And the people hated Marie Antoinette for saying let them eat cake" she was referring to our types of the day!


And one other thought - they don't even kiss us once while doing it to us!!!!

SOCIAL SECURITY: (This is worth the read. It's short and to the point.)
Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions during election years. Our Senators and Congressmen do not pay into Social Security and, of course, they do not collect from it. Social Security benefits were not suitable for persons of their rare elevation in society. They felt they should have a special plan for themselves. Many years ago they voted in
their own benefit plan. In more recent years, no Congressperson has felt the need to change it. After all, it is a great plan.

For all practical purposes their plan works like this:
When they retire, they continue to draw the same pay until they die, except it may increase from time to time for cost of living adjustments.

For example, former Senator Byrd and Congressman White and their wives may expect to draw $7,800,000.00 (that's Seven Million, Eight-Hundred Thousand), with their wives drawing $275,000.00 during the last years of their lives. This is calculated on an average life span for each.  Their cost for this excellent plan is $00.00. Nada. Zilch.

This little perk they voted for themselves is free to them. You and I pick up the tab for this plan. The funds for this fine retirement plan come directly from the General Funds--our tax dollars at work!

From our own Social Security Plan, which you and I pay (or have paid) into--every payday until we retire (which amount is matched by our employer)--we can expect to get an average $1,000 per month after retirement. Or, in other words, we would have to collect our average of $1,000 monthly benefits for 68 years and one month to equal Bradley's benefits!  Social Security could be very good if only one small change were made. And that change would be to jerk the Golden Fleece Retirement Plan from under the Senators and Congressmen. Put them into the Social Security plan with the rest of us and then watch how fast they would fix it. "DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH"


Link here for an analysis of this and similar circulating emails.  There is far too much truth in it, even though some would dispute the wisdom of dwelling on it, (why, I can’t imagine).  Very, very interesting!  Thanks, Bill for the comments and the link!




From Bill –


One thing for certain they would get across sooner if they didn't wait
for the whites to build the boats!!


They would get across even quicker if they didn't wait for the whites to
build the boats and bridges!! Bill Rouchell





From Bill – Feedback from Study Page


Wow! Deb you have a winner here. The lead should be read by every living soul. It won't.<G> Regards, Bill


Here is another reason Mr.Traficant is going to jail! He forgot or just
didn't give a damn about stepping on the toes of the power structure.The
sooner the people (that's us) realize it's the power structure not us
that counts,the sooner we will be back on the road to getting our
country back!! MAYBE!! Bill Rouchell



Feedback to Ken For Negro Mattie –


Beautiful Ken, this is a story that has sooo much meaning to those of us in the south. Back when people took people for what they were, and not to go along with the PC garbage being forced on us today. Kindest personal regards to you - keep on with the good stuff. Bill Rouchell



And for DOC -


Just think how many people 'Doc' could have helped if he had better organized his schedule and instead of wasting his time going to someone's home (who could have probably made it to his office anyway) he could have seen twice the number of patients. 




Now, here’s the old “quantity over quality” argument that has pervaded most of the modern medical community.  Anybody want to take a guess how many lives are adversely affected because they refuse to be treated like a number?  Deb V


Feedback to Where Evil Starts –


You should really read ALL of Leviticus to see ALL of the laws handed down by God.  I have always found it curious that most Atheists know the "Holy Book" much better than the majority of Christians. 


Thank you for the feedback.  You might find me a bit different than most Christians.  In fact, if you read some of my other stuff, you probably already know that.  You are right about most atheists knowing more about the Bible than a lot of Christians.  That is because they read it with a questioning mind instead of a blind worship.  I do not believe that God ever wrote a book.  His true teachings are held in the soul of the humanity that He created.  A lot of the "laws" and "rules" in so-called Holy Books are many men's interpretations of God.  I accept the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments as logical admonitions to achieve good over evil.


Thanks again and welcome back any time.  Regards, Deb



Feedback to Psychology Of Testing –


I grew up in the public school system years and years ago and I learned me history well.  I learned that Lincoln was darn near a 'God' and of course later on learned that he so thoroughly trashed the Constitution that the Supreme Court refused to rule on the 'Civil War' because Lincoln would have been found to be a traitor.


I learned that the feats of Columbus were so enormous that we have a national holiday for this fine man, and later on learned that this son of a bitch was one murderous bastard who killed at will and enslaved thousands.


I just wish our school would teach the truth.  There is such a spin on the truth, then and now, that it is really hard to know what to believe when you are only 18. 




Yes, you got that right!  It is hard to know what to believe after going through the present school system.  The agenda no longer includes the goal of educating in the true sense.  My father once told me that one never stops learning - nor should they.  He was so right and he lived it.  As for Columbus and Lincoln - I am absolutely sure that they have received their just rewards - whatever that might be.  Looking for the good in people doesn't mean that we should expect to find perfection.  Their various deeds must be individually judged as well as the effects of those deeds on everyone else.



Previous feedback


Let’s start out with a beautiful tribute to humanity.  With all the negatives we have to dwell on here to educate for survival, it is nice to know we still have stories like this one that makes us glad to be part of the human race!  Deb V


From Connie –


This is lovely. Have a great day!

Twenty years ago, I drove a cab for a living. When I arrived at 2:30 a.m., the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. Under these circumstances, many drivers would just honk once or twice, wait a minute, then drive away.

But I had seen too many impoverished people who depended on taxis as their only means of transportation. Unless a situation smelled of danger, I always went to the door. This passenger might be someone who needs my assistance, I reasoned to myself.

So I walked to the door and knocked. "Just a minute", answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor.

After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 80s stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940s movie.

By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.

"Would you carry my bag out to the car?" she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman.

She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb. She kept thanking me for my kindness.

"It's nothing", I told her. "I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated".

"Oh, you're such a good boy", she said.

When we got in the cab, she gave me an address, then asked, "Could you drive through downtown?"

"It's not the shortest way," I answered quickly.
"Oh, I don't mind," she said. "I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice".

I looked in the rearview mirror. Her eyes were glistening.

"I don't have any family left," she continued. "The doctor says I don't have very long."

I quietly reached over and shut off the meter. "What route would you like me to take?" I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator. We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds. She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, "I'm tired. Let's go now."

We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico.

Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move. They must have been expecting her.

I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

"How much do I owe you?" she asked, reaching into her purse.


"Nothing," I said.

"You have to make a living," she answered.

"There are other passengers," I responded. Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly.

"You gave an old woman a little moment of joy," she said. "Thank you."

I squeezed her hand, then walked into the dim morning light. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life.

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly, lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk.

What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away?

On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life. We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware--beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.


Author Unknown


From Amo Veritas -


If you think corporate fraud in this country is bad why not think about the following.... 

"No corporation on earth comes close to the accounting fraud practiced year after year by the federal government."  (Ron Paul)


From Bill -

I for one find it very hard to believe or fathom that its still being considered, for as long as we allow 11 million illegals to remain in this country sooner or later we may expect more terrorism. The Mexican government is once again exerting all the pressure it can on our congress to pass this amnesty for illegal aliens (great way to get rid of their hard to feed deadwood) many Americans' concerns about unlimited immigration into this country have proved to be justified...Sept. 11 really turned the American thinking around concerning immigration. Thank God (not PC) that so many other myopic Americans, who only had mild concern about this, have now come to realize the danger that America
faces from this out of control immigration!

We must take time out from our hedonistic pursuits and observe what is happening in other parts of the world. Have we failed to notice the attitude change in Europe toward this problem well check the recent election results.  I admire the Italians and their new approach, the government there is actually trying to round up all the illegals and ship them home! Mass immigration has gotten OUT OF CONTROL causing the loss of jobs, a huge rise in welfare cost, problems in getting adequate health care, not to mention the problems in education. Let us not forget that added biggie the threat of terrorist attacks.

Does anyone other than me care? That fully one fourth of the cost of our Federal prisons is brought about by prison space being taken up by aliens and criminals from other countries. Then their is another matter that our government has just recently disclosed, there are more than 100,000 non-citizens with fraudulent Social Security cards, which for some reason our authorities find it impossible to check. We citizens who care must communicate with one another and exchange information, to bring about the pressure on our elected officials that will bring this destructive stupidity to a halt. The people who don't belong here must be deported! Please join me in pushing to bring this about.

Bill Rouchell River Ridge, La.

From Pam –

I thought everyone would enjoy this.

Lisa Beamer on Good Morning America*

If you remember, she's the wife of Todd Beamer who said 'Let's Roll!' and helped take down the plane that was heading for Washington D. C. She said it's the little things that she misses most about Todd, such as hearing the garage door open as he came home, and her children running to meet him.  She's now the Mom of a beautiful little girl, Mary.
Lisa recalled this story: 'I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insight with a classroom of students. As the late afternoon sunlight came streaming in through the classroom windows and the class was nearly over, she moved a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat down there. With a gentle look of reflection on her face, she paused and said, 'Class is over, I would like to share with all of you, a thought that is unrelated to class, but which I feel is very important.

Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves. None of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be taken away at any moment. Perhaps this is the powers way of telling us that we must make the most out of every single day. Her eyes, beginning to water, she went on, 'So I would like you all to make me a promise. From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn't have to be something you see, it could be a scent,
perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out of someone's house, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the morning light catches one autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground. Please look for these things, and cherish them. For, although it may sound trite to some, these things are the "stuff" of life. The little things we are put here on earth to enjoy. The things we often take for granted.
The class was completely quiet. We all picked up our books and filed out of the room silently. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester.

Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what an impression she made on all of us, and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all overlook. Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today. Go barefoot. Or walk on the beach at sunset. Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double dip ice cream cone. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn't do.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

From Bill - FrontPageMag article – Not given nearly enough coverage!

This might even make some white liberals sick? So much for brotherhood. IMHO these two animals should be done away with post haste!!! Method doesn't matter.

Bill Rouchell

Amen, Bill!


From Heather –

Interesting information.

The Petroleum Equipment Institute is working on a campaign to try and make people aware of fires as a result of "static"  (that is, static electricity) at gas pumps.  They have researched 150 cases of these fires. The results were very surprising:

  1)  Out of 150 cases, almost all of them were women.

  2)  Almost all cases involved the person getting back in their vehicle while the nozzle was still pumping gas, when finished and they went back to pull the nozzle out the fire started, as a result of static.

  3)  Most had on rubber-soled shoes.

  4)  Most men never get back in their vehicle until completely finished.


       This is why they are seldom involved in these types of fires.

  5)  Don't ever use cell phones when pumping gas

6)          It is the vapors that come out of the gas that cause the fire, when connected with static charges.

7)          There were 29 fires where the vehicle was reentered and the nozzle was touched during refueling from a variety of makes and models. Some resulting in extensive damage to the vehicle, to the station, and to the customer.

  8)  Seventeen fires that occurred before, during or immediately after the gas cap was removed and before fueling began.


  NEVER get back into your vehicle while filling it with gas. If you absolutely HAVE to get in your vehicle while the gas is pumping, make sure you get out, close the door TOUCHING THE METAL, before you ever pull the nozzle out. This way the static from your body will be discharged before you ever remove the nozzle.  As mentioned earlier, The Petroleum Equipment Institute, along with several other companies now, are really trying to make the public aware of this danger. You can find out more information by going to Once here, click in the center of the screen where it says "Stop Static".


I ask you to please send this information to ALL your family and friends, especially those who have kids in the car with them while pumping gas. If this were to happen to them, they may not be able to get the children out  in time.



From Bill –


At one time in my life, I thought I had a handle on the meaning of the word "service."
The act of doing things for other people.  Then I heard the terms Internal Revenue Service,
Postal Service, Civil Service, Service Stations...
And I became confused about the word "service."
This is not what I thought "service" meant. Then one day, I overheard two farmers talking and one
of them mentioned that he was having a bull service a few of his cows.
SHAZAM!! It all came into perspective.
Now I understand what all those "service" agencies are doing to us...
~~~~~~~~~                    VERITAS  VERITAS  VERITAS  VERITAS



I have heard a number of times that Bill Clinton would like a postage stamp with his likeness upon it.

That would present a big problem. It wouldn't stick to the letter. Why? The people would be spitting on the
wrong side!!! Bill Rouchell - River Ridge, La.


These almost belong on the humor page if they were not so-o-o-o true!



From Dave – In response to my Ether Zone Article


Deb, It sort of puts me in mind of the Soviet Committee for State Security
and the East German Stasi. We are moving closer to socialism/communism. Be
sure to keep an eye on your neighbor. One never knows what organization he or
she may belong to. They may be birchers. Great column.             Dave


Thanks Dave, Yes, this subject really sickens me - especially when I realize
that the informing has already been going on for a long time.  What this
country really needs is a lot fewer busybodies - not more of them!  At the
same time, people have to realize there is a difference between butting in
and lending a helping hand to people in need.  I still don't see how a
little girl can be taken kicking and screaming in front of multiple
witnesses without someone taking it upon themselves to follow and/or track
him down immediately before he could torture and murder her!  Where is the
humanity any more?    Regards,



From Dave – In response To Catholic Priests


I was a Catholic but got religion and quit them years ago.      Dave


And in response to Saudis – Our Bestest Friends


    Were I in a position to tell the Saudi's what I think you meant by
politically incorrect I would tell them to perform an unnatural act on
themselves. Is that pretty close to what you mean?                      Dave



Previous Feedback -


If you have read my latest “rant,” you know the reason for my lagging site updates.  Bear with me and we’ll keep working to make sure that this site will eventually rank with the best in educational content that goes down as easy as that first cup of morning coffee.


In the meantime, I want to devote some space to a wonderful person that I have come to know and consider as one of my very good cyber friends.  Many of you may already be familiar with Dorothy Seese through her syndicated columns over various conservative news sites.  If not, take some time and get to know a very special person by reading her archived articles at both Sierra Times and Ether Zone. 


I received a disturbing note from Dottie, (as her friends call her), the other day, along with her latest article, posted on her own website as well as many others.  Folks, we need more, not fewer, people like Dottie in this fight for sanity, but I can certainly understand where she is coming from.  Take some time to let her know how very much she will be missed.  Deb V.



From Papa Bear –


More border stuff for your perusal.  I sense that more people daily are getting the message that our Constitutional Republic is history, that "democracy" mostly benefits those people who have nothing to risk and those who would enforce it", and that history has shown "democracy" to ultimately fail.  Ergo, much is to take place about the world prior to, during and after the enforcers' attempts to "save" us from "ourselves" and the
reinstatement of our Constitutional Republic.  Like so many of your readers, I long for the day to be a free man...truly.

Wishing you well,

Amnesty Alert/ABP Video Online


STOP HR 1452!

From FAIR Alert

On Wednesday, July 17th, the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to mark-up  legislation, H.R. 1452 that would make it easier for foreign nationals to avoid deportation
who have been convicted of aggravated felonies in addition to allowing some convicted and deported felons to return to the U.S. and become permanent residents.



American Patrol has uploaded a full-length version of a new video, The American Border
Patrol Story.  It is now available in 56K modem and DSL speeds on our Web site.

We urge everyone to watch it.


Glenn Spencer


From Alan –


Subject: Pending Dangers

Think about this:
 a. The number of physicians in the US is 700,000.
 b. Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year is 120,000.
 c. Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. (US Dept. of Health & Human Services)

Then think about this:
 a. The number of gun owners in the US is 80,000,000
 b. The number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) is 1,500.
 c. The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .0000188.

Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.


Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.  We must ban doctors before this gets out of hand.  As a public health measure I have withheld sending you equally shocking statistics on the deathly dangers we face from lawyers for fear that the shock could cause people to seek medical attention.



From Robert –

A non-politically correct position.  We are NOT to bring up the fact that the "holy" teachings of Islam speak of the twelve wives of Mohammed, all young, but one married at six years old, and "consummated" at age nine.


What do you call that?




But at what time in history has a nation under attack for it's very life, go overboard in overlooking any information about it's enemies, and even treating their enemies better than their own people?


Today that poll turned up again.  The one from the  Gulf War period where 82 percent of the Muslims polled said they would NOT fight for the USA against Iraq.


See article here



From Ken –


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay him/her.

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop," The devil's name is Depression.

4. Enjoy the simple things. When the children are young, that is all that you can afford. When they are in college, that is all that you can afford. When you are on retirement, that is all that you can afford.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.  Laugh so much that you can be tracked in the store by your distinctive laughter.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be alive while you are alive, don't put out a mailbox on the highway of death and just wait in residence for your mail.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it is family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health. If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Go to the mall, the next county, a foreign country, but not to guilt country.

10. Tell the people you love, that you love them, at every opportunity, and, always remember . . . Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.


From Ken –

Hurrah for Dennis Miller!! He said recently on his show, regarding the judge who declared the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional:

"So, Your Honor, the Pledge is unconstitutional because it says 'Under God'. Guess that means when you were sworn in with your hand on a Bible, and at the end of your oath, you repeated, 'So Help Me God', that makes your job unconstitutional, therefore you have no job, which means your ruling doesn't mean s**t."

From Ken –

Sad But True

In light of the many perversions and jokes we send along to one another for a laugh, this is a little different:

This joke today is not intended to be a joke, it's not intended to be funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

*Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" ( regarding the attacks on Sept. 11 ).

Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said "I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"

In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools. We said OK.

Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school ... the Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. 
And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said OK.

Then someone said teachers and principals better not discipline our children when they misbehave. The school administrators said no faculty member in this school better touch a student when they misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want to be sued (there's a big difference between disciplining, touching, beating, smacking, humiliating, kicking,etc.).  And we said OK.

Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions if they want, and they won't even have to tell their parents. And we said OK.

Then some wise school board member said, since boys will be boys and they're going to do it anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms they want so they can have all the fun they desire, and we won't have to tell their parents they got them at school. And we said OK.

Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs. Agreeing with them, we said it doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the President, does in private as long as I have a job and the economy is good.

Then someone said let's print magazines with pictures of nude women and call it wholesome, down-to-earth appreciation for the beauty of the female body. And we said OK.

And then someone else took that appreciation a step further and published pictures of nude children and then further again by making them available on the Internet. And we said OK, they're entitled to free speech.

Then the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and movies that promote profanity, violence, and illicit sex.   Let's record music that encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes. And we said it's just entertainment, it has no adverse effect, nobody takes it seriously anyway, so go right ahead.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.

Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.

Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing?




A friend stopped at a pay-at-the-pump gas station to get gas. Once she filled her gas tank after paying at the pump and started to leave, the attendant inside came over the speaker. He told her that something happened with her card and that she needed to come inside to pay. The lady was confused because the transaction showed complete and approved. She told him that and was getting ready to leave but the attendant once again urged her to come in to pay or else. She proceeded to go inside and started arguing with the attendant about his threat. He told her to calm down and listen carefully: He told her that while she was pumping gas a guy slipped into the back seat of her car on the other side and he had called the police. She immediately became scared and looked out there in time to see her car door open and the guy slip out.

The report is that the new gang initiation thing is to bring back a woman's body part. One way to do this is when they're pumping gas or, at a grocery stores in the night time they sneak into their cars. Then they are cutting the lady's ankles to disable them in order to kidnap them, kill and dismember them. The other way is slipping into unattended cars and kidnapping the women to kill and dismember them.

Please pass this on to other women, young and old alike. Be extra careful going to and from your car at night. If at all possible, don't go alone!

This is real!!

The message:

1. ALWAYS lock your car doors, even if you're gone for just a second.

2. Check underneath your car when approaching it for re-entry, and check in the back before getting in.

3. Always be aware of your surroundings and, other individuals in your neighborhood.

Send this to many girls so your friend will not be the next one.


Barbara Baker,

Secretary Directorate of Training U.S. Army Military Police School

Previous Update You May Have Missed -

From Bill -


The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, in all of it's liberal convoluted spin, in describing the miscreant attempting to rob a gun dealer with a knife, this Greenfield, Wisconsin man who could be a hands down winner of the profoundly stupid award of the year, the Journal sees this robber as the victim!? Why? Because the gun dealer shot him. WHOOPPEE! I for one can only hope that it was fatal, so there will be no trial at the
taxpayers’ expense, and no possibility of him being a repeat offender. However we can all look forward to the family, if any bringing a law suit against the gun dealer, who really had no right to protect himself or his property. God (not PC) protect us from this kind of thinking. - Bill Rouchell, River Ridge, La.



From Heather – Trivia for the Inquiring Mind  (I think some of these have been posted before, (perhaps in humor) but some were definitely stimulating to an “inquiring mind.”


Here are some facts you may not have been aware of.

Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds. Dogs only have about 10.

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

A snail can sleep for three years.

Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

Butterflies taste with their feet.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.

Leonardo DiVinci invented the scissors.

No word in the English language rhymes with month.

Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

Shakespeare invented the words 'assassination' and 'bump'.

"Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand, "lollipop" with your right.

The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth 2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.

The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.  (Well, except for the N and S in the Americas continents.)

The word 'racecar' is the same whether it is read left to right or right to left.

TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

If you are an average American, in your whole life, you will spend an average of 6 months waiting at a red light.

In most advertisements, including newspapers, the time displayed on a watch face is 10:10.

The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid.

Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks; otherwise it will digest itself.

There's no Betty Rubble in the Flintstones Chewables.

There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious."

There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs six times: "indivisibility."

The Bible does not say there were three wise men; it only says there were three gifts.

Did you know that crocodiles never outgrow the pool in which they live?  That means that if you put a baby croc in an aquarium, it would be little for the rest of its life.

A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle; a group of geese in the air is a skein.

A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.

Pinocchio is Italian for "pine eye".

The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet.

The only 15-letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable."

Barbie's full name is Barbara Milicent Roberts.

It's impossible to lick your elbow.

More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.

Rats and horses can't vomit.

The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language...try it!

Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.

A duck's quack doesn't echo anywhere, and no one knows why.

In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders.

Most lipstick contains fish scales.

Cat's urine glows under a black light.

Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.


OK, Honestly did you try to lick your elbow?



From Lisa - In response to a previous article of mine at Sierra Times, Defining Normal -


Great article, couldn't agree more.  I'm getting fed up, and surrounded by this crap in Austin, Texas.  Here's what we're doing:


I would like to introduce you to the Homeschool Broadcast Network System. HBns is the first commercial radio network for homeschooling families and their supporters and will kick-off with a "Virtual" Expo on September 5, 2002, at which time we will be syndicating the radio network internationally.
HBns broadcasts homeschooling news, information, interviews and talk programs interspersed with k-12 edu-tainment programs from our vast library of thousands of custom programs (Average 22 mins.).  We are honored to be broadcasting to an audience who daily demonstrates a willingness to make a difference in their own lives by taking the time to teach their children.

Follow the link at botton for HBns info and re: HBXpo.  This is truly an historic opportunity.  We realistically expect in excess of 1,000,000 visitors to view the Fall Expo.  The pilot, Storyrama, was an (also historic) 8 hour webcast with story tellers from around the world & interviews with famous authors.  It received 300,000 page views in the first two weeks alone!

The Fall Homeschool Expo is scheduled for September 5th 2002 and will run for two months.  It is the first of four seasonal virtual tradeshows, on the INTERNET, dedicated to parents and students who Homeschool and those of us who support them.  It will be surrounded by publicity as we work with TV, radio and print news services around the world, broadcast live performances and interview celebrities and famous writers.  Our first national/international press releases & NPR testing begin next week.


Please take a look at our site, and drop me a line or give me a call if you would like more information about HBX.  I'm here to help, so don't hesitate to let me know how I can be of assistance! 

Kindest Regards,

Lisa Hoffman Smith

Okay, Lisa, we’ll certainly keep your worthwhile work in mind! 


From Ken – A word of warning via a Dear Abby letter – worthwhile read!


  DEAR ABBY:    I would like to warn women, especially young women, about the
danger of giving their car keys, with their house keys attached, to anyone.
A good friend's daughter went to a well-known tire company to have a flat
repaired, while she waited. Without thinking, she handed her key ring with all
her keys on it to the serviceman and waited. What she didn't know is that most
of these places also have machines that can make copies of keys. One of the
servicemen copied her apartment key, and two days later entered her apartment
late at night and raped her. This was a business she frequented and they had
all the information in their computer about where she lived, her phone number,
etc. The man was caught months later and the   police found out that he had
done this before. He is now in jail, and my friend's daughter is trying to go
on with her life. I called my daughter right away and told her this story so
she could learn from it, too.  Please, Abby, warn your readers to have their
personal keys on another key ring or have a ring that separates the car keys
from one's personal keys. Perhaps this will save another woman from tragedy


DEAR MARILYN: You may never know how many tragedies you have prevented
today. Your letter is a chilling reminder, and I hope my readers will heed it.

    So did I!


From Dottie – I had to decide whether to use this on the humor page or feedback, and I can’t honestly say whether it has been posted before, but since the truth over rules even the humor – here it is!


1. You have to believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.

2. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.

3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese communists.

4. You have to believe that there was no art before Federal funding.

5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical, documented changes in the earth's climate, and more affected by yuppies driving SUVs.

6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being homosexual is natural.

7. You have to be against capital punishment but support abortion on demand; in short, you support protecting the guilty and killing the innocent.

8. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.

9. You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature, but loony activists who've never been outside of Seattle do.

10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.

11. You have to believe the military, not corrupt politicians, start wars.

12. You have to believe the NRA is bad, because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.

13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.

14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, General Robert E. Lee or Thomas Edison.

15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren't, because the right people haven't been in charge.

16. You have to believe Hillary Clinton is really a lady.

17. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried, is because the right people haven't been in charge.

18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail but a liar and probable sex offender belonged in the White House.

19. You have to believe that a homosexual parade displaying drag, transvestites and bestiality should be constitutionally protected and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.

20. You have to believe that illegal Democratic party funding by the Chinese is somehow in the best interest of the United States.

21. You have to believe that Al Gore really did invent the Internet.

From Sue – A lesson in what’s important.

Dear Friends,
I don't send things like this often, but this was too good not to share.
Warm thoughts to all. Love, Susan

Some things you keep. Like good teeth. Warm coats. Bald husbands.

They're good for you, reliable and practical and so sublime that to throw them away would make the garbage man a thief.

So you hang on, because something old is sometimes better than something new, and who you know is often better than a stranger.

These are my thoughts, they make me sound old, old and tame, and dull at a time when everybody else is risky and racy and flashing all that's new and improved in their lives.

New careers, new thighs, new lips, new cars. The world is dizzy with trade-ins. I could keep track, but I don't think I want to. I grew up in the fifties with practical parents - a mother, God bless her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it - and still does.

A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones.

They weren't poor, my parents, they were just satisfied. Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away.

I can see them now, Dad in trousers and tee shirt and Mom in a housedress, lawnmower in one's hand, dishtowel in the other's.

It was a time for fixing things - a curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things you keep. It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, reheating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant there'd always be more.

But then my father died, and on that clear autumn night, in the chill of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more. Sometimes what you care about most gets all used up and goes away, never to return.

So, while you have it, it's best to love it and care for it and fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. That's true for marriage and old cars and children with bad report cards and dogs with bad hips and aging parents. You keep them because they're worth it, because you're worth it.

Some things you keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate you grew up with, there's just some things that make life important... people you know are special....and you KEEP them close!

Author Unknown

Like all of you! - Internet News for Real Americans

Thanks, Sue!  We all needed that!  Deb V.


In response to my latest EtherZone article

Doug sent a nice encouraging response, but I mention it not for my own ego nurture but to encourage folks who may have missed the article to read it.  Occasionally I am given to certain inspirational insights, which I deem more than a little important.  This one deals with the saber rattling going on at the moment.

Previous Feedback –

I stumbled on this little ditty myself.  Brainwashing doesn’t begin to define it.  The government is well aware where your kids spend a lot of their time!


Mind Games With Your Kids – Do You Even Know It?\Commentary\archive\200207\COM20020704d.html


Helen sends a link to this site from the CDC – a bit more benign perhaps, but remember it’s still the gubmit that’s targeting kids – and this one is still in the beginning stages it looks like.



From Helen –

The state of Penna. was threatening to shut down the Terraces when I was at the Juvenile Compact and Placement section of Children and Youth as a clerk typist in 1997.  So the place is still in operation!  Sex abuse and rats in the pantries was a big complaint 6 years ago!!!  CYF cannot control it's own why in God's name do you expect privatization to work under the Republicans?

See second article about Juvenile Probation Officer who took kid from mental hospital for sex before he was to leave for military duty!

The old “for the children” argument falls short on so many counts, Helen.  Truth is the “Village” is far too corrupt to be in charge of children or anyone else! 



From Josh –


This is worth sharing!  How neat is this???



Also From Josh – In response to an excellent article by J.J. at Sierra Times -

J. J. Johnson,
       I am with you 100%.  There is a Mosque #13 here in Springfield, Massachusetts that began as a member of ELisiah Muhammad's Black Muslims from Chicago.  They now represent Louis?Brewer? of Boston, who uses the name Louis Farrakan.  This man is now in Iraq where there is preparation for our destruction as Americans.  They never ask, they demand.  Louis came to this country from the French Indies.  He is part white from a French Grand Parent.  He has been often to the slave trading country of the Sudan, and Libya.
       It is the duty of all who read the Holy Koran to understand that there is no hatred in the book.  The only people mentioned for killing were Idolaters.  It also teaches forgiveness is better than revenge.  The book refers to Jews and Christians as Muslims from the time of Adam.  Abraham left his father and family because they were idolaters.  Killing innocent Muslims or committing suicide is condemned in the Holy Book.  The Holy Book says that it is complete, with no mistakes, and needs no clarification.  This to me means that other books written by man are unneeded.  Therefore the Sunna's are a wrong teaching, for they teach all the wrong things that are happening.  Any Muslim that kills himself or anyone not trying to kill him will abide in the fire.  God knows that which we don't.  He will handle this present problem in his good time.  Should he choose, those who are teaching from other than the Holy Books will answer on the last day?  God willing.

Allah Akbar 

From Alan – There seems to be some truth in this one but the jury is still out.

Previous Feedback -


I sincerely hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday weekend.  I was guilty of quite a bit of “down time” this weekend, so that the “fresh stuff” has dwindled somewhat.  Not-to-worry!  I will keep it flowing as long as it keeps a-coming!  Also, don’t forget to check the newest feature pages, The Study Page and The Patriots’ Corner, for occasional updates.  If anyone has a suggestion for a project fitting the in-depth or special format of either, send it along with an appropriate reference.  Meanwhile, here are some great comments with a couple of inspirational pieces thrown in for good measure.  Enjoy!  Deb V.


From Bill – (I hope so too, Bill)


Am I losing it or is this the way it is? Why is it today that almost all of American society encourages dependency and passivity. The end result being a Democracy that doesn't vote, a government that passes more and more laws which more and more of our people disregard. This leaves us with a society and culture that neither thinks or feels, except when and what it is told or fooled into thinking or feeling. I still believe that America is better than this. Hope there are a few out there that feel as I do! 

Bill Rouchell - River Ridge, La.



In response to Sierra Times article about Phoenix Gun Show Ammo Sales Restrictions


Why do I see the ugly hand of the anti gun crowd in this. It has been said, "that the best way to control the people is to disarm them".  So my fellow citizens if they can't succeed in getting the guns, they seem to be taking the position let the gun nuts have their guns. We will cut off the supply of amo. They are ever on the alert to get the control they wish to exert over us. We can only hope and pray (not PC) that the liberals will suffer a collective mugging and then change their tune. - Bill Rouchell River Ridge, La.



In response to Do Guns Save Lives? By Michael S. Brown in Sierra Times



GREATTTTTTTTTT piece! in order to save space and be brief just remember this. Protect yourself and kill the bum. NOT WOUND! the do-gooders will only repair the swine so he can come after you. It's much better for an intended victim to be tried by twelve than carried by six!!!! – Bill Rouchell River Ridge,La



In response to my recent Sierra Times piece, Outlaws And Patriots



WOW!! What a great piece. Our Deborah sure has a way with words and cutting to the chase presents no problem either. Disarm, disarm, disarm the liberal rallying cry that in their dreams will turn all of us into government chattels. The LAX incident would have been much worse I think if the guard hadn't done what it took, KILL the lousy whatever you wish to call him, there would have been more mayhem. Could have been that a few
bleeding heart liberals would have been removed also. WOW! What a shame that would have been? I personally will continue to believe in and resist any attempt to give up anything else to big brother. Jefferson continues to be right "the best way to control the people is to disarm them." Deb you are a voice in the wilderness and there are more of us out there with you than you can imagine.

Kindest personal regards. Your Friend, Bill Rouchell - River Ridge, La. 


Thanks, Bill – Some folks will never realize that there really IS a line in the sand!



From Pam – This really sweet story!


Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to out patients at the clinic.

One summer evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a truly awful looking man. "Why, he's hardly taller than my eight-year-old," I thought as I stared at the stooped, shriveled body.  But the appalling thing was his face, lopsided from swelling, red and raw.

Yet his voice was pleasant as he said, "Good evening. I've come to see if you've a room for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning from the eastern shore, and there's no bus 'till morning."

He told me he'd been hunting for a room since noon but with no success, no one seemed to have a room. "I guess it's my face... I know it looks terrible, but my doctor says with a few more treatments..."


For a moment I hesitated, but his next words convinced me: "I could sleep in this rocking
chair on the porch. My bus leaves early in the morning."

I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch. I went inside and finished getting supper. When we were ready, I asked the old man if he would join us. "No thank you. I have plenty." And he held up a brown paper bag.

When I had finished the dishes, I went out on the porch to talk with him a few minutes. It didn't take a long time to see that this old man had an oversized heart crowded into that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to support his daughter, her five children, and her husband, who was hopelessly crippled from a back injury.

He didn't tell it by way of complaint; in fact, every other sentence was prefaced with a thanks to God for a blessing. He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form of skin cancer. He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.

At bedtime, we put a camp cot in the children's room for him. When I got up in the morning, the bed linens were neatly folded and the little man was out on the porch. He refused breakfast, but just before he left for his bus, haltingly, as if asking a great favor, he said, "Could I please come back and stay the next time I have a treatment? I won't put you out a bit. I can sleep fine in a chair." He paused a moment and then added, "Your children made me feel at home. Grownups are bothered by my face, but children don't seem to mind."


I told him he was welcome to come again.

And on his next trip he arrived a little after seven in the morning. As a gift, he brought a big fish and a quart of the largest oysters I had ever seen. He said he had shucked them that morning before he left so that they'd be nice and fresh. I knew his bus left at 4:00 a.m. and I wondered what time he had to get up in order to do this for us.

In the years he came to stay overnight with us there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden. Other times we received packages in the mail, always by special delivery; fish and oysters packed in a box of fresh young spinach or kale, every leaf carefully washed. Knowing that he must walk three miles to mail these, and knowing how little money he had made the gifts doubly precious.

When I received these little remembrances, I often thought of a comment our next-door neighbor made after he left that first morning. "Did you keep that awful looking man last night? I turned him away! You can lose roomers by putting up such people!"

Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice. But oh! If only they could have known him, perhaps their illness' would have been easier to bear. I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude to God.

Recently I was visiting a friend who has a greenhouse. As she showed me her flowers, we came to the most beautiful one of all, a golden chrysanthemum, bursting with blooms. But to my great surprise, it was growing in an old dented, rusty bucket. I thought to myself, "If this were my plant, I'd put it in the loveliest container I had!"

My friend changed my mind. "I ran short of pots," she explained, and knowing how beautiful this one would be, I thought it wouldn't mind starting out in this old pail. It's just for a little while, till I can put it out in the garden."

She must have wondered why I laughed so delightedly, but I was imagining just such a scene in heaven. "Here's an especially beautiful one," God might have said when he came to the soul of the sweet old fisherman. "He won't mind starting in this small body."

All this happened long ago -- and now, in God's garden, how tall this lovely soul must stand...

"The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7b)

Friends are very special. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear and they share a word of praise.



From Judy – And they say that all cultures are equal!  Tell me, folks, do you think the current crop of future suicide bomber children in Middle Eastern cultures would even know what the word, “love” means?


A Group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8--year--olds, "What does love mean?"
The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."
   Rebecca -- age 8

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth."
   Billy -- age 4

"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
   Karl -- age 5

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
   Chrissy -- age 6

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
    Terri -- age 4

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
   Danny -- age 7

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."
    Bobby -- age 5

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend whom you hate."
   Nikka -- age 6

"There are two kinds of love. Our love. God's love. But God makes both kinds of them."
    Jenny -- age 4

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."
   Noelle -- age 7

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."
   Tommy -- age 6

"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."
   Clare -- Age 5

"Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken."
   Elaine -- age 5

"Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford."
   Chris -- age 8

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."
   Mary Ann -- age 4

"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."
   Lauren -- age 4

"I let my big sister pick on me because my Mom says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her."
   Bethany -- age 4

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you."
    Karen -- age 7

"Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross."
    Mark -- age 6

(AND I REALLY like this one!):

"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.  People forget,"
    Jessica -- age 6



From Robert -


Another benefit to freedom of speech in other lands, but more importantly,  this is vitally needed RIGHT HERE as the oppression against free Americans progresses steadily under CONSERVATIVE leadership.


Always remember that it only takes the New York Times or Time magazine to "declare" that someone is a conservative.




Read this new move to keep the net FREE OF SURVEILLANCE.



And Robert Also Sent This Follow Up:


LANGUAGE WARNING !  Re the new product from "HACKTIVISMO" that I just sent a short while ago:


The information on the new release of software that totally assures your privacy and the inability of evildoers to track you includes links to the parent organization that developed same.


I did not know that when I sent the posting by Gunnar to inform people of this benefit to us all.


However, I urge you not to go beyond the awareness of this software and not to explore the parent groups home page, etc, as the language used by hackers and nerd types is horrible.


I do not want any women to go unwarned.  Heck sakes, men either.


Thanks, Robert!



Previous Feedback


Thanks, Leonard, for gathering this portion of the abundance of proof that America was founded under the guidance of “Divine Providence.”


From Leonard –


“While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader. If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security.”

-Samuel Adams


“To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to add the more distinguished Character of Christian.”

-George Washington


“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists [pluralism], but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!”

-Patrick Henry


“Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof”

-Inscription on the Liberty Bell, from Leviticus 25:10


“I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth _ that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probably that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that "except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it." I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest. I therefore beg leave to move _ that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.”

-Ben Franklin, to the Constitutional Convention, June 28, 1787


“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

-John Adams


“Religion is the only solid basis of good morals; therefore education should teach the precepts of religion, and the duties of man towards God.”

-Governeur Morris

 Pennsylvania delegate to the Constitutional Convention


“Statesmen, my dear sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.”

-John Adams


“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.”

-John Quincy Adams


“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

-Patrick Henry


“A patriot without religion, in my estimation, is as great a paradox as an honest man without the fear of God. Is it possible that he whom no moral obligations bind, can have any real Good Will towards Men? Can he be a patriot who, by an openly vicious conduct, is undermining the very bonds of Society? _ The Scriptures tell us righteousness exalteth a Nation.”

-Abigail Adams


“The brief exposition of the constitution of the United States will unfold to young persons the principles of republican government; and it is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion.”

-Noah Webster


If religious books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth be not diffused, error will be; If God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy; If the evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will; If the power of the Gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end.”

-Daniel Webster


“True Godliness doesn't turn men out of the World, but enables them to live better in it, and excites their endeavors to mend it.”

-William Penn



“Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure, when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that they are a gift of God? Indeed, I tremble for my countrymen, when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

-Thomas Jefferson


“The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.”

-Calvin Coolidge


“We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God_ and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves_to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.”

-Abraham Lincoln


“The higher state to which she [America] seeks the allegiance of all mankind is not human, but of Divine origin. She cherishes no purpose, save to merit the favor of Almighty God.”

-Calvin Coolidge


Major sources: The Myth Of Separation by David Barton,

WallBuilder Press, PO Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008, (817) 441-6044,

and The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel,

Fleming H. Revell Company, Tarrytown, NY.




Our Friend, Bill Rouchell, wrote about this a few weeks ago when it was being swept under a rug then.  His remarks may be found in the archives of this feedback page.  It would seem that others have noticed the attempt once again to slant and even gag the news reported about such obvious “hate crimes” – if we are going to have this label, then let’s use it for all that apply!  Deb V



From Josh –


And with further link from this article –


Mr. Pruden has his hat on straight, folks! 


Josh has this to say.  (We’ve published some of his remarks before, and while I might not agree with everything he has to say, he certainly does make some pretty darned thought provoking points, doesn’t he?) 


Joshua M. Duncan

                                 The United States                                    

                           Will this world's most successful Government survive?

I think not!
In the beginning the United States created a government with a constitution that would survive any thing that challenged it.  This seemed to work for 150 years.  Slowly the most important part of the Constitution was changed.  The Constitution was written to cover the use of many of the faults that brought down ALL Governments that existed before it.  There was Government by the people through elected representatives.  There was provision for separation of the three branches of government on which the constitution was built.  Should these well prepared elements of the constitution been followed there was a good chance for survival.  Unfortunately these provisions have failed.  This Government will be no longer in existence in less that fifty years.
There are three major things that have happened to bring me to this conclusion.

1.  The elected representatives have chosen to ignore the writings of the Constitutions, and the spelled out wishes of their constituents. 

2. The constitution calls for a separation of the three branches of the federal government.  There is no separation of powers. The courts at every level make laws.  The legislators, and the executives do not seem to notice.  The Legislators usurp States rights without any complaint; the executive nullifies the legislators by so called executive privilege, and appointments while the Senate is not in session.  
3.  All three branches are controlled by lawyers, who by their actions could not make a living as lawyers, but are well trained to ignore the constitution.

    The government as now exist is all one big conflict of the constitution.  This can show its existence by one person (at the moment Tom Daschle) being able to stop all legislation that is brought before either house of the legislative body.  Well meaning men that are not trained in civil or criminal law would never let a committee refuse to bring any measure to the floor for vote.  The committee would only make recommendations to the body, not usurp their responsibilities.


    I do not believe it can.  I have recommendations that may be able to bring back the Government of The United States of America.  I do not think my recommendations can be put into practice.  This negative feeling comes from the fact that the elected people as lawyers do not realize that there is a conflict of interest.  I am speaking of a MAJOR conflict of interest throughout the government as it exsist at this time in the history of The United States of America


       No person that has ever attended law school would be eligible to be elected  to any of the offices that comprise the three branches of the United States Government.  In all cases that would be a definite conflict of interest in serving the citizens of the United States.  The actions of the lawyers that now control all branches of the United States Government indicate that they are incapable of reading the Constitutions.  They have all sworn an oath to uphold said Constitutions.  We know they can read because all have attended law school.  This indicates that they have not even read the Constitutions of The United States of America.  The real problem more likely is found in their law school training.  The American English is not taught in law school.  Ways to misinterpret the language, and add words to the Constitutions that are in fact not there.  I feel that this is why the Courts make Laws, the House and Senate refuse to bring the laws to the floor for a vote, and the President makes appointments when congress is not in session or uses excecutive priviledge to accomplish
improper actions.  This country should be operated by the rules of law allowed by it's constitution, not by trained liars, and selfish people.


       The Executive office of President or Vice President of the United  States Government must come from a citizen of the United States of America who is a person born of citizens that were born or naturalized under proper proceedures.  There will be no short cuts on any rules of citizenship.
       Candidates for President being also the Commander in Chief should be chosen from persons that have never been elected to serve in either of the two other branches of the United States Government.  They must be educated in such manner as to make them very familier with all Uniformed Services.  All offices that collect and evaluate intelligence used to protect citizens should be for his or her immediate use.     This includes The United States Military, Federal, State, and local intelligence forces involved with keeping citizens safe.  They will have in their possesion a copy of the Constitutions of the United States of America issued to them by the government printing office at the time of their pledge to support the same.  All appointments must be brought from committees to a vote on the floor of both houses of congress.

Congress of the United States of America

       Shall consist of citizens born or naturalized.  All elected members of both houses shall have in their possesion a copy of the Constitutions of the United States of America issued to them by the government printing office at the time of their pledge to support the same.  They will be required to make laws, which after study by a committee will be voted on by each house.  All laws voted favorably will be signed by the President within a given period or will become law.  The Supreme court will determine its constitutional validity.  Their sallarys, and expenses will be voted by the citizenry, not less that bi-annually.  Their retirement pay will follow the rules accorded retired militay personnel, and be subject to disability deductions such as will apply to all Federal employees.


       Shall consist of appointees of the President and confirmed by the full Senate after being considerd by a committee of Senators.  They must in all cases read before the combined houses of congress the Constitutions, and ammendments loaned to them by the government printing office.  Should their appointment be approved the government printing office will issue to them the same book read in congress.  They will have lifetime appointments.  They will rule on all laws that are contested as not conforming to the Constitutions of the United States of America.  All their judgements will be based on the American English words within the book of Constitutions, and its ammendments.

States of the united States of America

       The States that make up the United States will have all Constitutional rights that are not specifically assigned to the Federal Government.  All States have the right to join together in any endever that is approved by a referendum voted by it's citizens.  All States will have representation in all elected offices of the Federal Government.  They will be represented as they are at this time, with the only ecception that none can have attended law school.


       All religions will be accepted in the United States of America, and its recognized territories.  Religious Rites practiced in any language other that American English will provide to the Federal. State, and Local authorities a translation in American English of their religious book.  Religions practicing Rites in American English shall provide a copy of their religious book to the same authorities.  All religious tracts, written educational materials of all Religions will be furnished the library of congress.  Any religious persons deviating from their books and written material based on their religious books will be considered another Religion and comply with the same requirements of all other Religious societies
       No religious materials will refer to any other Religion in a derogatory fashion.  Those who do not abide by these requirements will be considered Cults and not have the protection of the conforming Religions.

From Helen –

FYI: {I asked my Republican Representative's office person to find out if this Mr. Fox had been reported to Child Line.  She tried to avoid the situation by saying that neither of the locations were within her boss's jurisdiction.  That only applies to court and police jurisdiction so I explained to her that his employer was the Dauphin County Juvenile Probation dept. and Steve Sukniac who is the head of that department had a hand in hiring him.   I was a student of this dude back in 1989 and was told by the women who had been in previous classes that only those that "do" him get hired, if you are a female.  This degrading environment surrounding hiring is why the males in the probation department "do" their charges.  The last one who was arrested for it was a black man who had been released from prison in one of the well publicized DNA releases.  Even the girl said that he had not "done" her that she had been pressured into fingering the black man by the other probation department people and the police.  The black exonerated guy, Butler, is back in prison...

But this man, Fox, is permitted to exit the state...
The representative's office person finally was convinced when I told her that parents were extradited on accusations and not permitted to leave the state.  She called Childline and found out that either his present employer or Children and Youth (if the girl was a previous client) would report him if the accusation was found to be credible.  HUH!  Fox was arrested and charged once in the county where Philhaven Mental hospital is located.  The lower Paxton cops issued the other warrant only after this article appeared in the newspaper because that is where the sex actually took place.  This man could get a job and not show up on the police records until his conviction.  At no time did the Childline respondent say that he had been added to the database.  Mr. Fox's inclusion in the DataBase was confidential.  But we know that only the child's info is confidential.

The legislative office person thought that you only get on Childline if you are convicted.  I explained to her that rumors unsubstantiated are the core of unfounded and founded listing on Childline.  Conviction was sought in a court of law but Childline listing prevented job acquisition even if cleared in a court of law.

That last one was the reason she finally called Childline.  She is slowly beginning to realize that I might be correct.  Watch for the young Fox at your local juvenile probation office or daycare.}

Helen Steely
Harrisburg, Pa.

And also from Helen – This is great info!

FYI, great for printing out for a class presentation.

 I learned from my children's karate classes that the  elbow is the strongest point on your body. If  you are close enough, use it.  If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights, stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won't see you but everybody else will. This has saved lives. 
 Last night I attended a personal safety workshop, and it jolted me. It was given by an amazing man, Pat Malone, who has been a bodyguard for famous figures like Farrah Fawcett and Sylvester Stallone. He works for the FBI and teaches police officers and Navy SEALS hand-to-hand combat. This man has seen, and knows a lot.

 He focused on teachings us HOW TO AVOID BEING THE VICTIM OF A VIOLENT CRIME. He gave us some statistics about how much the occurrences of random violence have escalated over the recent years, and it's terrible. Something like 99% of us will be exposed to, or become a victim of a violent crime.Here are some of the most important points that I got out of his presentation:

(1.) The three reasons women are easy targets for random acts of violence are
   (a.) Lack of Awareness You MUST know where you are what's going on around you.
    (b.) Body Language Keep your head up, swing your arms,> stand straight up.
     (c.) Wrong Place, Wrong Time DON'T walk alone in an alley, or drive in a bad neighborhood at night.

 (2). Women are inclined to get into their cars after shopping, eating, or working, and sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc). DON'T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to  go.. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR, LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.

2.  A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage

     a.) Be aware: look around you, look into your car,look at both floorboards, at the passenger side floor, and in the backseat.
 Several years ago in downtown Jacksonville a man used to wait under woman's cars and pull them under and attack them, so it's a good idea to check under
the car too!
 (b.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
     (c.) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better
paranoid than dead.)

 (3.) ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot.

 4) If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN!
The predator will only hit a running target 4 in 100 times. And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!

(5.) As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed! !
     (a.) Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was good looking, well educated and he ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a
cane, or a limp, and often asked "for help" into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim. (One time he had a fake broken arm and was carrying a lot of books and dropped them and tried to get one of the women to help him carry them to his car. When I read that in the book I thought, I could see me doing that, How about you? How about your daughter's?
     (b.) Pat Malone told us the story of his daughter, who came out of the mall and was walking to her car when she noticed 2 older ladies in front of her. Then she saw a police car come towards her with 2 cops in it, who said hello. She also noticed that all 8 handicap spots in the area were empty. As she neared her car she saw a man a few rows over calling to her for help. He wanted her to close his passenger side door. He was sitting in the back on the driver's side, and said he was handicapped. He continued calling, until she turned and headed back to the mall, and then he began cursing at her. In the meantime, she wondered why he didn't ask the 2 older ladies, or the policemen for help, and why he was not parked in any of the empty handicap spots. As she got back to the mall, two male friends of hers were exiting, and as she told them the story, and turned to point at the car, the man was getting out of the back seat into the front and suddenly the car sped away. DON'T GET CAUGHT IN THIS TRAP.
 I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know. It may save a life.  A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle. I was going to send this to the ladies only; but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, etc., you may want to pass it on to them, as well.  Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it....better safe than sorry. PLEASE BE SAFE AND NOT SORRY!  ALWAYS BE ALERT AND USE YOUR HEAD!!!
 Never let your guard down.
 Carolyn J. Golithon H.R. Representative Mayo Clinic
 Scottsdale, Az. (Original author)

From Dottie – This is a problem that must be addressed!

Hi folks,

The other day I read an older article by Vin Suprynowicz that's posted on this site:

Al Lorentz, the Texas State Chairman for the Constitution Party, feels as I do -- this is an issue that keeps getting buried, pushed aside by media and swept under the rug by government as parents lose more and more control over their kids and the state moves in and takes them. The record of "Child Protective Services" here in Arizona is deplorable.  That's true in many states.

Each of you to whom this is addressed has tried to call America's attention to this problem.  Each of us has written on it or warned about it.  Al Lorentz has asked me to contribute whatever I can write on this. Those to whom this is addressed have had more direct involvement than I have.  I've probably gotten most of my information from you, and then made an overall analysis of the rapid move to "state-owned kids."

If you want to get heard once again, please contact Al at with your previous article or articles on known cases (such as the Christine case) where the outrage should have been there and was not.

Please grab this opportunity to be heard ... Al is serious about making the protection of our children a real issue, one the major parties will overlook again.  The kids are worth more than Worldcom, Enron, and Martha Stewart all cooked together in the same stew.

Al's website is ... but the outrage won't stop there. Al can fuel the fires where we've struck matches and help call American parents' attention to a national catastrophe that could strike them next.

(Dorothy Anne Seese)
Sun City, Arizona

From Bill –

Dear Deb, what say you to this thought?
Those mavens in the art of spending other peoples money have come up with another solution in the fight against AID'S.  They want another 27 BILLION (it's only our money folks!) to bring about a cure. Now the Kahuna, not trying to be the master of the simple, feels this way. Why not save the money and get the practitioners of their deviant form of sex to "TURN OVER A NEW LEAF" so to speak! Just stop the way they indulge in their pursuit of pleasure. Having their pleasure is just too expensive for NORMAL society to handle!! Am I wrong?   Bill Rouchell, River Ridge, La.

Nope!  Another “health issue” comes to mind in figuring this one – It has been determined that smokers must foot the bill for all the health care costs of all smokers, as well as the education of the public against smoking.  Why should the degenerate lifestyles, which led to the explosion of Aides as a health issue, be given a free ride?   Deb V.

From Josh – We couldn’t seem to come up with a link for this, but it is well worth posting anyway.  If anyone can give proper credit, we’ll be glad to publish a name or link.

What makes this country so great is that it is made up of so many different nationalities that have come together to form our great country.  In the past they have learned our language.  Let those who follow do the same.   We should not, for instance, have voting ballots or driver's license exams written in Spanish.

I learned this a long time ago:

"One cannot go to Italy and become and Italian.  One cannot go to Japan and become a Japanese.  One cannot go to France and become a Frenchman, nor can one go to Mexico and become a Mexican.  Yet one can come to America and become an American"

(But if you do, adapt to our standards.  Josh)

I Will NOT Forget!
   I sat in a movie theater watching "Schindler's List," asked myself, "Why didn't the Jews fight back?"
Now I know why.
   I sat in a movie theater, watching "Pearl Harbor and asked myself, "Why weren't we prepared?"
Now I know why.
   Civilized people cannot fathom, much less predict, the actions of evil people.
On September 11, dozens of capable airplane passengers allowed themselves to be overpowered by a handful of poorly armed terrorists because they did not comprehend the depth of hatred that motivated their captors. 
On September 11, thousands of innocent people were murdered because too many Americans naively reject the reality that some nations are dedicated to the dominance of others. Many political pundits, pacifists and media personnel want us to forget the carnage. They say we must focus on the bravery of the rescuers and ignore the cowardice of the killers. They implore us to understand the motivation of the perpetrators. Major television stations have announced they will assist the healing process by not replaying devastating footage of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers.
I will not be manipulated.
I will not pretend to understand.
I will not forget.
   I will not forget the liberal media who abused freedom of the press to kick our country when it was vulnerable and hurting.
   I will not forget that CBS anchor Dan Rather preceded President Bush's address to the nation with the snide remark, "No matter how you feel about him, he is still our president."
   I will not forget that ABC TV anchor Peter Jennings questioned President Bush's motives for not returning immediately to Washington, DC and commented, "We're all pretty skeptical and cynical about Washington."
   And I will not forget that ABC's Mark Halperin warned if reporters weren't informed of every little detail of this war, they aren't "likely - nor should they be expected-to show deference."
   I will not isolate myself from my fellow Americans by pretending an attack on the USS Cole in Yemen was not an attack on the United States of America.
   I will not forget the Clinton administration equipped Islamic terrorists and their supporters with the world's most sophisticated telecommunications equipment and encryption technology, thereby compromising America's ability to trace terrorist radio, cell phone, land lines, faxes and modem communications.
   I will not be appeased with pointless, quick retaliatory strikes like those perfected by the previous administration.
   I will not be comforted by "feel-good, do nothing" regulations like the silly "Have your bags been under your control?" question at the airport.
   I will not be influenced by so called, "antiwar demonstrators" who exploit the right of expression to chant anti-American obscenities.
   I will not forget the moral victory handed the North Vietnamese by American war protesters who reviled and spat upon the returning soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines.
   I will not be softened by the wishful thinking of pacifists who chose reassurance over reality.
I will embrace the wise words of Prime Minister Tony Blair who told Labor Party conference, "They have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered, not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone doubt they would have done so, and rejoiced in it?
There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror. Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must!"
  I will force myself to:
    -hear the weeping
    -feel the helplessness
    -imagine the terror
    -sense the panic
    -smell the burning flesh
    -experience the loss
    -remember the hatred.
   I sat in a movie theater, watching "Private Ryan" and asked myself, "Where did they find the courage?"
Now I know.
   We have no choice. Living without liberty is not living.


Previous Feedback


This nails it, Bill!

A House panel approved a scaled-back version of Mr. Bush's proposal to expand national "volunteer" programs, including the Clintonista AmeriCorps program.  Shades of Rip Van Winkle! I seem to have missed something. When did programs such as this, where the volunteers are paid, become volunteer programs? To me this is no more than another
federal program to curry favor with a certain group (using our money) to receive their support when the need arises! When did we as a people lose sight of the fact that when you pay people to do things it is a Job!

This is another boondoggle foisted on the American taxpayer, by those who have no regard for the wishes of the public. It is truly a reflection of the mendacious, master of sham and originator of the program "slick willie"!...... Bill Rouchell - River Ridge, La



From Helen -


What good does it do to detect a bomb as it is entering your facility?  Do your guards have rules of engagement that can have the terrorist carrier dead before he hits the switch?  First rule of engagement in a war zone is to set up perimeters and detection and means to stop the threat at the perimeter, which is far away from your main location.  This means to close the borders and clean out the possible terrorists within the perimeter,
i.e., borders of country and cities.

OH Yea, the detection devices described will not detect the stuff of dirty bombs...checked with my own private expert in the nuke field.  (cost of the devices, circa $6,000)

Metro Briefing: New York

New York Times members only link – article from 06/28/02


From Papa Bear –


The "wilderness society" and governments are closing access to forests while continuing open borders policies.  If we really think about it, how in the hell does this make sense?  The message is that open borders encourage illegals to come here enmasse and that's o.k., but to be sure of that, we're closing the interior to habitation, as well.  Go figure.


I suppose if one has the money (yours and mine) that the aforementioned have, actually working to provide for self and family is not a concern which allows for self-appointed what ever gurus to become fully immersed in a reduced freedom apparatus for all concerned, a.k.a. the "wilderness society" and the government.   Of course, as with anything there are exceptions to the rules.  I wonder who they are.



Response to EtherZone article – “Speechless” -


First of all Atheism is NOT a religion.  Big duh here.


2nd, the 'under god' part came from McCarthyism and fear of Communism.


3rd, the original Pledge was to solidify Lincoln's, Indivisible.  Of course this great man thoroughly trashed our Constitution during the War Between the States.


4th, I am a combat veteran (25th Infantry Div, Cu Chi Vietnam) and I do not need to say a pledge to a flag to show my loyalty to my country.  I am loyal without saying these magic words.




Thank you for your feedback, Craig –

First point isn’t quite a duh – any belief system that causes someone the need to define a label for it can very well be loosely described as a religion – even a profession of non-belief.

I am aware of the facts in the other points you make and have no argument – except possibly if you see the struggle against communism as a negative instead of a positive one. 

My hat is off to your service and loyalty, sir, and I wouldn’t doubt it for a minute.  It will be all for naught, however, the day that government can legislate against and legally persecute allegiance to the notion of sovereign individual faith. 

From Lewie –



Were YOU A KID IN THE Fifties or earlier? Everybody makes fun of our childhood! Comedians joke. Grand kids snicker. Twenty-somethings shudder and say “Eeeew!” But was our childhood really all that bad? Judge for yourself.


In 1940 US population was less than 140 million, then in 1953, the US population was close to150 million … yet you knew more people then, and knew them better … And that was good. The average annual salary was between $1,500 and $3,000 … Yet our parents could put some of it away for a rainy day and still live a decent life … And that was good.


A loaf of bread or bottle of milk cost about 10 cent to 15 cents … But it was safe for five-year old to skate to the store and buy one … And that was good.


Then on the radio was Captain Midnight, Lone Ranger, the Shadow. Then Prime-time meant I Love Lucy, Ozzie and Harriett, and Lassie … So nobody’d ever heard of ratings or filters…And that was good.


We didn’t have air-conditioning…So the window stayed up and half a dozen mothers ran outside when you fell off your bike … And that was good.


Most of the time we had to walk to the country school … And hunted on our way to school … And left our gun in the hall … And then we could hunt on our way home … And that was good.


We could take most all roads to view … And we used to take friends up on the mountain to view the valley … And we used to in the winter slide down this same mountain … And that was good.


In the winter time we use to be able to ice skate on our Lakes … And that was good.


Your teacher was either Miss Matthews or Mrs. Logan or Mr. Hemstreet … But not Ms. Becky or Mr. Dan … And that was good.


The only hazardous material you knew about…Was a patch of grass burrs around the light pole at the corner…or the stinging nettles along the ditch…And that was good.


Most families needed only one job…Meaning Mom was home when school let out…And that was good.


You loved to climb into a fresh bed…Because sheets were dried on the clothesline…And that was good.


People generally lived in the same hometown with their relatives…So “child care” meant grandparents or aunts and uncles…And that was really good.


TV was in black-and-white… But all outdoors was in glorious color… And that was certainly good.


Your Dad knew how to adjust everybody’s carburetor… And the Dad next door knew how hang a screen door. And that was very good.


Your grandma grew snap beans in the back yard… And chickens behind the garage… And that was definitely good.


And just when you were about to do something really bad … chances were you’d run into your high school coach…or the nosey old lady from up the street…Or your little sister’s piano teacher…Or somebody from church…ALL of who knew your parents’ phone TU 2222…And YOUR first name…And even that was good.


Things have definitely changed. Have they changed for the better??????



From Alan –


You don't actually have to take the quiz. Just read the email straight through, and you'll get the point, an awesome one, that it is trying to make!

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies.
Awards tarnish.
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

6. Name half a dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you.


The lesson:

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards.

They are the ones that care.

Previous Feedback -


Well, folks, we’ve got a bunch of good stuff here once again.  Thanks to all contributors!  At the end of this update you will find a link to the now archived previous feedback page.  Enjoy!  Deb V


From Papa Bear –


Another "sustainable" org.  I don't read any suggestion for closing off the borders to illegal immigration, which is where the growth has come from since forever (although, it sure seems the Clintonistas era contributed mightily to increased porous border crossings).  I know, I've lived it as have many of your readers, as well.


And – As you are probably aware, these people are busy beavers and, I imagine, require a bunch of bucks for their "conquests".  You know what's crazy, much of what they are lobbying for, in conjunction with government and the courts, was a result of government projects and policies. Again, probably some big salaries to be located within this organization, too.


From Helen – Now this IS newsworthy!


Monday, May 20 By Cindy Stauffer New Era Staff Writer
   This is a delicate subject.
It requires using the F-word. (fart)
If you're my mother, please turn the page.
If you're a fifth-grade boy, keep reading.
You're going to love this.

Buck Weimer has been called the "wind wizard." He and his wife, Arlene, "the
toot-sweet couple."

Their product's been nicknamed "blast from the pants" and "thunderpants."

Weimer, a native of Columbia and 1958 graduate of Columbia High School,
offers a joke of his own. "This doctor is visiting with this elderly person
and he says, "Yes, sir, that was very loud but I wanted to hear your heart.'

Our subject today: flatulence.

Particularly: flatulence underpants, which have been invented by Weimer.

His "Under-Ease" are airtight underwear with a filter that traps
bad-smelling gas.

Goodbye SBD. Hello SBB (silent but breathable).

In the first year of business, the Weimers sold 4,000 pairs of the
underpants, which come in men's and women's styles and cost $24.95 (filter
included). (Call 1-888-433-5913 or log onto

The dis-stink-tive underwear has been featured by radio shock-jock Howard
Stern's show, columnist Dave Barry, Playboy Magazine, as well as in the
international media, including a Japanese show called "Ultra-Shop."

Weimer, 63, now lives in Pueblo, Colo., where he works as a clinical

But he was born here, in Columbia Hospital. The son of the late Chester and
Ruth Weimer, he grew up in the Susquehanna River town, in the neighborhood
near Fifth and Locust streets.

His brother, Pete, a stand-out athlete at Columbia High, still lives in
Columbia. So do other relatives, including a cousin, Rich Gerfin.

Weimer cheerfully describes himself as a "Rube Goldberg type." Maybe he
developed the resourcefulness that seems to be native to Lancaster Countians
during his growing-up years here. It was that resourcefulness that led to
the creation of "Under-Ease."

Weimer's wife, also a therapist, has a digestive disorder and, well, let him
tell you about it in his own words.

"When it flares up, she gets extremely bad-smelling gas," he says. "I was
lying in bed with her one night after a Thanksgiving meal in 1993. She
started knitting some really bad gas. I was lying in bed thinking, "What am
I going to do about this?'

"You can't divorce her over bad gas. It just doesn't look good on your

Weimer figured the reason it smelled so bad was that his wife's gas was
escaping from the only opening in the covers, at the top of the blankets
where his unfortunate nose was located.

But what if she was wearing air-tight underwear? And what if that underwear
had an exit hole? And what if that hole was covered by a filter?

It took a couple of years of research to transfer Weimer's
middle-of-the-night brainstorm into his patented underpants, which have a
very thin, seven-layer filter that uses charcoal and Australian sheep's

Customers positively gush about the undies, with testimonials of "Truly a
remarkable invention," "Very classy," and "An answer to my prayers." Weimer
won a 2001 1/2 Ig Nobel Prize for his unique invention.

Most of the Under-Ease customers are men (no surprise to wives everywhere),
in the 45 to 55 age range. Of course, an element of their business is in
what could be called the gag-gift market.

"We still get telephone calls very regularly asking us if this is for real,"
Weimer says.

The Weimers are developing a new twist to their product, a filter that emits
a pleasant smell whenever gas is passed through it. (Question: When is a
stinker not a stinker? Answer: When it smells like fresh pine!)

"Not in all my wildest dreams," would Weimer have imagined he could go down
in history as the inventor of flatulence underpants. Still, he's glad he did

"One of our jokes is that when I die, on my headstone I'm going to ask them
to write, "He left the world a better-smelling place.' "_ --


Links For Same Subject



Also From Helen –


Blue Ribbon (author unknown)

 A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in high school
by telling them the difference they each made.

 She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time.

 First she told each of them how they had made a difference to her and the

Then she presented each of them with a blue ribbon imprinted with gold
letters, which read, "Who I Am Makes a Difference." Afterwards the teacher
decided to do a class project to see what kind of impact recognition would
have on a community. She gave each of the students three more ribbons and
instructed them to go out and spread this acknowledgment ceremony. Then they
were to follow up on the results, see who honored whom and report back
 to the class in about a week.

One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company
and honored him for helping him with his
 career planning. He gave him a blue ribbon and put it on his shirt. Then he
gave him two extra ribbons and said,
"We're doing a class project on recognition, and we'd like you to go out,
find somebody to honor, give them a blue ribbon, then give them the extra
blue ribbon so they can  acknowledge a third person to keep this
acknowledgment ceremony going. Then please report back to me and tell me
 what happened."

 Later that day the junior executive went in to see his boss, who had been
noted, by the way, as being kind of a grouchy fellow. He sat his boss down
and he told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius.
The  boss seemed very surprised. The junior executive asked him if he would
accept the gift of the blue ribbon and would he give him permission to put
it on him. His surprised boss said, "Well, sure." The junior executive took
the blue ribbon and placed it right on his boss's jacket above his heart.

 As he gave him the last extra ribbon, he said, "Would you do me a favor?
Would you take this extra ribbon and pass it on by honoring somebody else.
The young boy who first gave me the ribbons is doing a project in school
and we want to keep this recognition ceremony going and find out how it
 affects people."

 That night the boss came home to his 14-year- old son and sat him down. He
said, "The most incredible thing happened to me today. I was in my office
and one of the junior executives came in and told me he admired me and gave
 me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius. Imagine. He thinks I'm a
creative genius. Then he put this blue ribbon that says "Who I Am Makes a
Difference" on my jacket above my heart. He gave me an extra ribbon and
asked me to find somebody else to honor. As I was driving home tonight, I
 started thinking about whom I would honor with this ribbon and I thought
about you. I want to honor you. My days are really hectic and when I come
home I don't pay a lot of attention to you. Sometimes I scream at you for
not getting good enough grades in school and for your bedroom being a
mess,  but somehow tonight, I just wanted to sit here and, well, just let
you know  that you do make a difference to me. Besides your mother, you are
the most  important person in my life. You're a great kid and I love you!"

The startled boy started to sob and sob, and he couldn't stop crying. His
whole body shook. He looked up at his father and said through his tears,
"Dad, earlier tonight I sat in my room and wrote a letter to you and Mom
explaining why I had killed myself and asking you to forgive me. I was
going to commit suicide tonight after you were asleep. I just didn't think
 that you cared at all. The letter is upstairs. I don't think I need it
after all."

His father walked upstairs and found a heartfelt letter full of anguish and
pain. The envelope was addressed, "Mom and Dad."

 The boss went back to work a changed man. He was no longer a grouch but
made sure to let all his employees know that they made a difference. The
junior executive helped several other young people with career planning and
 never forgot to let them know that they made a difference in his life...
one being the boss's son.

And the young boy and his classmates learned a valuable lesson. Who you are
DOES make difference!




Feedback to my recent article on EtherZone –


This Newdow guy is just a plain jerk, notwithstanding that for the past
forty years lawyers like him, and certain ones among them who become
judges, are ruining America. 
His "act" was just one more in the whacko world of self-centeredness, so
overly, supposedly, concerned about his daughter's feelings being hurt
that he showed a totally consuming selfish ego trip for his 15 minutes
of fame (shame?) to disregard the feelings of the MAJORITY of her
classmates whose parents regularly take them to church and teach them
about God. Why should those kids and their parents have to struggle to
explain why they can no longer say the word "God," thereby planting the
idea in children's minds that, suddenly, something is wrong with God. I
would bet our enemies in the Muslim world are preparing a propaganda
campaign to say "See, we've been telling you America is a Godless,
infidel nation; their children can't even say God in school!"
God is God. God is not religion. That is why our founding fathers so
wisely wrote as they did. Religion is your freedom to worship God as you
see fit. Or in his case, not to worship him. Perhaps Mr. Newdow should
move his family to China, North Korea, or Russia, where the word "God"
is spoken so little that he and his daughter would never have their
feeling hurt.
By the way, I'm an agnostic, but I'd sure like to punch this jerk in the


Your points are well taken!


Don't you think it a wee bit strange that when our so called 'religious' fathers wrote the Constitution that HE (God) was NOT mentioned even once?  Come on, even you have read the Constitution haven't you?





Hi Kathy,

Thank you for your thoughtful feedback.  I believe that the Founders were clear in their thinking that religion and government must steer clear of each other.  I do not think they were trying to tell individuals to steer clear of God.  There is a big difference.  The point is that America was founded upon principals that made freedom from religious persecution possible.  To tell a majority of the people in this country who believe in God in one form or another that His name cannot be mentioned in a pledge of allegiance to their country is most definitely a form of religious persecution.  I cannot buy the idea, however, that the mere mention of His name in such a pledge does injury to anyone. 


This country will sink or swim on the strength and commitment of individuals who are willing to pledge themselves to the ideals of a higher power than man's government - whatever that might be.  Man's government, whether it be in the form of a tyranny or a mandated religion, is driven by evil persecution.  Commitment to the cause of freedom includes the acceptance of the fact that human rights are not derived of powers granted by man's government but rather from an inherent, inalienable source.


Just so you know, I have a real problem with any and all organized religions.  I figure that my relationship with my God is off limits to everyone.  



Ms. Venable,
   I really liked your article concerning the "pledge".   If my memory
serves me correctly,  I seem to remember that the "under God" was added
to the "pledge" around 1951.  I was younger then.  Have a good'n an'
thanks again for caring for our national heritage.  It's difficult to
dominate a people who have traditions.  Good luck, Indiana Bob


You are quite right, Bob.  Actually the words, "under God" were added in
1954 I believe as a warning to Godless communism.  The pledge has been the
center of other contoversy in the past - some objecting to the fact that it
was actually written by a socialist, and mainly objecting to the word
"indivisible" also.  The simple fact is that one thing the pledge most
certainly is NOT is unconstitutional.  As socialists often do, I believe the
writer actually succeeded in producing the instrument of his philosophy's
demise in this country, which definitely was not his plan.  The simple
message of unity and the added proclamation of God's involvement in America
have introduced many to a heritage they would not have understood any other
way.  God works in mysterious ways, and uses whatever means He finds.
Godless politicians and judges will find this subject is one of those "third
rail" issues they had better leave alone.



From Lewie – This takes awhile to load but it is self-executing and worth it.


and this -



This Is From Dottie – I’m a big fan of Vin’s too, so make sure you check out his site.



I'm a fan of Vin Supry's ... a clear-headed writer if ever the US saw one!  A netfriend sent me a link to a site where this article appears, and now that the outrage is running high over the pledge, it should run even higher over parental control of children.  They do not belong to the state ... the global governance villagers may think they do, but they don't.  Our "Child Protective Services" agency in Arizona has a deplorable record, and I think it is no better anywhere else.  I'm an unvaccinated person other than for smallpox, and both my smallpox vacs, taken 15 years apart, had dreadful reactions.  I not only was an
unvaccinated child, all I had was measles!  Well, I had red measles at age 9 and German measles at 31.  Still measles.

Educrats declare war on remaining
        parental rights
        by Vin Suprynowicz

On Tuesday, May 19, 1999, Jared Salisbury, 9-year-old son of Phillip Salisbury, a $40,000-a-year employee of Federal Express on Long Island, N.Y., was rushed by ambulance to St. John's Episcopal Hospital, where he died of acute peritonitis from a ruptured appendix.

At the hospital, officials learned the Salisburys had decided not to get Jared all his childhood immunizations – none of which would have prevented his death.  The Salisburys stood accused of sending their children to the Church of God Christian Academy, and of refusing to get them their childhood immunizations, based on the father's personal beliefs that such "shots" pose more dangers than they're worth.

(A 1985 federal report prepared for the United States Institute of Medicine concluded that if 3.6 million American children receive three pertussis vaccinations each as recommended, 22 to 36 of those infants will suffer permanent brain damage from the vaccine each year.)

The state took the five remaining Salisbury children and placed them in foster care, despite the fact that inspectors found all the other Salisbury kids safe, happy, well-fed and
well-clothed, and the house "reasonably clean." Their one-year-old daughter, who was receiving only breast milk at the time, "was weaned by force and against our will," Salisbury says.

Salisbury's wife, Damaris, had the couple's seventh child last spring. I spoke to Phillip when the child was just two months old. "My wife had a baby two months ago and today they took the baby." he told me. "Our children have always been 100 percent breast fed. The foster parent is a friend, so we're still going to try."

The mother will have to visit the foster home several times a day to feed her child.

According to reporting by Cheryl Romo in the Los Angeles Daily Journal, which
covers legal matters for Southern California's attorneys, little Kameron Justin Demery, aged two-and-a-half, and his twin sister Karissa appeared to be doing fine until one early morning after the Christmas holiday, 1995.  That was when Karissa was taken to the
hospital emergency room by her mom, suffering with what would later be diagnosed as bronchitis.

The first thing hospital officials requested from their mom, Jacqueline Bishop (then 29) were the children's immunization records. But since Ms. Bishop had been persuaded by her own mother, a licensed vocational nurse, not to immunize the twins because of the very real health risks, she didn't have any immunization records.

Within days came the late-night government raid in which the twins and their seven-year-old brother were seized from Ms. Bishop by brute force.

The twins, Kameron and Karissa, were placed in the foster care of David and Evelyn Miller, even though the Millers had previously had all foster children in their care removed by the DCFS because of "excessive discipline." The Millers had also been decertified as care providers in February, 1995 by the Foster Family Network. But reporter Romo found the previous abuse allegations against the Millers were not reported to the DCFS hotline. They "fell through the cracks."

On Oct. 14, 1996, little Karissa looked on as her brother Kameron, against whom she had cuddled as she fell asleep each night since she was born, was beaten to death by Evelyn Miller, his state-licensed foster care provider. Evelyn Miller is now serving a sentence of 15 years-to-life for murder.

I've researched more than a dozen such cases in recent months, and experts tell me it's the tip of the iceberg. Florida child care workers will now take perfectly healthy children out of loving homes because they believe they're obliged to do so if a younger infant dies of crib death. In the case of Alexandera Dykes of Colorado Springs, daughter of Travis ("Ted") and Anita Doolin of Las Vegas, the children were taken away on a charge of "dirty home" after she filed third-degree sexual assault charges against a male case worker who slid his hands up under her sweater and tried to pull her into the bedroom in front of her young children.

The presumption in America today – first for the poor but increasingly for all of us – is that our children belong to the state.  The state allows those children to remain "out on loan" to their natural birth parents only so long as you meet all the government's requirements: Every vaccination recommended by the major pharmaceutical firms, no matter how dangerous or statistically useless.

No guns in the house; no strange faith-healing religious beliefs. And you'd better make sure your kid reports to the local government youth propaganda camp from the age of six ... or is it 5 now? ... so the local educrats get their subsidies based on a full complement of little butts to warm the seats ... or else.

Now comes Senate Bill 73, pre-filed Feb. 1 for this session of the Nevada Legislature in the name of Sen. Ray Rawson's entire Committee on Human Resources and Facilities, since no individual lawmaker has the courage to attach his or her name to such a

The bill "requires state board of education to prescribe form for reports of parental involvement in education of children." In other words, it would enact Las Vegas Assemblywoman (and Special Ed teacher) Chris Giunchigliani's longtime dream: teachers filling out report cards on parents.

The teachers union would help draft a form on which teachers would grade parents on "whether the parent or legal guardian ensures the attendance and punctuality of the pupil, including, without limitation, whether the pupil: (1) Completes his homework assignments in a timely manner; (2) Is present in the classroom when school begins each day unless his absence is approved in accordance with NRS 392.130. ...

Also required would be "(b) A report of whether the parent or legal guardian ensures the health and safety of the pupil, including, without limitation, whether: ...(2) Current information is on file with the school regarding the health of the pupil, such as immunization records ...(3) The parent and child abide by any applicable rules and policies of the school and the school district; and ... (c) ... whether the parent or legal guardian: (1) Completes forms and other documents that are required by the school or school district in a timely manner; (2) Assists in carrying out a plan to improve the pupil's
academic achievement, if applicable; (3) Attends conferences between the teacher and the parent or legal guardian, if applicable; and (4) Attends school activities."

Looking forward to having your "parental report card" entered into evidence if you ever face a child custody hearing?  Starting to get the idea that maybe we now work for them?

This police state measure goes on to assure us that the new parental report cards shall not "interfere unreasonably with the personal privacy of the parent and his child or the legal guardian and his ward." But in fact, destroying any remaining family privacy and freedom is precisely what this slave measure is about, the trick being that educrats and
teachers unions will get to define the word "unreasonably."

I use the word "slave" advisedly – slaves on the plantation two centuries ago probably had as much freedom to decide how their kids would be raised as we'll retain when the fascists proposing this crap get through with us.

The premise of public education is that these "experts" with their fancy "Ed"
degrees know far more about what and how our kids should learn than do we
"uneducated" boobs. Yet they're now so desperate to shift the blame for their
failures that they seek a way to document "bad parental involvement" as the main

Parental involvement? Taxpaying parents who show up with detailed instructions on the course of study and method of instruction best suited to their individual child -- let alone concerns or demands involving library books and sex education curricula -- need not  apply. Our only job -- as SB73 makes abundantly clear – is to gratefully pay up, while teaching our children to obediently prostrate themselves before the altar of the almighty state.

My advice? Do not call or write your senator or representative to urge defeat of this measure. It'll just get back-doored later on, slipped into law in some other bill of a different name. Nope: They've shown us what they intend, and there's only one solution left:

Pull your kids out of the government schools, today. Home-school every child.  Leave their charnel houses of child enslavement and family destruction derelict and abandoned. We only think we "need" their glorified day care services because mom now has to work
full-time just to pay the taxes on dad's paycheck ... to fund the government welfare schools. Refuse to pay another penny in school taxes, loudly and publicly. They've declared war on the rights of parents to raise our own kids. And if it's war they want, Franklin Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower taught us the only terms we can afford to offer fascists: Unconditional surrender. An end to the government schools. Close them


This is my own personal advice to all as well!  Deb V



From Bill – Astute as always!


Hey America! Have you noticed that today in San Francisco that city of fruits and nuts, a theocratic federal judge ruled God unconstitutional? Now that is a surprise since the word theocratic (not trying to be a pedagogue) means divinely inspired. Wouldn't that lead you
to believe this judge does believe in a supreme being, the most accepted idea about that is GOD!

However today in San Francisco, the Ninth District Federal Appeals Court ruled that God is unconstitutional. Imagine God's shock and surprise. You must realize that this now makes it a criminal act for a multitude of your children to recite the Pledge Of Allegiance which someone long ago had the audacity to insert God into the Pledge. Of course back then (it was a time when Americas morals and values hadn't the need to be PC.) the left wing socialist weren't quite as organized and dedicated as they are today. This court (most liberal in the country) has "Ad Hoc" done what the liberal socialist communists have been attempting to do  (believe it or not since the 30's).Look out stay vigilant! We have a few other things that we hold in deep regard and respect, COULD SONGS LIKE GOD BLESS AMERICA (Kate Smith will turn over in her grave) and others be on the way out, this includes you lovers of the Bible, better take heed. You can bet your bippy they will, if we don't stop these liberal socialist judges and there are many, eat away at the very foundation of our country. They are social termites and must be removed! What about our money, or at least the paper printed by Greenspan and his tribe, it's in serious danger, look at it  - it has "in God We Trust" on one side. It must go or be changed! How about "we believe in nothing" - the liberals should like that. There is an aroma emanating from the judicial cabal, with the collusion it seems to me of the Congress and Senate. I won't bother to mention the Schumers, Clintons, Boxers, Kennedys, and last but not least that maven on creating unrest, Maxine of California. I for one refuse to be silent and continue to be pushed around. I strongly believe that this cabal has overstepped it's reach. THEY HAVE GONE TOO FAR!....... If it's possible they have finally gotten the American people to pay attention? There should be no mistake in anyone’s mind just think about it.(key word THINK) This is a concerted assault on our Constitution and our Christian values. I'm mad as hell because this time they have gone too far.  The new world order that they envision has no appeal for me. Make no mistake about those behind all of this. They are the Chosen elites, but we must never utter their name. Look to the middle east for a clue. War! Yes we are at war but don't look too far. It's right here in our own back yard. MAD AS HELL!  Bill Rouchell - River Ridge, La.



And Amo –


Well, those touchy feely candle burning, forgivers of murder should be ecstatic over the recent theocratic Supreme Courts ruling last week. They in there infinite wisdom have banned the death penalty for those with IQ's of seventy(70) or less. I may be wrong and a bit too conservative, but isn't this almost like giving liberal Democrats a license to murder. Seems to me all that Teddy and Condit had to do was wait. Just a thought. 

Amo Veritas     

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